
Do you think the reason Ron Paul’s campaign never took off is because of the well-known rumor that he’s only running for the vice presidency?


  1. Do you think the reason Ron Paul’s campaign never took off is because of the well-known rumor that he’s only running for the vice presidency?
    No. It’s because he isn’t liberal enough for the GOP and nincompoops like yourself.

  2. Maybe it’s because of his support for mandatory health care and the assault weapons ban. Oh wait, that’s Romney.
    Maybe it’s because he’d rather defend Baghdad than our own borders. Oh wait, that’s McCain.
    Maybe it’s because he eats squirrel. Oh wait, that’s Huck…

  3. The Masons started that rumor about the vice presidency to disenfranchise Ron Paul’s base. The Masons, Build-a-burgers, and evil Diebolds won’t even allow a vote for each personality, imaginary friend, or voice that his supporters have in their head. That is so unfair!
    Ron Paul 1908! Yaaaarrrrggggggggggghhh!!11!!11

  4. “Do you think the reason Ron Paul’s campaign never took off is because of the well-known rumor that he’s only running for the vice presidency?”
    Could be, but I lean toward the theory that it was because he is a certifiable lunatic. Hope I didn’t offend the mentally ill community.

  5. Do you think the reason Ron Paul’s campaign never took off is because of the well-known rumor that he’s only running for the vice presidency?

    It never took off because his brand of crazy just won’t fly.
    … I’m here all week.

  6. No, because the Founding Fathers never intended the Vice Presidency to be elected as a ticket with the President, only as a consolation prize for the loser. Check your Constitution you statist neocons.

  7. Maybe it’s because he’s so out-to-lunch that he apparently doesn’t know what goes on in his own newsletter. Oh wait, that’s…wait,that is Ron Paul.
    Maybe it’s because he thinks an out-of-date economic structure will magically cure the deficit. Oh wait, that’s…no, that’s Ron Paul, too.
    Maybe it’s because he thinks the isolationism the United States attempted following WWI would have actually worked if only he had been in charge. Oh wait, that’s…Ron Paul again.
    I got dozens more of these, BTW.

  8. I’m sure it is a conspiracy by Bush and Rove to steal the countries gold supply and give it to the trilateral commission while turning our national parks into international zones where monarchists can vacation. Ron Paul was the only one who could see that.
    Or maybe it was because many of his supporters are neo-nazis and conspiracy theorists.

  9. Maybe he’s so out-to-lunch he can’t remember what his position on gun control was five minutes ago – dammit, no, that’s Romney again!
    Maybe it’s because he thinks he can spend shitloads of your, my, and Frank’s money – ooh, no that’s McCain. And Romney. Again.
    Maybe it’s because he thinks Mideast nutjobs with dirty feet are as threatening to the US as the Axis was – oh wait, that’s YOU!

  10. I think Ron Paul’s campaign never took off because he always came across as a whiny little bitch. I just can’t see myself following that man into battle. He looks like scared old man who would ask me politely to get off his lawn, and sounds like a castrati.
    Being “conservative” isn’t enough. We want a conservative and a badass. If Ron Paul asked me to get off his lawn, I’d laugh. I might even punch him. That’s not a president.

  11. Maybe it’s because he’s a complete lunatic who is in denial that a couple of major office buildings were destroyed by Islamic fundamentalists hellbent on converting the world to their brand of Sharia Law or else believes it was a Conspiracy!!!!(TM) by those dirty, paper money-hoarding JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZ(TM)…oh wait, that may not be him, but it certainly is you.
    Honestly, Frank…your blog brings all the half-baked, crack-addict nutburgers to the yard.

  12. You are correct sir, it is an image problem, as Ron Paul is in fact a Whiny little Bitch.
    The whiniest lil’ bitches are people like Rush Limbaugh who even turn against their own party if they don’t get their way. Rush thinks he has a lot of listeners. Turns out he doesn’t based on how Limbaugh and Romney have done.

  13. #18 – Oh….now you’ve done it, Troy! You done got another Ronulan spittin’ mad! He’s going to…what do Ronulans do when they get mad, anyway? Stare at you even more crazed than normal? Slink back into the basement and mix household chemicals with ‘Do Not Mix’ warnings while they plot the downfall of the World Zionist Conspiracy? Hold an ‘Alpacas for Ron Paul’ rally in the community (empty for the winter) outdoor swimming pool?
    There should be a post on this, I think.

  14. If Senator John McCain was looking at you right now would he see someone who is ready to vote for John McCain?
    If yes, then you are about to make the right decision.
    If not, then you should try to get to know McCain a little bit more.
    John McCain is strong, mighty, fierce, brave and unimaginably smart.
    John McCain ’08
    The Right Man to Lead Us

  15. The only way I vote for McCain is if he has the common sense to pick Fred as VP.
    BTW, who let the Paultards in? They really need to stop waring their tin foil hats so tight. That just cuts off the little bit of blood that was getting to their brains. I think Paul spoke about this in one of his racist newsletters.

  16. “Do you think the reason Ron Paul’s campaign never took off is because of the well-known rumor that he’s only running for the vice presidency?”
    The rumor didn’t do it for me. Nevertheless, I don’t know about you, but I know for me, I got suspicious when I heard that there was (is) actually a Republican Congressman from Texas that wants to pull the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, stop funding the Pentagon and Israel, and kill all the Jews. So as a former government agent, I decided to go to work on this case of dubious Republican identity. By tracing MAC addresses and IP addresses back to Travis County, TX. I found that there is some sort of blogosphere bot worm called Ron Paul that is being spread by now disgraced Travis County (Texas) Prosecutor Ronnie Earl, of fame for trying prosecute Tom Delay. My sleuthing didn’t stop there. Some old plastic surgery receipts confirm that Ron Paul is actually Ronnie Earl. Another case solved by your friendly Skull and Bones Representative. JW.

  17. OK, Basilisk, now I get you. You’re one of those guys who thinks because a bunch of Saudis hijacked some planes and (gasp)destroyed TWO OFFICE BUILDINGS!!! (in Vegas, you know what they call that? Tuesday) that we needed to invade Iraq, which is by the way not Saudi Arabia.
    Hey – Mexico isn’t Saudi Arabia. Maybe we should invade there, too! Har har! Maybe we should invade Luxembourg! And Uganda!
    I eagerly await more genius ideas from your obviously highly evolved brain.
    In the meanwhile, I will be voting tomorrow for a guy who got more money from members of our armed forces than all the other Republicans combined.

  18. In the meanwhile, I will be voting tomorrow for a guy who got more money from members of our armed forces than all the other Republicans combined.
    Besides Ron Paul, right? He’s been raking the money in faster than Scientology at a Hollywood awards event. And more money equals better qualifications, obviously… duh!

  19. Historical Reminder: The last guy to figure out how to turn off the government spending machine is now well unemployed (he runs a website I don’t think Ron Paul is smart enough to figure out how to turn off the check writing function of the treasury. Shutting down the government is dramatic but it also pisses off allot of would be supporters. Thus, it is an overated campaign pledge. Ron Paul is an isolationist nutter.
    He [Ron Paul] missed the big picture in the political history lesson of the nineties. Here is the lesson in it’s entirety for those that missed it. Don’t worry it is a brief [euphemism for non-exhaustive] lesson.
    Before you turn off the check writing function of the treasury your party has to control the Congress and you have to control your party.
    It doesn’t really work as a campaign pledge because there aren’t enough nut jobs to support that policy unless the Clintons are in the EOP (Executive Office of the President) then the nut jobs rise up and it seems to be ok with the “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.” Just remember this policy is of dubious value unless you are trying to get hired by brother Rupert over at Fox. God Bless. JW

  20. I am all for shutting down the government. the only thing they ever accomplish is to jam it up our asses. I’m tired of Uncle Sam raping my ass. People just didn’t have the balls to stand behind Newt when he did what needed to be done. BTW- I’m not sure I wouldn’t like to fight the jihadis here. At least I would have a moving target to shoot at.

  21. If Senator John McCain was looking at you right now would he see someone who is ready to vote for John McCain?
    No, he’d just see the tips of my two fingers as they came at his eyeballs Three Stooges style.
    Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

  22. #27 – By the way, that tinfoil hat of yours seems to be a wee bit tight. That’s what’s probably cutting off all that blood flow to your brain. I know those mind control rays from the World Zionist Conspiracy in Washington might get in if the hat slips off, but if your brain haemorrhages, the chemicals from those vapour trails are going to seep in and those gold-hoarding JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZ(TM) will take over your body, anyway. DON’T LET THEM GET YOU!!!!!!
    Man…whatever kind of inroads Ron Paul may have made into politics appears to have been completely undone by the kinds of unhinged moonbats who support him.

  23. Basilisk – I haven’t espoused any conspiracy theories. You made that up in your head. Which is not surprising coming from someone whose name means “stoner”.
    Ron Paul hasn’t espoused any of those theories either.
    AlanABQ – yes, I think getting the most money from people actually serving in the military is a strong point in favor of his foreign policy. These are people who don’t make much money, and whose daily job it is to blow up our enemies, shoot them in the face, etc.
    But maybe you think Rom’s donors know more about foreign policy. Well, his biggest donor by a margin of about $35,000,000 is himself – maybe he learned a thing or two while on mission in France?

  24. Oh – sorry. Ny biggest weakness I’m not very organized. My desk is messy and I lose papers. Ah, McCain sucks too. Spendy. Imperfect on firearms. Thinks Basilisk should go to jail just because he likes to get high.

  25. Nope, sorry. Hate to disappoint you, CTD, since I know you were hoping I would get stoned so you could get into my trousers. Unfortunately for you, even if I was single, I only date Earth males.

  26. yes, I think getting the most money from people actually serving in the military is a strong point in favor of his foreign policy.
    Ron Paul gets the most military donations by the same way he wins internet polls, by spamming and cooking the data every way possible.
    The guy’s campaign encouraged anyone with the remotest connection to the military to indicate that on their forms when they donated. Whereas if a person who is a retired from the military often wouldn’t indicate something and many people just leave it blank, Paul’s campaign made of a point of pushing it just like he encouraged guys like you to surf the internet and spend your time trolling sites like this you’ve never been to before to make it appear he is something other than a fringe candidate.
    It’s pathetic. You have to rely on other people’s gullibility to cook up your support. Stop it.

  27. Basilisk
    Basilisk: you continue to make stuff up.
    #43: You’re also making stuff up. I don’t need encouragement to pimp Ron Paul. Why?
    Because I don’t want to live in a welfare state.
    Because I don’t want politicians deciding which guns are OK for me to buy.
    Because I think the US Army should defend the US, not f***ing Kuwait and Kosovo.
    Maybe you do, but if so I don’t know why you read this site.

  28. Man, whatever happens, I hope that asshat runs again in 2012… Nothing is better than reading a bunch of Ron Paul rants.
    Since we are screwed anyway with Julio McChiChi, if he were to add the supreme Ronulan as VP, we could probably get 4 more years of alien-rape chuckles, and rhythm-method foreign policy (pull out now!), and internet troll bait.

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