Saturday Open Thread

Suggested subjects: war, beer, Coulter, bibles, border fences, beef and more Coulter
Also, guns.


  1. I propose we declare war on Germany (and appoint Coulter to be a general) in order to liberate their beer, which we will use to raise beer-fed beef, and with the leather of the beef-cows we will bound bibles, which we will build a border fence with, under the instruction of Coulter.

  2. It was a fantasy about Coulter and Ingrham in brown shirts and boots that first started my conversion to Conservatism. They are both as hot as they are brilliant.
    All Lib women are barkers, except for the few you see on FNC.

  3. Yeah, I’m just gonna concentrate on Coulter, spacemonkey, after seeing her speech yesterday. She’s got the largest reamer on a brace in modern politics. Some beef would be good, too, along with my beer. Now, more Coulter please!

  4. I’m reading through the Bible right now. I’m at Exodus 20 and I have the overwhelming urge to watch the Ten Commandments. Charlton Heston is SO great. “THOSE WHO WILL NOT LIVE BY THE LAW SHALL DIE BY THE LAW!” You gotta admit, that’s pretty badass.
    Also, next Sunday, I’m taking the Firearms Safety Course, which will thus enable me to apply for a gun license (I live in communist Canada). I’m pretty excited for that.

  5. You guys watching today’s caucus/primary returns? Obama is cleaning Clinton’s chronometer. And Huckabee thinks he can still pull it off (ala Kansas)!
    It looks like a socialist airhead vs. a old, pro-amnesty geezer in the final.
    I need to be attacked by conservatives. Where’s my bottle of Coulter?

  6. Beef-my favorite animal flesh (though high grade tuna is a close second)
    Beer-“Living proof that God wants us to be happy and healthy.” Benjamin Franklin, Also Belgian ales will rock your world (and empty your wallet).
    War-A grim nesscarity of human existence, so accept and make sure you’re the most feared badass on the block.
    Coulter-A loved her till she went off her rocker (Jersey girls bullshit), now should be the subject of an intervention if she actively campaigns/promotes Hillary.
    Bibles-Everybody should peodically read from, great stuff in there.
    Border fence- should include landmines, reverse ditch ankle brakers, triple physical fences and screw a rancor or some ghouls patrolling between the fences.
    Guns-love ’em, can’t decide between getting a nice 1911 (less than $1500) or an SLR milled reciever 7,62x39mm rifle (I’d get a milled 5,56 NATO except they have temporaily stopped producing them).

  7. It was a dark and stormy night….
    I was sitting in a little diner in Texas eating a 16 oz sirloin, as rare as can legally be served. Anne Coulter was on the TV over the bar. The sound was turned down, but I still couldn’t pull my eyes away. She seemed angy, as hot as a south Texas night, as cool as the sweat sliding down the side of my long neck Lone Star. A trucker in the corner was laughing about the war. Seems the bad guys had started wetting themselves every time they heard the word “Marine”. The moisture was setting off their splodey belts and they were blowing up faster than our guys could shoot them. I started to smile too, that is, until the guy next to the trucker said “Por Que? No Habla.”You could have heard a pin drop as my hand drifted down to “Doris” my trusty 1911. Three shots and tree seconds later, I was chasing the non profiled individual of indeterminate ethnic origin across the desert surrounding the diner. I had him. Drug smuggler, terrorist, carpenter driving down wages in the construction industry around El Paso, I was about to find out. Suddenly, with a hurculean effort on his part he was somehow able to leap over the environmentaly friendly, two foot high, single strand, barbless wire, border fence. “Next time” I said through gritted teeth, “next time”. Oh, and more Coulter.

  8. I dig Coulter’s books, even just started ‘Slander’ a few days ago, but I agree with war-con. She’s still a great conservative pundit, though.
    I want guns, but not just any guns; I want a couple of HK MP7’s, a couple of SiG 556’s, and a couple of modified Mossberg 12 gauges w/ pistol grips & a few thousand Sabot slugs.
    The border fence should have a 200′ vertical range: 100′ in the ground & 100′ above. Guard towers every 1/4 mile equipped with the latest & best in long-range target elimination. All this is war… Imagine a world without cocaine & nasty-ass Dos Equis “beer!
    Beef, buffalo, spotted owl, whatever. As long as my food cast a moving shadow at some point, I’ll find a way to BBQ it.
    And the Bible? It’s an acronym:

  9. Obama’s Virginia speech just over.
    Clinton is history. Gone. Toast. Out-a-here. Bye-bye Clintons.
    Forget Clinton, people, Barack Obama will be the Democrat Tribal Leader.
    He wants to lead the tribe.

  10. I need to really get the message out about something. That is health and health CARE.
    After my dad had abominations (surgery, radiation, and chemo”therapy”) done to him to get rid of his cancer, with the end result being failure, I’ve looked into natural solutions for cancer.
    I’ve never given money to any cancer research organization because I know that money is not the solution. I’ve known that there has been repression of natural ingredients that can be used in treating conditions, but the history of the government bureaucracy over how people are treat and what they’re treated with.
    This is very important in regards to every single person and how they’re treated. Doctors should be able to treat their patients with every possible resource to heal their patients, especially with natural therapies that work WITH a person’s body instead of working against it. In most cases, the body has the ability to heal itself, but we are bombarded with chemicals everywhere, including the doctor’s prescriptions. Does harming our bodies to treat them sound logical at all?
    There are doctors who treat people harnessing natural remedies to give their patients the power to heal themselves. I believe, with the most illnesses, there’s a disruption in the body’s natural flow . . . most doctor’s treat the symptom instead of helping the body regulate itself.
    Natural doctors are being gagged from using remedies that aren’t blessed by the FDA or pharmaceutical companies. They are punished for giving their patients laetrile (called B17 or Amygdalin). Even if a herbal remedy WORKS herbal companies (or even health stores) are not allowed to say so, and if they do they are reprimanded with the result being them going out of business.
    There’s another point to this to.
    Through fascistic control of remedies, the FDA ,with much conjunction with the pharm. companies (it’s hard to tell who is really charge of the reins), they are controlling health and, by relation, YOU.
    Modern “civil rights” are just there to keep the (mostly) non-white populace dumb and poor, welfare to keep the poor populace from working to help themselves, extreme taxes to make sure people can’t be successful, mandatory education in public schools to keep the children thinking like sheep so they’ll be mediocre adults . . . the list could go on; just think of everything that’s mandatory for “your own good” that ultimately leads to you having no control.
    PARENTS are faced with fines and jail time if they don’t give their children vaccinations for school.
    I’m not saying let’s all become pot-smoking hippies, I’m just saying give doctors the power to heal their patients. Give the patients the power to choose the doctor that they think will heal them most.
    I know this may sound like the maniacal ramblings of a mad, smelly, hippie woman, but this is important to me, and I KNOW it’s important for other people.
    We may be screwed this presidential election, but there are Senators and Representatives that do the back work. Tell them that you want the freedom to choose your health care, your money, and your way of life.
    Some health sites that espouse the same things I’m saying are a bit kooky, but that doesn’t change the fact that we NEED to have control of the thing the gov’t shouldn’t take from us: our health. If they had a regulation committee to break our souls, they’d make it.
    I received my shipment of Essiac (Flor Essence brand) and other health stuff (and I may get a hold of some apricot kernel seeds and B17/Laetrile/Amygdalin.)
    R*n P4ul introduced a bill for Health Freedom, even though I wouldn’t vote for him for Pres., I would ask that you look into the bill.
    If you look long enough, you’ll hear very scary stuff. Sadly, a lot of it’s true, which makes it hard to dissect paranoia from the gov’t actually trying to control people health and the people themselves. :-/
    Thanks for looking at this. I’m NOT crazy. I still like a good steak. So there. I’m “normal”. Yes.

  11. In the spirit of “guns” as a topic, I would recommend buying them! All of them.
    From me of course.
    My current feature item is the oh so sweet Barrett, subject of much hand-wringing and consternation, .50 caliber M82A1A/XM107 (no need to inquire if you are from California).
    Want the (BOS) Barrett long range optics package to go with that? Yep, it’s also avalaible – albeit at pricey prices.
    Need more?
    There are 30,119 guns for sale at Traction Control’s site.
    Another thing up at the site is Litmus Test – Parts I and II where the Senate and the House support is categorized in support or non-support of the DC v. Heller case. With sweet, sweet, handmade, colorful graphs!
    P.S. to Frank – Did you find the scatter gun you were shopping for? If so, do you want to get another?
    Give me a shout.

  12. Did someone say guns?? My current friends
    Rock River LE Tactical with EIEIO tech optic (wish I could afford an ACOG), modified sling, upgraded pistol grip.
    Springfield XD 40 fullsize highlighted sights, with grip sleeve.

  13. First off,Coulter and Ingrham in brown shirts and boots is almost better than anything I could ever come up with on my own.
    Secondly, I just set my fridge 4 great 8 ounce New York strips marinading in my own Guinness Marinade sauce to BBQ tomorrow with my family. Beef…it brings a family together.
    I only have 2 guns, an antique Shotgun, and a Browning 9 mil. But I lust after many more. Now if you can get Coulter hold a pistol…
    As for War, border fences, and the Bible: we need much more of the last 2, and just to win the first.

  14. It’s been a good weekend! Watching the Clinton campaign slowly begin to tear itself apart as she loses EVERYTHING is super awesome! Listening to Coulter’s speech at CPAC was super awesome! Watching McCain get his ass kicked yesterday was super awesome! This is starting to be fun!

  15. Beer, indeed. I was in the store buying a bottle of champagne for somebody who had just referred some business to me, and I figured I’d buy some beer as long as I was in there, since my stock was down to a case or so. I bought a six-pack of Grand Teton Bitch Creek ESB. It’s somewhat darker than Red Hook ESB, which is my favorite beer for what passes for winter around here. It sure tastes as if the malt has been caramelized somewhat. I happen not to like that, but those of you who do should check it out.

  16. Let’s talk about REVOLT. GOP members, let’s take our party back. Let’s keep McAmnesty from getting sufficient delegates for the convention and then have a “free for all”, open convention where we actually draft someone if we have to.

  17. Ah yes, Coulter and Ingrahm in brownshirts and boots. I had that same fantasy.
    #10 – Posted by: Jeep on February 9, 2008 09:51 PM
    No shirts and high heeled thigh high black patent leather boots. Include Michelle Malkin and Mary Catherine Ham. Oh, and hot lesbian prawns!

  18. When it comes to beer, I gotta have a Guinness when I can. Any of you ever tried Sierra Nevada Pale Ale or Blue Moon? They’re pretty good, even better when you compare them to Bud or MGD. Of course, there’s lots of days when the budget only allows for Hurricane HG, but hey, it’s still beer.
    #’s 28 & 37
    I betting the things that are beyond you is a formidable list indeed. To name a few:
    * Velcro
    * Women
    * Minute Rice
    * Finding that ever elusive “any key” button
    And so it goes. If the best thing you can find to attack Coulter about is that she’s more of a man than you is somewhat telling…

  19. Coulter with a capital “C”, bible with a small “B”. You freakin’ Right Wing commie pinko!
    #18 – Posted by: Bilbo on February 9, 2008 11:24 PM
    Bible with a capital B when it is the title. Bible with a lowercase b when it is used as a general term meaning book.
    Semper Fidelis, you politically correct, leftie commie pinko!

  20. Why?
    #6 – Posted by: AR on February 9, 2008 08:46 PM
    Cause I was born here and I’m too poor to move out!
    #40 – Posted by: AlanABQ on February 10, 2008 01:59 PM
    Guinness = so great! It has to be on tap though. None of that canned jazz…
    So I’m saving up to buy my first gun in a few months, does anyone know a good one to start with? I’m going for some sort of handgun…

  21. Dang it, Alan, I normally don’t read posts by JoeB131 and all his personalities, but you forced me with your numerical reference to him. I think you nailed the actual Joe with your analysis, though. Thanks, now I can return to my GLAZED over treatment of him and other trolls here.

  22. Look, I like Coulter and Ingraham but…how about we can the ‘brown shirt’ comments. Anyone who would say that sounds a little moby-ish to me, and is counting on all us redneck, hillbilly, jesus-freak, beer-drinkin’, pickup-truck-drivin’, gun-totin’, one-toothed, cousin-marryin’, inbred, conservative voters to not remember our history.
    Brown-shirts were Nazis in 1930s Germany, y’all. Never give a moby and even break.

  23. Nono, dkirk. Use your urban dictionary. Like “pearl necklace” being the aftermath of a facial gone bad, “brown shirts” are the natural result of that distinguished lake freighter, the Cleveland Steamer.
    Now, back to beef and beer.

  24. McCain is a backlash result, because of Bush’s low public standing and how f-ing useless the GOP Congress was before and after the 2006 thumping.
    Its like Nixon, it may take a term before everything re-adjusts. I mean c’mon, if the nation survived Jimmy Carter we can shoulder an Obama, Clinton, or McCain. while we are still cleaning up his messes, we survived more or less intact.

  25. Oh come on, Joe. Coulter’s not my hero…
    You are! What with your circular logic, observational selections, incessant trolling, straw man & ad hominem diatribes, short-term vision, inability to interpret stats… shall I go on? I could, but there’s only so much time in a day.

  26. Hwy93, RE #12 that was great!
    Ochagirl, RE #16 I did read your whole post and you make a lot of sense. Only we should be in control of our health decisions.
    I am sorry for all you are going through.

  27. Some men and I use the term loosely in Joes case, are intimidated by Ann. They feel threatened and insecure that a woman can out think them and look awesome doing it.
    Just because liberal men are dying to get into dresses ( literally) doesn’t mean the rest of mankind seeks to be a-sexual. Stop whining about the big bad blond bombshell (who probably weighs in, at what, 115 pounds) and acquire some common sense.
    Or continue to drool, your choice.

  28. #48 JoeB131
    “That Jews needed to be “perfected” by being converted to Christianity.”
    That would mean she believes her religion. Jews believe theirs. Muslems believe theirs. Atheists believe theirs. Would that not indicate a level of bigotry on your part to say you can believe what you want to but she is not allowed to?
    “That the widows of people killed in 9/11 where enjoying their husband’s deaths. ”
    I assume they did not hate the attention and prestige they receved from using the tragic death of there husbands for political gain. Her statement is correct and no less insensitive then what they were doing.
    “Regretting that mass murderer Tim McVeigh didn’t blow up the New York Times building.”
    Since the FBI tends to be less treasonous then the Times then all things considered I would rather have the FBI building back.
    “Mocked the dead son of John Edwards by claiming Edwards had an “Ask me about my dead son” bumper sticker.”
    She was making a point that he was talking about the child every other speech. Cindy Sheehan is the only person to use there own dead child more discracefully.

  29. Yeah, the fantasy has Coulter and Ingraham in Brown Shirts and Sam Browne belts and high heeled boots w/ fish net stocking! Go with the Nazi image and yes, they could make me talk!
    Guns? let’s see, I’ve been collecting a while.
    2 each M1A standard rifle
    1 each TRW M14 – I am a Class III holder
    1 each M1919A4
    2 each M1 Garand
    2 each Yugo M70AB2
    1 each CETME
    1 each HK91
    2 each FAL. STg58 and L1A1
    1 each DPMS Panther M4
    1 each Colt AR15
    3 each M1917 .30 Cal Rifle
    2 each SA M1903A3
    2 each Model 1897 Trench Shotguns
    Throw in a stack of Shotguns from 1889 Remington 10ga to Siga semi-auto that adds anothet 20-25 long guns and another 2 dozen or so bolt, lever and pump sporting rifles.
    Pistols? The most recent insurance rider listed 47 handguns.
    Oh, I almost forgot 8 flint and percussion BP rifles
    Current ammo stocks are 28k rds for rifles. 12K rds for shortguns and about 12K rds for handguns.
    The local Fire and police have advised that I need to apply for special permitting for storage.
    I am still buying guns and ammo.

  30. The time has come for the dissolution of the republican party. For years I have watched everything slide to the left. The reps are now the dems of old, and the new dems are so left they make commies blush. President Bush is not a compasionate conservative… he is a GODD@MN Liberal republican. Now the RNC wants to cram another liberal down our throats?!? The time has come for conservatives to cut off the hand to save our lives. We need to form a new party, establish to the country what we stand for, and make no concessions. WE WILL NOT BE OPRESSED!!!

  31. #42 Emily
    May I recomend a nine millimeter? Its an excellent first pistol. I also would recomend some basic training with it. Most accidents occure because of insufficent training.
    If all else fails get about 100 rounds and head to the local gun range. Get comfortable with it.

  32. as someone who has actually seen her in person, Coulter is kinda anorexic, her body is only mediocre, shes got a hot face though, ill give her for guns, everyone needs one(or two) on them at all times

  33. Guess who is fishing this year. Clue: The bait is Hillarycare.
    It is easy to say “it is the economy stupid” and blame George Bush (who most of the liberals bash as stupid), but I am not naive. During 8 years of Clinton we began outsourcing jobs to India via fiber optic cables, what I like to call virtual factor mobility in labor. A giant economic experiment that went bust out of the laboratory (in the real world in other words). In my view we instantly allowed millions of jobs to go overseas on the false promise of a boost in our overall welfare from free trade. However, factor mobility in labor is not free trade at all, it is as if millions were let into the country to work for nothing and pay no taxes. Inside of our country millions of jobs were lost and the remaining jobs left in the country were more difficult to get because of the competition. We didn’t just lose call centers, we lost accounting, science, engineering, and analysis to people willing to work for a handful of rupis (whatever a rupi is) per year.
    There was a big “rollback” on wages. At the same time free trade with China (the PRC) excacerbated the losses of rust belt jobs. There are lag ramifications for Clinton’s “golden” economic policies that we are just now starting to feel the pinch from. Why now? Because our credit has run out. Economic miracle, hardly. Don’t blame me, I hear the “giant sucking sound (Ross Perot).”
    My advice would be to make the internet outages permanent in India.
    Of course the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics)would like us to believe that wages went up not down. How can this be? Well, we have to look at the conflict of interest within the bureau and recognize that they no longer count the wages of the millions of people who are doing the jobs that were once done by Americans but now done through circuits. When you average American wages with the labor that was let in via the fiber you will see where the wages went. Wages went South by the way. Miracle, no. Not even close.
    Call it the work of the people (maybe the People of China), but the Clintons sent our economy into a tailspin just before they left office which was just fine for the wealthy tycoons who love low wages and did nothing to reverse the tailspin. Call it a marriage made in hell. While they were in office they left a mess for our economy and they thought nobody would notice because there was plenty of lag before the train wreck. They of course want to get back in office to fix what they broke, or not. Should we give them 8 years to be our stewards at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue again?
    No way. Clip the fiber optic cables today and make the outages permanent. Our economy will roar back to life overnight.
    The Clinton’s motive was to take down the global economy in an effort to destroy the tax base so that finances for the military industrial complex would evaporate and we could enjoy global cooling, communism, and peace. Their plan was well on the way to redistributing the wealth (look at the Indian GNP if you don’t believe me). The Clinton’s created that not Dr. Singh and Dr. Kalam. Call them anarchists, peace activists or whatever, but please don’t call them residents of Washington, DC again.
    It is amazing how quick people forget the important remarks that the Clintons have made regarding their grand plan to destroy our economy in an effort to destroy the Pentagon (what they call the war machine). It was just a couple of weeks ago (1/31/08) that Bill Clinton stated that we needed to slow down the economy. This all plays into their plan to slow down industrialization thereby cooling the planet. I know it has some allure to some people, the climate change argument is convincing to many, but I don’t buy it. There promise of fighting poverty is not what you think either. Actually, they plan to fight poverty around the world by shipping our assets to third world countries, call it redistribution. They don’t have a plan to get your job back. Suprised, well I am not. Communism has always had some sort of seductive allure for some people. They believe in the peaceful revolution of the world’s workers. In other words they want workers to unite in the ballot box over the promise of utopian society. The road to serfdom is on the ballot this year. Call it a promise.
    I am more worried about the bait and switch the Hillary Campaign is offering you than worrying about sullying young Chelsea’s reputation. They are offering you Hillarycare and you will get the rise of a Stalinist State right here in America. Try to look through the smoke and ignore the mirrors. During the first eight years they shipped out our jobs to India by fiber cables and China (shipping in cheap products to stores like WALMART), gutted the military, and there was an infusion of spending from the money that wasn’t being spent on the military (there supposed economic miracle, otherwise known as the cold war ending). 9/11 was not an inside job, but we were left vunerable after the Clinton’s gutted the defense apparatus in this country. There were lag ramifications for their policies and it took long enough for their policies to achieve full effect that we blamed some of it on the Bush Administration. They saw no need for the military, nor do they see a need now. Remember, communism comes around when the capitalism collapses. Their goal was to accelerate the collapse of our global economy. It is their stated intention to “slow down the economy” (Bill Clinton 1/31/08). No point arguing with most of dems, the wool is their eyes. They will vote for Hillary because she is a woman and pretends to espouse their values. There was a secret plan to destroy the military industrial complex in the waning days of the Clinton Administration. They signed on with the plutocrats, like the pardoned Marc Rich, because they had a match made in hell. Creating a low wage society in America serves the wealthy in India and China and gives the communists a strategic window to take over. The end of the plutocrats is the last stage of creating their Stalinist State. Don’t be suprised when the time comes for me to say “I told you so.” The end of capitalism and possibly democracy is just a chad away in a ballot box near you. Anything but Hillary 08. Veritatem Cognoscere

  34. My favorite gun that I carry is my M61A2 20mm. It sounds like a buzz saw when I am shredding targets from 1000 feet. More practical to actually carry on my person… anything that starts with .4

  35. #58 – Your political observation is spot on. Today JFK and Harry truman would be conservatives. And I have always said that harry would have 90% of todays Democrats imprisoned as Commies.
    #60 You’re right about Coulters physique, she is too thin but 75% of sexuality is mental.
    9MM is for women and Europeans. It sucks. I have afew, I use them to kid kids started on shooting.

  36. .410 pistol anyone? Don’t have one myself, but have been a fan of the little shotgun since I learned to shoot with it decades ago. Still have that one.
    Beer. Too many good ones to mention, and there are regional types that some may have never heard of. If you travel, always try the local brews.
    Venison steak is better than beef, but Elk is better than Venison. But anything on the grill is good, even a carp. I prefer stuff out of the water, fish, crawfish etc. But redmeat is best, mmmm, waterfowl is better yet. Confusing. I like the post about casting a moving shadow, although crawfish rarely do that.

  37. So I’m saving up to buy my first gun in a few months, does anyone know a good one to start with? I’m going for some sort of handgun…
    #42 – Posted by: Emily on February 10, 2008 02:24 PM
    Being a gun-toting female myself, I prefer my .38 special. It’s concealable and fun! If you’re looking for something bigger, try a 1911. I’m a fan of the Springfield – it comes in a brushed chrome finish that would make anyone pee in their pants…

  38. Oh, and on the other subjects:
    War – we need to finish it.
    Beer – not a huge fan, but am a lover of a good Newcastle on tap.
    Coulter – eh… whatever.
    The Bible – “No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: He is always convinced that it says what he means.” –George Bernard Shaw – I am a firm believer in God and Christ, but too many people have skewed religion to be what they want it to be.
    Border fences – we should place turrets on top and let all these trigger happy WOW and HALO player sit atop and pick people off. I think that would be pretty effective.
    Beef – I personally have no taste for it. Reading The Jungle by Upton Sinclair ruined it for me. I’m a big fan of chicken though, and I will try pretty much anything once…
    More Coulter – Okay, so she does have a very pretty face, but I agree with some of y’all that she’s a bit too thin. Maybe she needs to eat the beef that I don’t.
    Guns – Yaaaay!!

  39. When it comes to beer, I gotta have a Guinness when I can. Any of you ever tried Sierra Nevada Pale Ale or Blue Moon?
    I drink Sierra Nevada Pale Ale quite frequently. Just about every restaurant and bar in Silicon Valley has it, frequently on draft. I think that Mirror Pond is better, but we’r talking about comparing an A with an A+. Sierra Nevada is awfully good.
    I got (and drank) a six-pack of Blue Moon last summer when I was in Chicago’s burbs getting my mother into the hospital for a knee replacement and making sure that the next few days went smoothly. Good beer. Not as good as Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, in my opinion, but plenty good.

  40. #37 Joe
    Granted I’ve never seen you but by the way you comment I’d imagine Coulter is right up your alley. You said she’s a “drag queen who makes hateful comments and thinks they’re funny”. Sounds an awful lot like you or someone you’d fall head over heels for.

  41. Did anyone know that the largest beer producer in the world was Germany. I mean, they’re tiny. But every little town bigger than 5 people brews their own beer, one brewery per 5 people in the population.

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