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Apparently John McCain now comes with a warning label.
I wonder who it’s for?

  • Temporarily not-killed-yet Muslim terrorists.
  • That damn beagle who beat him out for Best In Show.
  • Kids who’ve outgrown their childish belief in the Boogeyman… prematurely as it turns out.
  • Will Robinson!
  • Nobody, actually, it’s just the name of McCain’s favorite Women’s Baseball team.
  • Any Republican candidates too pigheaded to drop out of the race whose names – ironically – rhyme with “luckily”.
  • Bitter old cranks like me who are still pissed that – thanks to Johnny boy – you can’t even BUY free speech in this country any more.
  • John Connor (even though this is obviously one of those ineffective, rubber-skinned Series 600 jobs)
  • Size 14 women who help him move a couch into his van only to wake up at the bottom of a well, where they’re told what to do with a bottle of lotion.

Any other ideas?


  1. Bitter YOUNG cranks like me who are still pissed that – thanks to Johnny boy – you can’t even BUY free speech in this country any more.
    The remaining vietcong, cause you just know he wants to bomb them like Bush did to Saddam.
    The Constitution, cause McCains looking at it with White-out.
    MTV: McCain Theocratic Viewership.

  2. Danger: Moderate may seem conservative at time.
    But, I understand the issues that people are upset with him over, but at the same time, if given the options (him, vs. Obama or Hilary), we probably should still vote for him. To quote a commenter from the geekwitha45 blog, (because he put it best)
    “I know; McCain’s a total shit, and I loathe him. But in the end, I love my country more than I hate John McCain–and handing over the reins of power to the Left will, with absolute certainty, bring this country down–just as the Left has brought down Britain, France and the rest of Europe.”

  3. Can you guys please nuke Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, and the entire Middle East (apart from Israel) for us. I guess we could do Pakistan, but our missiles don’t go further than Pakistan.
    An Indian residing in the US. Who has had enough of Muslim terrorist actions in New Delhi, Kashmir, ancient temples blown up (yet try moving in on a f***ing abandoned mosque, suddenly they claim its where Mohamed first discovered Nuclear Fusion), and the sort. What kind of religion makes Mickey Mouse tell their own children to f***ing blow them self up??? What kind of sick f***ing parents want their own child “martyred” rather than living a happy fulfilling life?
    Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I just hope McCain will be doing not just America, but the entire world a HUGE favor by eradicating this religion off the face of this planet. The only pity would be that you couldn’t move into the middle East for a while then, cause of the fallout and all. But I guess living in a freshly nuked environment is still healthier than living there with all the Arabs there.
    So, hopefully the danger sign stands for “Danger. We are about to eradicate all practicing Muslims. The sudden lack of terrorism around the world may be disorienting.”

  4. sorry, in my anger forgot to mention: the very obvious reasons the US has for wanting to annihilated these guys. They go without saying. I just wanted to point out the reasons others have for being haters.

  5. Well people. BHO just took the lead in Texas polls, be prepared to welcome our new socialist overlord. Fact is the left is in love with their candidate and we are in loathe with ours, so the writing is kind of on the wall, methinks.
    BHO – Saying Nothing Better than Anyone
    “We are the ones we have been waiting for…”

  6. Kind of like looking in a mirror, CraigO, and saying “I am the one I’m looking at!”
    Or out loud:
    “I’m the one I’m talking to!”
    He’s addressing the downtrodden masses of messiah seekers. The seek… and they find.

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