A Thompson/Edwards Debate

We’ve given you the Fred Thompson Facts and the John Edwards Facts, but what happens when the two collide? Apparently they will be debating each other at the Manufacturers’ Association of Northwest Pennsylvania with Tony Snow moderating.
I think Fred Thompson will just look at John Edwards, and then Edwards will explode into a fine red and yellow mist. Thompson will be declared the winner, be given Edwards giant house, and made king. Then there will be a dinner of mead and mutton and it will be awesome.

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  1. When Edwards comes out on stage, will he already be puking out of fear? I don’t really want him to ‘splode, it would be much more fun to watch Fred beat him like a pinata. I’ll bring the broom handle and my daughter has already volunteered to pin him down and tie him up for us.

  2. And I hope Fred utters the words: “The Republicans don’t take a dump without a plan, son.” at which point Edwards soils his britches while mumbling “Bring me my brown pants.”

  3. infinity (in·fin·i·ty)
    n. pl. in·fin·i·ties
    1. The quality or condition of being infinite.
    2. Unbounded space, time, or quantity.
    3. An indefinitely large number or amount.
    4. The ratio of the amount of time Edwards will spend vs. Fred primping and adjusting before the debate.

  4. This will be better than Tyson vs. Hollyfield, and just as lopsided. I just got off the phone with Tracy Shepard at MANP. At this time they are only offering seats to MANP members. In two weeks, they will offer seats to non members. The seats will be sold in tables of 10. The prices are as follows per table:
    you can hear the swoshing sound of Edwards hair: $1,500
    Can still see Thompson’s glowing red eyes: $1,200
    Can barely smell the fear emminating out of Edwards: $1,100(Dude!!! it’s Fred Thompson. Shell out the extra dough!)
    I asked if this will be available on the net. It appears this option has never crossed their minds. Tracy said she will look into it. They will get back to me when they can start selling to non members.
    Looks like I’m going to need a IMAO Fred Thompson Shirt. Are there any left in a XL?

  5. Things that make you go ughh!! That would be great. Someone screws around trying to give Sen. Clinton a wedgie. Unknowingly, the sight of her in her unmentionables turns everyone watching to stone. The worst part is only the most intelligent of our society actually watches the debates. This would leave the lowest of the gene pool to carry on. 40 years of Democrat control to follow.

  6. To better plan the post-debate festivities, the Manufacturers’ Association social director is soliciting input from likely guests. Please answer a few questions and include in the return envelope:
    The Thompson/Edwards debate should be followed by:
    (a) $10,000/plate dinner with flowers and violins.
    (b) $10,000/second arm-wrestling contest between Edwards and Thompson.
    (c) $10,000/shot Tennessee whiskey chug under the table.
    (d) $1,000,000/head, old-fashioned, Southern-style butt kicking in a smoke-filled room.

  7. i received a letter from Fred Thompson campaign thanking for support and hoping for continued support. it mentioned to look at http://www.fred08.com for the latest info……
    the site may have too much traffic to show it’s contents? …..it will not open to anything but the word ‘success’ on a blank white page for me. server states ‘Done’ opening.

  8. I still haven’t taken off my Thompson ’08 bumper sticker. I think I will keep it on until McCain announces his VP pick.
    I’m still depressed that Fred dropped out. Give Edwards some Whup-Ass Fred!

  9. Boy, wouldn’t I love to be there for that.
    My guess is that Edwards is going to come out in sunglasses and a radiation suit; Fred’s awesomeness will cause the little weasel to burst into flames the moment he gets within fifty feet of him unless he’s in full protection.

  10. After Fred tells Johnny to get his sickly self out on stage and to quit hiding behind the curtain, Johnny reluctantly comes out too scared to crap his pants, puke, or blow up into a rainbow colored mist.
    Then Johnny pulls a pistol while writhing on the floor, unable to operate it anyways, Fred yanks it away and Johnny throws his clothing at Fred saying ” take it” in a quavering voice.
    It appeared that Fred just wanted Johnny’s outfit for his daughter’s doll, and a fun way to prove a point.

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