Americans Like America

Apparently Obama has taken a hit in the polls. The lesson here is that Americans really like America, so, as a politician, you should be careful not to appear sympathetic to people who hate America. Actually, we started a whole war against people who hate America; we feel that strongly on that issue.
I think the only option now is for Obama to go on vacation in Europe. While there, he should wear a cowboy hat and an American flag t-shirt and be a total dick to everyone while demanding great treatment because, “I’m an American — your superior!” Then maybe he can convince people he likes America. Americans prefer the leader of America to be someone who likes it, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.


  1. See, this is the kind of surprise you don’t have when you wait to get a little experience before running for President. For instance, had Obama run for Governor of Illinois, he could have tested the waters by having his pastor give a sermon entitled “G*d D@mn Illinois for Causing the Common Cold”. Depending on how well that had been received, he could then have fine-tuned the message.
    It’s a missed opportunity, really.

  2. Here is the TV spot the RNC should run non-stop this fall should Obama be the nominee (feel free to forward this to them):
    PASTOR WRIGHT: The government gives drugs to our children, then creates a prison system to put them in, and then they want to sing “God Bless America”? No, no, no – God (bleep) America! God (bleep) America!
    ANNOUNCER: Barack Obama sat and listened to Jeremiah Wright and this kind of venom for 20 years. Is this what we’re looking for in a leader?

  3. I dissociate myself from Scott Acrees and all his hatred. I repudiate him and his remarks, and reject all of his sock puppetry and his anti-Minnesotanity.
    But you must understand, that’s just the world he comes from. In his environment, pretending to be me is just what everyone expects. It’s in his culture. You can’t reject his culture, and to do so is the lowest bigotry.

  4. So, Obama should put on a cowboy hat? How about the outfit that the Sheriff wore in Blazing Saddles? Possibly he could ride into town while Count Basie’s orchestra plays along? I have a feeling that he would be welcome with open arms by our European “friends and allies”…
    Blazing Saddles is the best movie ever made, by the way! I saw it when I was in college at the University of Iowa and they guy that played the Mayor was in the audience. I went up and talked to him after, he was cool! It should have taken all the Oscars that year! They got jobbed!

  5. Damn America for all the anti-Minnesota bigotry! The American Government infected Minnesota with the state bird the Mosquito to keep us from Minnesota down! The Joooooooos invented Lutefisk to infect our people and turn them into funny speaking blonde haired blue eyed natives who burn easily in the sun! The rest of the country has conspired to keep Minnesota as a perennial loser when it comes to college and professional sports! We are stuck with the Vikings, the Twins and…sigh…the Gophers…

  6. I think that that’s the reason that McCain leads both Obama and Hillary in the polls, too. It is a bit disturbing, though, that more than 40% of those responding say that they would vote for somebody who doesn’t like America. San Francisco, Berkeley, and Manhattan together don’t approach 40% of the electorate, although their residents are fond of telling us “what Americans want”.

  7. Lance–Grand Rapids, right? That was me at the other end of the bar, talking to the barmaid who also drives a stock car…good times, bro, good times. I’m going back for Biathlon. You?

  8. Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy! I live in the land of Euphoria! DDT has long since been banned along with cigarette smoking in public and anything that is un-PC! We are a culture of pre-mature gray haired women who wearing sensible shoes, driving “green” cars at 45mph in the left lane with at death grip on the steering wheel with their NPR tote bags in the back seats ready for the next pledge drive to save mother earth!!!

  9. Sounds a lot like certain parts of Seattle which were undeniably settled by Scandanavians! Some – to this very day – can be seen driving around in green Nash Ramblers that stop for every green light and strangely signal the opposite way of their turns. And, out here, we got Starbucks (use an “f” for the “b” in there if you want)-guzzling Dot Com(munist) -er’s who drive their dork Hybrids to the marina for a weekend out on the Sound in their stink-ass, gas-hogging, blubada boats while warchocking for wifi connections along the shore.

  10. I really like the idea of Obama taking a trip to Europe, I don’t much care what he wears as long as he stays there!!!
    Then we can wipe the floor with Hillary in November and exile the Clintons to New York permanently.
    My sincere oppologies to the 3 or 4 Conservatives in New York.

  11. [In Europe,] he should wear a cowboy hat and an American flag t-shirt and be a total dick to everyone while demanding great treatment because, “I’m an American — your superior!”
    In America Obama wears no hat, no American flags and whines about poor treatment even though “He’s a black man — your superior!” So in Europe that would be a change!
    Wait. Was that your point?

  12. As someone who loves America may I suggest to the Obamas their pastor and anyone else that hates it here, GO.
    If there are 50 ways to leave your lover, I seriously suggest these people use those same 50 ways to leave our shores.
    Slip out the back Jack (Osama)
    Make a new plan Stan (Wright)
    Hop on the Bus Gus (Pelosi)
    Drop off the key Lee (Hillary)
    And Get the rest of us Free.

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