An Idea

If Obama wants to ease the minds of Christians, he should start spreading rumors that Jeremiah Wright is secretly a Muslim.


  1. I must congratulate you on your fine and subtle analysis of demographic trends in American politics. To lay completely aside attempts at humor for days at a time on a purported humor site takes courage, but to use those humorless periods to reestablish your credentials as a stalwart enforcer of sensitivity awareness is doubly honorable.
    Have you had any offers to address the Democratic Convention in Denver? Keynote? The Party of Hope and Change is missing out if they don’t get you locked in soon.

  2. Hi, I’m John McCain, and I would like to officially distance Senator Obama from the comments made by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. I am sure that Mr. Obama is a very nice man and does not hold the beliefs of some pastor he refers to as his spiritual adviser. The statements made by Jeremiah Wright do not reflect the views held by Senator Obama and I’m sure that Mr. Obama would make a fine president. Heck, I’m voting for him.
    Furthermore, I would like to take this opportunity to distance myself again from IMAO and its posters…just to be sure. You just can’t distance yourself enough from a bunch of conservatives like that.
    I’m John McCan’t and I approved this post.

  3. Hi, I’m Barack Obama and I’d like to set the record straight here at IMAO about my campaign. Out of respect for our opponent, Senator McCain, we have agreed not use the following words or phrases in the campaign, either singly or in combination as they are divisive to Americans:
    The Constitution
    The Bill of Rights
    The 2nd Amendment
    The Pledge of Allegiance

  4. I don’t know where all of these people are coming from, popping up and pretending to be my sock puppets with cruel distortions of my fine pseudonym. It’s worse when they insult Frank or Harvey. It’s embarrassing. Embarrassing and Creepy. Embarrassing and creepy and time consuming.

  5. I was hoping Socrates would at least speculate on possible definitions:
    Soul crates:
    (1) Containers where God puts all deceased readers of IMAO for data storage.
    (2) Coffins (or plain boxes) for dead white crackahs.
    (3) Discarded manufacturer’s packaging of new IMAO readers.
    (4) Recepticles for anyone not voting for Obama.

  6. Why do you torment the wise and mighty Socrates with your fun-poking with pointed sticks and many words? Is he not busy enough being smart and funny and trolling the many places he must by law troll?
    Perhaps you would like him to leave for many weeks, so that you would be bored and unhappy with your many words and sticks that poke fun.

  7. Why, but to reveal his true soul and Greeky (geeky?) goodness for all of Frank J’s RONIN to enjoy.
    Besides, his comment numbers are slipping probably because the news just isn’t very damn funny these days. And it’s Friday.

  8. Well, I had to run out for six-months of popcorn, Tricizi, ’cause it’s apparent that the show is about to start. It’s pretty clear that the poly’s don’t trust D.C. citizens (are they now?).
    Tomorrow, there’s a big anti-Marine recruiter / anti-war demonstration in the Tacoma Mall which is not all that far from me. Fort Lewis has instructed ALL military personnel to stay away – it’s even on the radio now. I was thinking of going with my camera ‘weapon.’ Do lots of shutter shooting. I don’t know though… I might lose it.

  9. Truth is stranger than fiction.
    Apparently, according to Obama’s book, Rev. Wright WAS a black muslim at one point. So I guess the only thing he’s changed is whether or not he thinks prophets visit him in UFOs, not the basic racist ideology. Furthermore, he read “black liberation theology” in his PH.D studies, and may still be if these sermons are any indication. Liberation Theology, for all you kiddies born after the cold war, was trying to shoehorn Marxism, especially as practiced in Latin America, into Christianity, despite the fact that Atheism is the state religion of the very countries that were pushing it. It was basically a way to subvert the Catholic church to get power for communists until they could send those same Catholics to gulogs or reeducation camps.
    I find it hard to believe, impossible to believe, that if a white guy went to a church for 20 years where the pastor was openly a KKK member, he wouldn’t have a clue, and if he WAS either that clueless or that corrupted, he would be electable. Unfortunately, Obama will get way too much of a pass for either or both. Notice, also, that these abhorrent sermons are not apparently aberant. Note that the church doesn’t boo him when he “suddenly” goes off against America. This is clearly a pattern they have come to accept and cheer.

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