And God Said to Moses: I Hate Those Honkey-Ass Crackers
A Sermon by Jeremiah Wright

EDITOR’S NOTE: This sermon has been edited for language. This is a political blog, not some church Democrats go to.
 When Moses finally escaped the Egyptians, he turned to God and asked, “There could surely be no one as bad at those people?” God said to Moses, “Yes there are. Beware the honkeys. Beware the crackers. Especially beware the Jews. I hate all those people. Frankly, if you blow up their buildings, that’s okay with me.”

“That’s right: NASA is going to send the black man to Venus where it is inhospitable to life and we will all die.”

 That wisdom speaks even more to us today as we are beset by honkeys. America is a country founded by crackers and run by Jews that exists for no other reason than to kill black people. They invented AIDS to kill us. They made crack to drug us. They use hidden ninjas to stage black on black violence. Hillary does not understand this. In fact, she’s busy in her hollowed out volcano working on AIDS version two. That’s why they are scared of a black man being president, because he will cut the millions of dollars that go to black genocide and instead invest that money where God says it should be: In killing honkey!

 Yes, they will stop at nothing to keep the black man out of power and from his rightful job of cracker-cide. That’s why they spread the rumors about Obama. They say he’s inexperienced and he’ll be a disaster. That’s not an argument against him, because America deserves a disaster! So they try to say he’s secretly a Muslim. Again, that’s not an argument against him, because maybe he should be a Muslim. They’re doing God’s work: Blowing up the honkeys and the Jews. So only reason that all those crackers oppose Obama is that they know he’s going to succeed at what he promises: Killing the honkeys!

 Now some tell me that we shouldn’t be for killing the honkeys. We should just turn the other cheek. Who says this? That cracker Jesus! Well, answer me this: Has Jesus ever been called a [n-word]? Did anyone invent AIDS to kill Jesus? Well, maybe Jesus should not be lecturing the black man on what he should and should not be doing. As we speak, the government is working on plans to send all black people to Venus! That’s right: NASA is going to send us to Venus where it is inhospitable to life and we will all die. So what does Jesus have to say about that? Nothing! God bless Jesus? No. God [expletive] Jesus! To hell with him! Throw his cracker ass out of here!

 Remember the story of Samson. When the Jews tricked him out of his strength, they chained him up so all the crackers could come and laugh at him. So, he turned to God with one last prayer and screamed, “I hate the honkeys!” which granted him a final burst of strength to kill them all. Though the crackers may now be keeping us down, we can have one final prayer to kill them all. That prayer is Obama… though his campaign would like me to remind you that I in know way speak for him. Amen.
Jeremiah Wright was until recently the Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, and has been the spiritual adviser of the Obamas for twenty years (though he would like to distance himself from some of the anti-American statements of Michelle Obama). Now retired, he hopes to finally read that Bible he’s been hearing so much about. He hates the honkeys.


    Obama’s been going to Wright’s church and listening to his sermons for 20 years. Too late to start denouncing him now. Why didn’t he leave the church at any time in the last 20 years? Why does he call him his “mentor”? Why did he name his book after Wright’s sermon? Why did he get baptized by Wright? Why did he get married by Wright? Why did he allow his children to get baptized by Wright.
    It looks like we have a common Hustler/Con Man running for President–one with a law degree.

  2. Not to mention the fact that neither God nor Jesus would use the term Honkey *&%$ crackers. Only imperfect, unlearned, carnal, devilish, race baiters would use such language. DUH.
    OFF TOPIC- heard this on the radio the other day. If you have the flu with cough slather Vicks vapor rub on your feet and cover with socks before you go to bed and you won’t cough at night, helping you get a good nights sleep. I was so desperate last night I tried it. Worked like a charm. Sorry just had to share. Now back to your regularly scheduled blogging.

  3. Was that parody or an actual sermon excerpt? I honestly can’t tell. You’re going to have to be much more over the top than that. Perhaps something about the planets being named after Roman WHITE gods or something.

  4. Barack should have run away from this church 19 years and 364 days ago. The fact that he sat and listened to this moron along with his wife and children for 20 years tells me everything I need to know about him!

  5. This is all so new to me, but I really like this Reverend Wright (Barack Obama’s pastor and mentor of twenty years). Do you know where I could subscribe to his newsletter?
    I’ve heard Reverend Wright (Barack Obama’s pastor and mentor of twenty years) believes that Jesus was Black, because he knows he could not have been Jewish and Israel is near Africa, where everyone except the Egyptians and Arabs is Black. That, and the Bible says he had hair like wool when He appeared in dreams after He died.
    How much more evidence do we need? Are you going to let a little thing like having the Messiah’s bloodline spelled out in excruciating detail in only a couple of obscure place in the Bible fool you? Besides, everyone knows the Bible was subverted by Charlemagne and the Pope to allow the Jooos to rule the world.
    Like I said, this is all new to me, but Reverend Wright (Barack Obama’s pastor and mentor of twenty years) seems like the kind of leader we need. Maybe he could be appointed as U.N. Ambassador or something.

  6. Images by Jeremiah Wright:
    Dark and lonely on the summer night.
    Kill the honkey, kill the honkey.
    Watchdog barking – Do he bite?
    Kill the honkey, kill the honkey.
    Slip in his window,
    Break his neck!
    Then his house
    I start to wreck!
    Got no reason —
    What the heck!
    Kill the honkey, kill the honkey.
    C-I-L-L …
    the hon key…

  7. This is ridiculus we will never get to heal if we live in the past. But we do need to know the past wrongs towards a people not only blacks but poor whites who were also suffering from the decisions of rich white men.Why must this man feelings about rich white men who seem to run this country and not change the problem of the poor blacks and whites be a problem what if the media is twisting it all around because it is an angry black man who sees what the rich white man could do to a country. The world need a change and united states was the most powerful country because of its sly corruption and abuse towards other countries and its own poor people. The old man is just frustrated. I can’t believe no one was talking about how the Clintons were racist and how much they have become snakes to win a political race. He did go off the deep end but remember he is an old man living and seeing what he saw must be really hard. If each man and woman put themselves in his shoes we probably feel like how he feel fed up!!

  8. The radical blacks keep beating the slavery drum…how the America was built on slavery. How the blacks were kept in slavery. They would have us belive Africa is and always has been a utopian continent spoiled and soiled by white man because of his thirst for slaves, how the jews were complicit and worked that angle as well. Two things they never mention.
    1) The jews were enslaved by EGYPTIANS (i.e., “Africans”).
    2) It was their fellow AFRICANS who captured and sold into slavery other Africans. Without Africans selling their own to the slave traders, there would of been no slave cycle. Much like black-on-black crime of today.

  9. Ritz, never confuse an issue (especially in reacting to a liberal) with the facts. “They can’t handle the truth.” In addition it makes them cranky and whiny, and I don’t have any cheese to serve with whine.

  10. Ritz, for once I read someone else post what I’ve been saying for years. Yes, it is true… slavery in this country as well as many others is WRONG. However, people fail to see we were far from the first country to make the mistake. Luckily, we learned from it and I thought until reading this we were more intelligent now. I’d read about reverse racism, as it’s called… this is the first time I’ve seen it. Saddens me, if a breath of this hit the news from a white on black perspective the man (or woman) would have been hung to dry and ostracized before this even printed.

  11. It’s bad when I can’t actually tell the difference between your sarcastic parody, and an actual transcript of the dear Reverend.
    This is especially eerie, after listening to Obama disavow his own, white Grandmother’s private prejudice from the 1960s, and “contextualize” Wright’s public, vile, paranoid filth.

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