
I’d hate honkeys for that kind of money

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  1. Let’s see here…the church took out 1.6 large on a mortgage for this really big house and then took out a 10 large line of credit also? Sounds about right. I’m going to go down to the bank based on these numbers and tell my banker that I want a $4,000,000 line of credit on my home in Minneapolis!

  2. Wow, being a hate mongering, racist, bigot must really pay. And to think I’ve always tried to judge others by what they do and say and not by the color of their skin, ethnicity or political leanings.
    You learn something new everyday. Well you do if you pay attention.

  3. It probably represents a career of passing the hat in a community of white-surpressed blacks. Or maybe drug profits. Whatever happened to the IRS threat to revoke his non-profit status? That looks way too ‘profitable’ for a modest man who never campaigned from his church.

  4. The workman deserves his wages. You must not bind the mouth of the cow that treads the grain.
    This is a pure hit piece on a great man and mentor to many who has retired to scrape by on a fixed income and just wants to be safe from that element. You know, poor people.
    And the sole purpose of this IMAO entry is to tar Barack Obama the Uniter of America with the label of hypocrisy, trying to imply that there was something wrong with the simple little land deal that got Reverend Wright (a great man and mentor) a mansion, tax free. Like he was able to reject the grateful generosity of his former flock. It would have hurt their feelings to turn them down.
    And Reverend Wright (who’s a great man, and mentor to many) is all about protecting people’s feelings.

  5. I’m noticing he went with the brick facade…clearly the most flame-proof option, as we all know that angry whitey burns crosses on the lawns of uppity blacks.
    So sad that a black man just can’t get ahead, ’cause whitey’s keepin’ him down. Today’s people of color are limited to lowly positions like president of the United States, billionaire talk-show host, Senator, music mogul…and, apparently, millionaire pastor. It’s so sad.

  6. #5: “I’m noticing he went with the brick facade…”
    Yeah, and what do ya bet those windows are Lexan?
    But overall, I give the house 2 of 5 Extreme Makeover stars. At least from the outside.

  7. “Soooo…after church I take the collection plates out into the backyard and throw the money straight up…whatever God wants, he’ll take, and whatever comes back down is mine.”

  8. This is a few blocks from my home. According to the latest US Census data, the area is 92.3 white and only 1.9% black. I guess he doesn’t hate us whiteys so much when his property values are concerned.

  9. #8-
    I noticed that Jerry Wright likes to dress in some type of ethnic attire, so why does he want to live in what is obviously a white-looking abode? How ’bout a million dollar mud & straw hut?
    Silly sell out, Bricks are for kids (of satan, aka White people, blue-eyed devils, crackas, etc).

  10. As for bricks, all homes here must be brick by zoning ordinance. Strange how the decades long mayor of my Village also works as a representative for the Bricklayer’s Union. Coincidence??? You tell me.

  11. Anyone think this will see the light of day on CNN /HNN?
    GoD Damn America for being a place where I can retire into a completly paid for, brand spanking new, multi million dollar home.
    I wonder how many of his elderly congregants died as a result of not having heat this winter?

  12. Oh, did I forget to mention that it’s on a golf course?
    According to the developer’s promotional material, his model will have finished a basement, two decks, a circular driveway, room for a future swimming pool or theater, four-car garage, elevator, family room with bar, master bathroom with whirlpool and custom shower and master bedroom with fireplace and under-counter fridge.

  13. Can anyone really be surprised at this? The world knows and loves its own. Never trust a fat doctor, a thin lawyer or a rich preacher! The Pope doesn’t count because he was elected, not selected. Besides, his house was already paid for 400 years before he moved in! Never trust a Clinton either! (special catagory).

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