Earth Hour!

[a guest post from IMAO reader Jimmy]
Everyone is supposed to save the planet by turning out their lights for one hour at 8 p.m. tonight. The movement is worldwide.
Apparently, these people have saved the planet permanently:
Koreas at night
I’m turning all of mine ON in celebration of 500 years of science and engineering and people like Faraday, Ohm, Maxwell, Einstein, Tesla….

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  1. We invite everyone throughout North America and around the world to turn off the lights for an hour starting at 8 p.m. whether at home or at work….

    My advice: stay away from airports tonight.

  2. The whole thing was an accident, seanmahair, really.
    But I’m happy to report that every light – and anything that would run – was on for 60 minutes (well, my table saw and various power tools weren’t, but I couldn’t have held them all anyway). And to complete my little rebellion, I read science blogs. (Nah, just kidding.)

  3. Accident or not, great job. We didn’t turn off anything, of course, since we didn’t know, we couldn’t turn everything on. I have teenagers in my house so there was plenty of electricity throbbing through the wires, what with the several TV’s, computers, fridge, heater, et al.
    North Korea’s been in the dark for decades, this should not have come as a surprise to anyone.

  4. Just to make up for yet another leftist moronic idea that has about as much impact on “global warming” as citronella has on mosquitoes, I’m going to burn any styrofoam, rubber & plastic I’m not using near the university. Nothing seems to freak enviro-hippies out as much as the thought of those materials not being dutifully recycled, especially when they can smell it burning.

  5. My favorite part of the story (in Sydney, where they kicked this thing off) was when all the greenies turned out their lights, and then went down to the beach to celebrate – with bonfires!!
    I haven’t laughed so hard in ages.

  6. God bless my teenage sons. My wife and I were out of town for the weekend, but they stepped up and turned on every light and TV in the house and kept them burning most of the night.
    I raised ’em up right!

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