Even Though She’s as Racist as a Typical White Person, Barack Obama Still Likes to Drive His Grandma Around

I don’t know where he drives her, though, because no one has seen her in some time. She’s probably in some nursing home ranting about black people like every other white person her age.


  1. Well, I “hope” that the next time a homeless guy of darker tint asks me for some “change,” I can remember that I scare easily when approached by people who are different then me. After all, acknowledging the problem is one step closer to defeating it.
    For those of you who don’t see the irony in this, please click my name below and maybe it will become obvious why I’m not that intimidated by anyone, let alone my Afro-American brethren… as I’ve said before, my peace tools are my hands.

  2. #1 Honey do you have a separate zip code for just your shoulders. That is an impressive picture. I’m pretty pale but even I’d probably avoid running into to you.
    As far a Obama and his grandmother is concerned, I’ll bet my Grandma was meaner and more racist than his. I’ll see his grandmother and raise him another grandmother, two grandfathers and parents. Of course all mine have shuffled off this mortal coil, but when they were here they were amazing.

  3. #3 Seanmahair…….
    I’ll see your two Grandmothers, Grandfathers and parents and raise you my two Grandparents. (keep in mind they were born and raised in small town Arkansas) That makes them worth double!!!!

  4. #1…………..
    And I’m quoting you last comment to myspace here “hi big daddy, good seeing u last night. always a pleasure to have you in my household”……Props to banging hot chicks…one of my favorite hobbies.

  5. Clay… it’s not so much of a hobby as it is a lifestyle choice. That being said, I wish to strike previous statement from the record as hubristic embellishment, for I am not a Democrat trying to pass off others’ accomplishments as my own. She’s one of my best friend’s girlfriends…
    And SeanMahair… I was under the impression that we shared the gender… your “honey” comment has thrown me for a quite a loop…

  6. While we may have the same chest measurements I can guarentee it is not for the same reason. I, dear one, am very female. 6 children and 30+years married to an ex-sailor attest to that.
    Now Jimmy, you know I never attack someone who is mistaken, only those who are arrogant, stupid and hateful. Otherwise known as Trolls. RW&T was ignorant (didn’t know) as opposed to stupid (a requisite troll condition).

  7. guarantee – sorry didn’t spell check. The nuns always kept me in from recess and made me write my spelling words on the board over and over and over again, but it never really helped. I just can not spell.

  8. I prefer “naive”… it makes me sound more innocent… and “ignorant” carries too many negative connotations. Anyway, congrats on your family, and I’ll be less assumptive in future postings… thanks for inflating my ego in the meantime! 🙂

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