You’re a homo!
NOTE: The purpose of this post is to better test the new IMAO rating system by creating a control post I know everyone will hate. I expect people to read this post, exclaim, “I’m not a homo! I’ll show you!” and then rate the post a half star. If you are a homosexual and your reaction to the post is, “That’s an apt description of me. I’ll shall rate this post highly,” please refrain from rating the post as you’ll skew the data. If you’re a homosexual and your reaction was, “While I am a homosexual, I find that term offensive and shall rate this post accordingly,” go ahead and rate the post. Thank you for your cooperation.

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  1. Hey, man.
    Are you gonna change the little stars to little blown-up moons, or something? ‘Cause that would be cool. Maybe a progression from just moon at the left to blown-up moon at the right. With little proportional portions of mushroom clouds in between.
    Just sayin’.

  2. What if lots of people lie about being homos? Because everyone knows that all homos lie about everything, while non-homos never lie except for sex. Ergo, everyone lies for sex.
    Aren’t you really checking to see which of your readers are willing to lie about being, or not being, homos, so they can get sex through your site?
    To say the least, it calls your entire methodology into question.

  3. You know, I’m a little afraid to use the rating system now. Between what the Greek just said and your explanation above, Frank, I don’t know what to think.
    Oh, and George, zero isn’t supported in the Fleming numbering system. I guess it hasn’t been invented yet, which is kind of queer.

  4. Can’t select zero stars on this thread… What are you hinting at, Frank? The homos love to claim “1 in 10!” “1 in 10!” Well, out of five stars, a half a star is 1 in 10! But I’m so macho I need like -5 stars. I’m so macho I’m almost as manly as Janet Reno! bu-bum-pshhh [rimshot]
    This whole thread is gheyer than Barney Frank in a tutu dancing with Richard Simmons under a rainbow of Teletubbies.
    PS – sorry about using [rimshot] in a homo thread.

  5. Am I a homo…
    …maybe. Apparently, I’m a lesbian trapped in a fertile man’s body & I can’t seem to get enough. I want to care for my flesh & blood with my own money, and I want to maintain an intimate relationship with a woman, and yet maintain a relationship with God… and also teach my kids— myself— to do the same.
    Does that count?

  6. It doesn’t matter what you call me today, Frank! It doesn’t matter if I have a bad day at work or if I get stuck in a traffic jam going home or if my car breaks down or if we get 3 feet of snow here in MN, or if I fall down and break my ass…I can look at myself in the mirror, smile and say with pride “At least I’m not Elliot Spitzer”

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