I’m Disappointed That She Didn’t Do Better

“Oh crap! Wasn’t ready for THAT one!”

While Chelsea Clinton was pimpin’ fo’ her mama at Butler University recently, college student Evan Strange asked her whether Hillary Clinton’s credibility was damaged by how the then-first lady handled the scandal over Bill Clinton’s relationship with intern Monica Lewinsky.
Chelsea – who, with over 70 politically-motivated college campus appearances under her belt, is FINALLY fair game for abuse, and oh BROTHER do I have some catching up to do with the free-pass-from-the-press-having socialist swine – “answered” the question by brusquely sneering “I do not think that’s any of your business.”
I have to say I’m disappointed. A low-hanging curve like that gets floated over her plate and she can’t even dribble out an infield grounder. Let’s see if I can’t get an answer a little closer to the right field wall:
“Was Hillary’s credibility damaged by how she handled the Monica Lewinsky scandal?”

  • Not as badly as by “dodging Bosnian sniper fire”.
  • [Stunned pause]… Ironically, that question just made me stain my dress.
  • [Laughing] Silly boy! You can’t damage rock bottom!
  • I don’t know what you’re talking about. Bill had a WaveRunner with vanity plates, not a monogrammed Jet Ski.
  • No, because that’s considered part of her 35 years of experience with political affairs.
  • Wow… Actually, I’m surprised that there’s something on the topic of giving oral sex to men that you don’t already know.
  • Look, stumping for my mom is my job now. I don’t come to McDonald’s and ask you embarrassing questions about whether you’re still in the habit of enticing your dog into licking peanut butter off your junk, now do I?
  • Recent polling suggests it actually gained her credibility among the all-important “women too gutless to leave that cheating bastard” demographic.
  • That’s not important. What matters is that – unlike with Barack Obama’s health care plan – under my mother’s proposal, even sperm-burping little gutter sluts like Monica would be completely covered.
  • I believe that my mother’s difficult and very personal decision to honor her marriage vows in the face of both infidelity and public ridicule says a lot about her ability to keep promises under challenging circumstances, and if you’re the kind of person who considers that sort of strength and integrity to be “damaging“, then I guess the answer would be “yes”, although I think most people would disagree with your assessment.

Honestly, you’d think she’d have had something like that last one ready to go since 1998, wouldn’t you?

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  1. To be fair, any answer she gave would have been likely to pit her loyalty to one parent against another.
    She can’t say how brave Hilary was in a difficult time without implying that her dad is a low life.
    That is an unfair position to put her in.

  2. There; is no way to comment to this. I can’t see my keyboard or stop bouncing in my chair… Pineapple chunks are everywhere…
    “- under my mother’s proposal, even sperm-burping little gutter sluts like Monica would be completely covered.”

  3. IJ —
    No, she’s fair game. She’s a grownup who’s entered a political campaign. The question is legitimate — I’ve been reading any number of comments and blogs and polls that say voters are concerned (or outraged!) about damage to the prestige of the office of president that Bill did and they don’t want him back in the White House even as First Philanderer. Chelsea’s parents are cynical in exposing her to such questioning, however.

  4. that picture is going to keep me away for days. yikes.
    You know, the REAL reason the media won’t go after Chelsea is because they hope against hope, that if they don’t destroy her, in a few years they’ll be covering HER presidential campaign….after all, she’s the child of a president and a presidential candidate…she’s SO qualified, she’s got name recognition…and all those Soros millions.

  5. Questioner: “Was Hillary’s credibility damaged by how she handled the Monica Lewinsky scandal?”
    Chelsea: “Not nearly as much as mine has been damaged by trying to shill for that lying bitch. Meaning Mom – not Monica. Monica’s actually OK compared the usual skanks Daddy hooks up with. And at least Monica doesn’t threaten to crush me like a bug if I don’t go out and campaign for her.”

  6. Instead of getting out in front of the scandal, Hillary attempted to sweep it away (“vast right wing conspiracy”). She was in the process of destroying Lewinski when OMG, the blue dress was trotted out, with the proof on it. Have we EVER heard Hillary apologize to any (or all) of the vast right wing conspirators? Of course not. I think her credibility was (and still is) damaged by the whole sordid affair. “None of your business” is not an answer. The credibility of the next president is all of our business. I think Chelsea blew it badly on that one.

  7. If she was out pimpin’ for her mom the way her dad was pimpin’ himself out, she’d have a date by now & wouldn’t have to give non-answers in her mom’s defense. Maybe she knows that both her parents are traitorous losers, and the only thing she could say that would damage their reputations any further would be the truth.
    Personally, I don’t think she’d ever tell the truth about what she was exposed to in that family; the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, after all.
    “I do not think that’s any of your business.”
    And why not? After all, they were the President.

  8. For God’s sake, she’s 28 friggin years old, she’s out campaigning at (by her count) over 70 college campuses so far, it’s about damn time somebody started asking her questions…especially since she won’t take any from the press (while campaigning?).
    How on earth could this twit not have a prepared answer for this question? Yet the airhead seemed completely caught off guard when asked about the 2nd biggest political scandal in the last century (which her father and mother were both at the center of).

  9. I must correct my last post. If anyone’s ever seen the side-by-side pictures of Chelsea (pre-plastic surgery) and Webb Hubble, clearly Webb is her biological father, not Bill. So, I guess I should have stated “her adoptive father and mother” were at the center of the scandal.
    My bad.

  10. Their appearance aside, why would anyone think that with the examples she has had since birth that she (Chelsea) would be capable of telling the truth or even that she has a passing familiarity with reality.
    Besides since when has beauty equated with brains or better yet common sense. Paris, Britt, Angelina, and the rest of the Hollywood beauty parade don’t have a brain to share between them, and that goes for the other team as well. Male or female doesn’t matter.
    Maybe we should find a really ugly candidate and make him President. At least the attractivity issue would be over.

  11. “* I believe that my mother’s difficult and very personal decision to honor her marriage vows in the face of both infidelity and public ridicule says a lot about her ability to keep promises under challenging circumstances, and if you’re the kind of person who considers that sort of strength and integrity to be “damaging”, then I guess the answer would be “yes”, although I think most people would disagree with your assessment.”
    This was well thought out. How long did it take you, five minutes?
    You’re exactly right. I doubt the Clintons even considered that there would be a situation where they would even be asked such a question. After all, the media would do nothing short of kissing their a$$e$ all the way, until Obama’s numbers went up and people were fainting all over him.
    The thing about the Clintons is: They’re pathologic liars and arrogant as hell. Between the sycophantic media (until now) and the left wing base (until now), they probably felt they’d never have to prepare for a primary loss. Not only do they think they’re owed the Whitehouse; they believe they’re to be worshipped like gods, too. AND, in too many cases they are.
    I want so much to see the end of the Clintons, but Obama is real scary.
    Between McCain and Obama, the H-word could be very well be our president for four years, until a real conservative takes her out in 2012.
    I wonder if we will have to rebuild the Whitehouse after they loot it and then torch it this time.

  12. Some here seem to think that the media is still giving Hillary a free pass. I think they are turning on her. CBS broke the Bosnia lie and they are no longer portraying her as the President Elect like they have been doing for the last 3 years.
    Barrack seems to be the new favorite for the liberal media.
    This is going to be a tough election. I am being forced to vote for a RINO who knows nothing about being conservative.
    Now it looks like McCain is going to ask Romney to be V.P.
    We’re pretty much screwed no matter who is elected. It’s just a matter of degrees.

  13. EEK! Where do you guys come up with these pics?! It’s HildeBubba v. 2.0!
    #14: Chelsea (pre-plastic surgery)
    ??? Granted I don’t get out much, but ??? When did she have that???
    And #16, that link was truly disturbing, I’m now trying to keep down my breakfast. Of course, I did forward it on. 😉

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