Is Ron Paul Still Alive?

I knew the whole Ron Paul thing would eventually fizzle out, but it seems like its been over a month since we’ve heard even a peep from a Ronulan. Have any of you had any sightings other than the occasional, fading road-side sign?

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  1. I’ve seen a couple of new signs pop up. They have to be new signs because a) they’re not faded and b) the Ronulans don’t understand things like private property and laws regarding the placement of signs in the right of way. So new signs get taken down fairly quickly. But don’t get your hopes up too much, I live in Texas where we (embarrassingly) have the greatest concentration of Ronulans (and Randbot objectivists).

  2. There’s still some lunatic driving around the Denver metro area. She’s got her entire car plastered with Ron Paul bumper stickers and those magnetic panels that Mary Kay ladies stick on the sides of their cars, and she’s got a car topper like the ones that Domino’s delivery drivers are forced to put on their cars, but hers says Ron Paul.
    There’s also a business (a quarry, I think) up north of Denver that still has Ron Paul signs draped over their trailer so they’re visible from the highway. The signs are the height of the trailer. The abovementioned lunatic may be from there, though, since I saw her not far from the business.

  3. I live in Texas as well. Paul won his primary contest to run as a Republican for his congressional seat. He no longer needs money from Ronulans in other states to help his local campaign, so you don’t hear much at the national level.

  4. I heard he got out of prison early because of his failing health. Though I did hear that he plans on running for congress in Michigan as an independant.
    Or maybe that was some other crazy doctor…

  5. Here is a nifty way to help Ronulans.
    If you give a Ron Paul supporter fire, you keep him warm for a day.
    If you set him on fire, you keep him warm for the rest of his life.
    #8 – Posted by: Clay S. on March 27, 2008 03:46 PM

    I don’t know what kind of Ronulans you have where you are, but the ones we have are so greasy they would stay lit for DAYS.

  6. Don’t say about teh n0t funy, Bubba (if iz ur naym). It could be worse: you could have to read my site.
    [Bubba clicks, reads big words, drifts off to sleep]
    See what I mean?
    If you don’t think this site is funny, or some particular post is funny, then you’re the problem. Make it funny with lively comments and colorful anecdotes. Puns, parody, jokes, sarcasm, making fun of liberals and other idiots — all of these things are funny. You can do it, too. Give it a whirl. You’ll be glad you did.
    Oh, and you’re a homo.

  7. I still see an occasional new sign pop up now and then in Richmond’s Fan District but I figure it’s now attributable to a desperate electorate grasping at anything else to vote for…

  8. I see a guy with a Ron Paul “Take the red pill” bumper sticker at the grocery store from time to time. I printed that second ‘Ron Paul revolution’ definition from UrbanDictionary to put under his windshield wiper, but I haven’t seen him for a couple of weeks…
    But that’s OK; that just gives me an excuse to go to the store to buy more beer.

  9. I’ll admit this site was funnier before the John Kerry vs Bush candidacy. But once you reach a certain level of funny it’s kinda hard to beat it. In My World is definately my favorite! But I always come here for a good laugh because Democrats aren’t funny they’re draining my hope for america…this site makes them funny. Oh and sometimes I read the DU and can’t believe they’re actually serious. But then again they just are annoying. So yeah IMAO is awesome. BTW I know a Ronulan too.

  10. Frank, you just reminded me that two prominent Bush/Quayle ’92 stickers are still visible on a nearby commercial avenue.
    As for Ron…nope. There was a spat about a week ago when he was complaining that McCain hasn’t been courting his supporters, but other than that, he’s vanished.
    Incidentally, do you think we should define the names of Paul followers? Like, differentiate between Ronulans and Paulnuts? Sort of like Trekkers and Trekkies?

  11. You’ll all be sorry. RONPAUL was going to save us from the CFR, trilateralists, the burgerbuilders and space aliens. NOT NOW! No, no. He’d have returned us to the GOLD STANDARD and gas would be back to .30 a gallon. BUT NO! Well you won’t have RONPAUL to kick around anymore. C’mon checkers.

  12. Yeah, here in SoCal, I see a gaggle of them on the street corner demonstrating with their signs every weekend. Mind you, the primary was 2/5, but they’re still demonstrating. The signs say “Ron Paul Revolution” but the “evol” part is highlighted in a different color and is actually “love” backwards (like in a mirror). Ron Paul = Love! I’ve also seen his visage on stickers in the style of those old Andre the Giant “Obey” stickers you see stuck to road signs all over the place. Some road signs have both stickers next to each other. ronpaulronpaulronpaul…

  13. Wow, I’d forgotten all about Ron Paul. It seems so long ago that he was even thought of as a serious candidate. He is the poster child for the scripture “even a fool if he shutteth his lips is esteemed a wise man”.
    Poor Mr. Paul he could be the nominee now if he would have just shut up. Mr. Paul (giggle) sounds more like a hair dresser than a politician. Maybe he should get into a different line of work?

  14. Whoa, I’ve got two linked, heavyweights breathing down my neck! Ok, first Socky, I got a proglem. You didn’t catch my proglem. And now, that’s my proglem. How you gonna get people to your site? Maybe inject some Socratesian humor? Was Socrates ever funny (besides on IMAO)?
    Now, the Celt whose writings I recently investigated. Same to you! By the way, Paul was a gynecologist. But you knew that. Perhaps you should write him a letter, seanmahair, an tell him to give up legislating (a 20 year record, probably waaaaay better at that than he ever would have been as President).
    Ok, I have no blog but I do have millions of lines of code. Want some?

  15. Jimmy: I think you should take every 1000th line of code, put them together, and see what they do.
    I think that the Federal Reserve used the stealth tax of inflation to destroy Ron Paul (the power to tax is the power to destroy.) The UFO’s helped them do it. The Fed claims it was a preemptive self-defense strike.

  16. Jimmy, you wound me. You think I post here as a means to get people to waste their time at my blog? That would be immoral and against my ethics.
    I’m just here for the T-shirt babes. And to be unnecessarily arrogant and mean to Bubba.
    Frank, I know you don’t read the comments here, but what happened to the t-shirt babes? All there is now is SarahK, and as toothsome a wench as she is, I feel guilty oggling. And besides, those ads don’t show anything.
    Morality is important, don’t you think?

  17. No Socrates. You NEED to find a way to get people to your blog! I read it every day. Same now with that Celtic historical philosopher, seanmahair. It’s never too late for John Q. PublicDumbAss to start thinking.
    Sorry for my snarky post but it came after some sojourns deep into the bowels of internet drivel last night which were full of hundreds of thousands of idiotic words strung together to form nonsensical ‘comments.’ As my youngest son (now pilot) used to say, “Dad. Don’t do that again.”

  18. You’ll see more Ron Paul signs show up once the Dems have had their convention. Withe the Presidential race being either Hillary or Obama vs. McCain, people are going to be desperate not to have to choose between two Democrats.

  19. Ron Paul wants to get rid of the IRS, how could anyone NOT want that?
    Americans have been misled that income taxes are required. The truth is we don’t have to pay them.
    Do some research, you will be amazed.

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