Most Awesome Idea Ever

I keep hearing the idea thrown out that the Democrats, as a compromise, should nominate Al Gore.
That would be so awesome!
I mean, I’m ready for a political season of making fun of Obama, but to actually have Al Gore out there to kick around… that would be unbelievable. Back in 2000, I didn’t have a blog, so I didn’t get a chance to play off him them. Since he lost, though, he’s gotten tons crazier and funnier. He’s to the point where I think I could just post an undoctored photo of him and conservatives would burst out laughing at the site of him. His name has joined the pantheon of funny words along with Cucamonga and kumquat. His nomination would be so great for IMAO, I would make my largest political donation ever to the DNC if they would go ahead and do it.
I’m not getting my hopes up, though; I’ve done that too much recently just to have them dashed against the rocks. Even the Democrats must realize what a train wreck that would be… and not just a train wreck, but a train running into the Titanic while they both are crashed into by the Hindenburg and a commenter on TV says, “Oh, the human… Who I am kidding; I know a lot of lives were just lost, BUT THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!!”
And it would be awesome.


  1. “He’s to the point where I think I could just post an undoctored photo of him and conservatives would burst out laughing at the site of him.”
    Something a little to vivid about my imagination, ’cause I did burst out laughing just with THAT sentence, Frank. 5 Goracles.

  2. And think about what could make it absolutely perfect, if Al Gore is the nominee, then both Hillary’s and Obama!’s supporters would be angry, angry, angry(er). “They stole the nomination from a woman and gave it to a man” and “They stole the nomination from a black man and gave it to a white man”.
    So they vote for Nader.
    In other words, Ralph Nader will have stolen another election from Gore.
    Now if only we could get Palm Beach people to vote for Pat Buchanan again, that would make it perfect.

  3. They should only let him run if he agrees to balloon back up and regrow the beard. That was such a great look for him…kind of a Mini-Michael Moore.
    And hey, since Hillary was able to run a campaign on her failures in socializing health care, maybe Al and Tipper could relaunch the PMRC…the program that made it easier for kids to find the cool albums by just looking for the sticker.

  4. Are you speaking allegoracally about Al Gore’s position on gorbal warming? Or is your reference to flames simply a concern about the bloot, guts and gore inherent in the man?
    Brought to you by Al “Stop Feeding Him!” Gore.

  5. Frank,
    Christmas has already come and gone. I don’t think you’ll get your wish this year. Still, wouldn’t it be awesome. Al and Tipper together on the campaign trail again.
    Maybe just maybe if he’s the nominee he’ll pick JOHN EDWARDS to be his VP again. Then you can restart the Edwards deal again. I really loved those. I’ve kinda missed the silky pony.
    I’m really getting excited about this.

  6. There are any number of people floating that idea these days and I, too think its awesome! Let the Democrat power brokers throw away all that inconvenient voting stuff, along with the ‘historic’ candidacies of the woman and the black guy. What they really need is a puffed-up white guy elitist to save the day.
    I’d be able to roast marshmellow here in Dallas off the fires buring in Denver the day that happens.
    And here’s the GOP tagline for November:
    “You can vote for people who actually practice democracy and count votes, or you can vote for those who merely talk about it.”

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