Now We Care What You Think!

In a way to increase reader feedback and improve IMAO, we now have a rating bar on each post so you can rate every IMAO post you read. Now, for once and for all I can figure out whether I’m funnier posting as me, Harvey, or whatever that new name is (Hando or something). At the bottom of each post you simply click how well you liked the post in terms of stars (voting is allowed in half star increments). It’s so easy, a caveman could do it… if he had at least basic computer training… and if he got over the shock of seeing modern technology… and didn’t just smash the computer with a club… or stab the computer with a sharp rock tied to a stick if he were a more advanced caveman. On second though, training a caveman to do this would be very complex. Let’s say it’s so easy a small child could do it (small children are stupid; more stupid than you).
Let’s try it out now! Go ahead and rate this post explaining the rating bar. If it’s one of the best posts you’ve ever seen in all the internets, give it five stars. If it sucked so much it made you vomit on your loved ones, give it a half star. If your reaction was somewhere in between, then rate it somewhere in between. Then, if you’re really bored, you can comment to this post to tell us how you rated it.
BTW, what I’m using is a modified AJAX Star Rating Bar.
If you have JavaScript enabled, it should not reload the page when you vote. I’ve think I’ve seen it reload the page, though, if you vote before the page is fully loaded. Not sure how to fix that. How’s it working out for all of you?


  1. Frank, if I could make a suggestion. How about a reader feedback scale that measures actual reaction? Like from 1 to 10 for “Pissed Me Off” (1) to “I Spewed Coffee Out My Nose” (10). 5 would be neutral (“Meh”). PS: I gave this a “4.”
    [It’s basically a ten point scale measured in half stars. I think people can figure out what they mean by each rating. If I could rate your comment, I would give it a 2.5. -Ed.]

  2. Years ago I watched as my 2 year old made his way through the “Kids Desk” program we had on the computer. He watched his older sibblings get onto the regular desktop to access the internet for homework, and mimicked what they did.
    With 30 years of experience I can assure you small children are not stupid. They may be less experienced, but how many of THEM would continue to make the same hurtful mistakes over and over again. Most children, if it hurts, you can be fairly certain they won’t do it again at least for a while. Adults, just keep doing the same stupid things over and over again. One reason I prefer spending time with the Cheerio set.
    One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.

  3. So let me get this straight, you think our bon mots belong in the muckadoo bin* so you’ve set it up so we can praise you without our comments befouling your precious website?
    *hit “preview”, it works even if you haven’t filled any fields in, notice the URL after “”
    Remember, “muckadoo” is from “monkey see/monkey do
    monkey do-monkey 2, it’s right there folks. He thinks our comments belong in the bin with the muckadoo stuff.
    I’m still working on “CGI”, I think it’s “Commenters are Gibbering Idiots”, but I’m not sure yet.
    Why yes, I am paranoid. But am I paranoid enough?

  4. Veeshir – or “Commenting Gone Insane” (no, no, no, it’s NOT “Command Gateway Interface”). He didn’t like mine in #1 even though I gave him a 4/5. Frank’s often neutral about stuff. Keep buggin’ him.

  5. Actually, it would be funny if the authors rated the comments – maybe for a day.
    I note with some amusement that this posting of yours is getting an average score, Frank. Does this mean that readers don’t care if you care what they think?

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