Obama Can’t Denouce My Idea Anymore Than He Can Denounce All White People (That’s His Pastor’s Job)

I was thinking my Obama ’08 logo from yesterday is actually pretty awesome. If we printed up a bunch of those as stickers and put them everywhere, the liberals would be crying racism (though they wouldn’t be sure by and against who) and it would be hilarious.
Anyway, here are some other ones for variety:

I think this is one people can get behind. Even if someone doesn’t agree with all of it, it’s mostly very forward-looking and positive.

Again, not everyone will agree with the entire message, but they’ll recognize how positive it is about the future and respond to that.
I kid, though. Obama has a number of unique risks as a candidate as his wife mentioned in a 60 Minutes interview in February of last year:

KROFT: This is a tough question to ask, but a number of years ago, Colin Powell was thinking about running for president, and his wife, Alma, really did not want him to run.
KROFT: She was worried about some crazy person with a gun.
KROFT: Is that something that you think about?
MICHELLE OBAMA: I don’t lose sleep over it, because the realities are that, you know, as a black man, you know, Barack can just be going to the gas station and get infected by a virus made in a government lab by white people to kill minorities, you know. So, you know, you can’t — you know, you can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen. We just weren’t raised that way.

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