Obama on Hannity & Colmes?

The Wright issue finally made the front page of the Daily Kos (as a Recommended Diary) — they seemed to be ignoring it as long as they could despite many individual diaries about it — as Obama has written about his pastor on HuffPo. Also mentioned in the Kos diary is that Obama is going to go on Hannity & Colmes (as well as the other major news networks) to talk about Wright.
Damage control! Whether Obama can come back from this will show us how shrewd a politician he is. He chose to go to see an anti-American, racist nut for twenty years (and bring his children to listen to him), so it’s going to be hard to belittle that as something we can’t judge his character on (in his statement, he at least acknowledge these are legitimate questions). Obama claims he never heard any of these controversial statements while attending Trinity or talking to Wright in private, but that’s hard to believe.
BTW, I hope this is unnecessary to say, but Wright’s idiocy is not the norm for black churches. I went to a black church for a couple years in Florida (in that I and my wife were often the only people there who were not black), and what was preached there everyday was about Christ, morality, responsibility, humanity… you know, Christian stuff.

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  1. Just wanted to reiterate what Frank J said. Wright is not typical of black church congregations. I attended and volunteered at a black congregation in Northern California for several years. I was one of the only two white guys there. Ironically, the other was the organ player.
    All I experienced there was acceptance and tolerance. I never felt out of place and, in fact, looking back I can see where they went out of their way to make me feel welcome. Truely a lovely group of people.

  2. I’m white but certainly not rich. I did invent AIDS and force the spreading of my little buggering bug, trucked crack cocaine into the various hoods to give away for free for a time, persecute the Palestinians because they are just too nice and rational to deal with. So get your facts straight Mr. Wright, it’s dumbass voters who run the country and not me.

  3. And yeah Tim, get a passionate preacher, a choir, keyboardist,drummer,bassist and guitarist, you have a rock-n-rollin’ Jesus fest that can’t be beat. But in my case it’s just from TV and the AM radio stations. Danville Va. can make a decent stay at home Sunday. (P.S., I call it the Hat Channel, ’cause of all the big hats the ladies wear.)

  4. Obama on H&C is a desperation move. A lot of Dem big-wigs are now saying that Obama is no longer electable. Great! Now the Dems have one candidate that is no longer electable, and one that wasn’t electable to begin with!

  5. I’d like to know specifics of how you guys ended up attending a majority-black church. I thought Frank J was Catholic? We do have black Catholics on the Gulf Coast but mostly blacks identify with Protestant denominations; and when I go to Mass I see mostly Mexicans. (I’m Episcopalian, technically, but I go to Catholic Mass. Long story. Actually, short story, with five words: “Rowan Atkinson or Pope Benedict?”)
    So, I told my story… y’all tell yours…

  6. How could Obama NOT share the views of this guy, he’s been his chosen spiritual advisor for 20 years? Has this country become so secular that people don’t remember what a “spiritual advisor” is?

  7. #11 – Posted by: David Ross on March 14, 2008 09:35 PM
    Frank converted to Protestantism.
    My family is white, and my dad is an Episcopal priest. Our parish is about 85% black in the middle of a Roman Catholic, Methodist and Lutheran village. We are High Church, meaning really traditional, like pre-Vatican II Roman Catholics who worship in Elizabethan English.
    We are tolerant and loving, but our bishop is a black racist.
    Beat THAT!

  8. Mr Ross, so you are a schismatic and a heretic assisting at the Holy Sacrfice of The Mass? I trust you are not receiving? Damien, there is no such thing as an Episcopalian priest, he’s just a layman in fancy-dress. My daughter has more authority in her little finger. Damien, I assist at Mass, of the traditional / Latin / Pope St. Pius V variety, I have NEVER heard a WORD of “Elizabethan English.” It’s in Latin, pal, with the sermon in English, modern English. BTW Damien, the Latin Mass was NOT just pre-Vatican II, it was also post. It was not only the form offered during VII itself, it was also the form offered afterwards until Paul VI introduced his New Mass as designed by Anabale Bugnini, whom Paul VI banished to Iran upon information that Bugnini was a freemason.
    I do so enjoy all the heretic sects arguing with each other…the irony. Nothing but splinter groups who continue to splinter and they don’t know why…

  9. I go to Mass but do not partake of the Sacrament. (Any of the Sacraments.) The priest does offer a blessing if I cross my hands over my chest when I walk up there. (They told us schismatics and heretics in advance that we could do that.)

  10. I think it’s nice of Obambi to set up another “civil rights activist” before November. He must’ve realized that Jesse & Al have worn out their “black victim of amerikka” schtick long ago.
    Barack Obama: He’s the best Christian Muslim who had no idea about what his “Christian guidance counselor” was talking about for the last 20 years.
    He sure is in touch. And his wife; she’s another Betsy Ross for sure…
    Too bad the Rev. Wright is suddenly on vacation now & will be on sabbatical until just after the November elections (I’m sure that’s just a coincidence)…
    Under any other circumstances, I’d think he was either being sequestered (and paid well) by a Presidential wannabe, or that he was hiding like a little sissy-ass bitch. But surely Obambi is too straight forward for that-
    Isn’t he? Or maybe Jerry Wright is just yet another whiny punk bitch.

  11. You can’t sit in a church for 20 years and listen to what…maybe 800 sermons by this racist prick and now claim you never heard any of this stuff! He only preached this when I wasn’t there claims Obama! C’mon! But, hey…Bill Clinton got away with it! Democrats aren’t particularly smart people to start with so I’m betting he pulls it off…

  12. Obama makes me sad.
    He’s like that kid who poured kitchen grease
    all over the storybooks in the third grade.
    He tries to fill you up with hope
    But for me it’s like he is pissing on my roses.
    Because deep down you know he is like Wright
    yelling, hollering and screaming on the inside.
    He says he wants hope but he really wants to come
    and punch you in the face and then take his
    cigarette butt and squish it into your eyelid
    so that you have permanent scar everytime you blink.

  13. Uh-oh, Nate is back.
    Somebody get Frank a job…Please!

    Frank already has a job. He’s the #1 conservative humor blogger in the entire freaking universe. Frank far outranks the Universes #2 conservative blogger, Oct-le’zohrqul4 the eight-handed, four keyboard wielding blogger from Xerffe. Besides even if Frank got a second job Nate would still show up sometimes. Nate’s like that.

  14. Whether he can come back or not has less to do with his political skills than it does with the powerbrokers on the left -the Media and the Dems -(many who have foolishly deserted Hillary for the cadidate of hope -they will have to pay for this of course.)
    The determinants: will we lose Florida if…?
    Will there be race riots and a lost election if….?
    Can Hillary win without the black vote…?
    How can we blame Bush for the failures of our identity politics…?
    How do we shift focus to a republican sex scandal such as “George Bush is John McCain’s sex partner?”
    Start a big floor fight over bringing the troops home….er…haven’t we tried that?”

  15. Damien, there is no such thing as an Episcopalian priest, he’s just a layman in fancy-dress.
    First off, spell my name right. Second, by your Church’s own standard, Anglican clergy are valid (excepting those who have broken the rules such as priestesses). How is this?! Well, the Old Catholics are still valid in the Roman Catholic Church’s eyes, and their bishops co-consecrated ours. FACE!
    My daughter has more authority in her little finger.
    So let me get this straight: A Roman Catholic laywoman has more religious authority than an Anglican male priest. You, sir, are an idiot.
    Damien, I assist at Mass, of the traditional / Latin / Pope St. Pius V variety, I have NEVER heard a WORD of “Elizabethan English.” It’s in Latin, pal, with the sermon in English, modern English. BTW Damien, the Latin Mass was NOT just pre-Vatican II, it was also post. It was not only the form offered during VII itself, it was also the form offered afterwards until Paul VI introduced his New Mass as designed by Anabale Bugnini, whom Paul VI banished to Iran upon information that Bugnini was a freemason.
    What a clever way to twist my words. I know that there are still Roman Catholics who practise the Latin rite, but they are currently the minority. Thankfully, Pope Benedict has allowed that matter to be settled by the priests themselves, and not the bishops who regularly disallow it.
    I do so enjoy all the heretic sects arguing with each other…the irony. Nothing but splinter groups who continue to splinter and they don’t know why…
    #15 – Posted by: Ron Manager on March 15, 2008 01:26 AM

    You do not know my beliefs, sir. I pray each and every night for the unity of the Church. Currently, my parish is fighting to free our land because our bishop is a heretic, and the Anglican Communion has committed grave sins that render her unable to reconnect with Rome in any sort of meaningful way.
    Shame on you for your rudeness! I was spreading a message of love and tolerance, as does my parish! You are divisive and judgemental! Good luck gaining converts with that attitude, sir!

  16. I know it’s anecdotal about one place, but — I occasionally went to a black baptist church in college, as it was close to the dorm; it was normally fine the times I went, but during Black History Month sermons, sunday school for children, etc., were all about how evil white people are — after two such sundays, I couldn’t take it anymore and left. Felt like I was at a Fred Phelps church (but race-based). So, it may not be the norm, but it’s certainly not just Obama’s church!

  17. Small wonder that Trinity United Church of Crass gave their highest social award to Lulu Farrakhan last year. Apparently, former Liberian president & brutal murderer Charles Taylor wasn’t able to accept the nomination…
    Maybe this year they can bestow it upon John Mohammed & J. Lee Malvo. Or, as a incentive for racial diversity, they can give it to Angel Resendez.

  18. Damian: I pray that your parish finds its way back.
    Ron Manager: I was passive-aggressive in my response to you. Without revealing too much of where I am right now (I have to email Frank J about this) I should accept the label of “heretic” for now.
    But I won’t accept the label of “schismatic”. When I was going to Episcopalian services we all had to affirm “one catholic and apostolic church”. Episcopalians don’t want to be cut off from Rome; we were just led to this pass by a bad King, persecuted by an evil Queen, invaded by tyrant Philip II of Spain, generally embarrassed by the Stuarts (a glaring exception to the if-it’s-not-scottish-it’s-crap rule) and then ravaged by a Civil War. Please do not presume to judge us for historical forces which we cannot control.

  19. I am truly confused. It is my thought that if you go to a church you go because it answers questions, fills a void, or in some other way helps you to become a better person, spiritually, emotionally and psychologically.
    I have never understood the idea that the church needs to change it’s doctrine to attract followers. If a church’s doctrine is constantly changing due to pressure from cliques or groups with the congregation then how “truly Christian” is that. I always thought that a church would belong to the deity the followers worship. If that church is Christian than Jesus Christ and his teachings, beliefs and attitudes should be what is taught in the church. If the way church members run the church offends than it is time to find a different church. It is not time to rant, rave, shout, stomp, swear or point fingers. That is not Christ’s way.
    I hope I have not offended, but as I said mainstream Christian churches confuse me.

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