
Some have been saying that McCain might not be able to be president since he wasn’t born in America, but has anyone considered that Obama might not technically be able to be president since at inauguration no one will be allowed to say his full name?

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  1. This talk of middle names is unseemly for such an important and intellectually vibrant site as this. The great issues of the day are spread out before us like winter wheat awaiting the scythe of our argument, and yet we prattle on about names.
    For instance, did you know that Al Sharpton is smarter than Louis Farrakhan? Sharpton is waiting to endorse Obama until he can’t hurt his chances.

  2. Sharpton hasn’t endorsed Obie because he isn’t a true African-American: he has no ancestors who were American slaves. I have seen this argument on the discussion boards a wikipedia, amongst other places. Anyway, when you say his whole name out loud, it sounds like he might actually be an Arab (coincidence, I’m sure).

  3. Will Obama place his hand on the Bible when sworn in? If not can he be president? He has to take the oath of office and I’m not sure if it’s an oath if it’s not taken with ones hand on a Bible.
    Really, I’m asking, ’cause I don’t know. I would think this is a more important issue than John McCains place of birth to parents who were American citizens, one of whom was in the military at a time.
    Just saying.

  4. I just did a piece on the McCain thing at my blog (and can I just say how much it pissed me off to be doing a defense piece for McCain?!).
    Interesting point on Obama, though…
    Maybe he should just change his name and get it over with. Maybe something like “Josh.”
    Barack Josh Obama.
    That works, right?
    The Barackalypse is coming. The Obamanation has been poured from the seventh vial.

  5. “The great issues of the day are spread out before us like winter wheat awaiting the scythe of our argument, and yet we prattle on about names.”
    Socrates, I rather think the great fields of winter wheat are being devoured by the most insipid breed of left wing locusts. I can only hope their “democracy” starves themselves to death.

  6. True ‘dat cowgirl. They are their own worst enemies. I wish I couldn’t say the same about many of us. While I will have to hold my noise when I vote, I just can’t vote for either of the candidates on the other side either.
    We of course have Huckabee who still thinks the nomination is his as soon as the next scandal comes along.
    And Ron Paul the Ross Periot of the 21st century. Really we need someone we can all stand behind and so far I’m not seeing him.
    The two real conservatives Thompson and Romney were forced out by the real liberals. It’s a shame but there it is. I, like someone else said today, am no longer a Republican just a conservative. NO party represents me. After 30+ years as a registered Republican, my party has left me, I didn’t leave it.

  7. Really, seanmahair. I’ve voted Republican all my life but never registered. It was ussjimmycarter who said: “I’m no longer a republican…just a conservative…sigh.” Frank should do one of those poll thingy’s and see how many feel that way. What thinkest thou?

  8. I thought that if one of both of your parents were American citizens, you would be too, no matter where you were born. I suppose it would help if your parents were genuine loyal American people, unlike another certain candidate’s mutha & her trysts with muslimy morons… “Where all de white (infidel) women at?”
    I think it might help said other candidate if his wife wasn’t a whiny Condi look-alike who’s convinced that black males get shot at gas stations for no apparent reason all the time. BTW, was she paying attention when John Mohammed and John Lee Malvo were doing that to mostly non-white people at gas stations? Maybe we should ask her.

  9. My daughter legally changed her first, middle, and last names. I protested that. Then, when my wife and I were married, she changed all three of hers, too. It’s easy to do.
    That said, Obama must have considered it going in, or not. Either he knew it would come out anyway, or he figured it would be good for him with the left-wing base (the BDS moonbats that think hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis should be slaughtered under the iron fist of Saddam) to keep it. The anti Iraq war loons.
    You can Google “Saddam Hussein’s Atrocities’ and watch some real disturbing videos. I guarantee you won’t be able to watch them clear through.
    I am not equating Obama with Saddam, but whats with the “never should have gone there” idea?
    This guy scares me on policy.
    This country needs a leader on foreign policy and sadly, I have to vote for McCain. Obama MUST be defeated on the issues.

  10. I’m as disgusted as any of you with the choices we have in this election; but still I will vote RINO before I will sit on my hands, and watch the left vote in a socialist Hugo Chavez fan.

  11. A QUIZ
    Those who will vote for a liberal Republican will,
    a: guarantee a worst RINO next time (more liberal)
    b.will seduce few liberals into leaving the true liberal party to vote for a liberal wannabe?
    c:be voting for a pure socialist/Marxist th next election.
    d:all of the above
    the cure -conservatives need to reject the GOP and become spoilers with real power again (just like McCain’s gang of 14 showed us how a few can stop both sides from functioning.

  12. #6 he can use Quran /Koran.
    for those who like to be told nicely; here’s an article:
    obama’s stance on foreign policy comes off to me as violence toward our military and all who support it. then in turn to the American people. obama’s stance completely supports the terrorists.
    and for the conservative voters who take into consideration Christian ethics and morals — take a look at his stance on pro-abortion.
    his big mouth just keeps saying things are going to change and for us to hope for the best……..jeffrey dahmer probably said that very same thing……my point being that his message is as unstable as it is useless.

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