
If all the nutty statements from Obama’s pastor being played on FOX News is from DVDs of the best of Jeremiah Wright, what does the worst of Jeremiah Wright sound like?

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  1. The ‘Worst of’ collection (“Racists Gone WILD!!!”) (“Not sold in stores!”) shows the good Reverend Wright explaining

    • The wickedness of Adolph Hitler for failing to wipe out the Jooos
    • How much better he feels now that he’s quit wearing that Whitey invention, underwear
    • Explains exactly why the Bible proves the aliens took the Lost Tribe of Israel and made crack cocaine out of them

    I’ll let you know more when I’m finished watching them.

  2. Hello, I’m John MCocaine and I know Senator Obama and I know he doesn’t approve of some of Jeremiah Wright’s statements. See, I have people who’ve supported me, but not the other way around, and I think we have to be very, very careful what we say on this matter. For example, ussjimmycarter has apologized for almost everyone here, but I don’t support his views on everything and visa versa. I respect ussjimmycarter and Senator Obama and hope they respect me. As for Jeremiah Wright – he wouldn’t be my first choice for Vice President but jimmycarter might very well be. I hope you understand my position. Thank you.

  3. #12 – Posted by: Jimmy on March 14, 2008 04:32 PM
    Hey all you McCain supporters, you see this! Try saying he’s not a liberal now!
    “Jeremiah Wright – he wouldn’t be my first choice for Vice President but jimmycarter might very well be”
    Jimmy Carter!

  4. The worst of “The Spewer from the Sewer”, is Wright in Ft. Lauderdale, in a greased leather thong and assless chaps singing all the songs from “Titanic” in a Karaoke bar.
    It’s not good.

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