The Democrat Primary Disaster

Nearly eight years ago, the Democrats were in Florida screaming, “Count every vote!” So, this election, in response to Florida moving up its primary, they said, “Let’s not count any of their votes.” No one saw that as going to be a problem? Now we have a close primary race and two large states — Florida and Michigan — have no say. The Democrats could just change their mind and recognize the elections that were held there, but that will be unfair to Obama who didn’t campaign in either. No one wants to put up the money to completely redo the elections, so people are floating dumb ideas like a mail in vote or an internet vote or having robots fight it out in a pit — all things people can easily call shenanigans on. And, after whatever poor compromise the Democrats come up with on the Florida and Michigan delegates, the election will still be essentially decided by unelected superdelegates. Basically, the Democrats have set up their primary so there is no way a large segment of their party won’t go away feeling they were bamboozled. It’s enough to make you want to put your fingertips together and say, “Excellent!”
I bet when the Democrats in frustration try and find who set up their primary process so they can blame him, they’ll discover it was a guy with an obviously fake mustache named Rarl Kove.
That magnificent bastard!


  1. To quote Forrest Gump, “Stupid is as stupid does”.
    For Democrats, rules are living, breathing things to change with the times, just like that pesky Consititution thingy.
    Still, it’s fun as hell to watch the other party be even more idiotic than my own.

  2. We all know that it doesn’t matter what happens in the coming year. After all is said and done, anything that goes wrong the Democrats will blame on the Republicans. Especially George Bush. Heck, they’ll be blaming him for stuff long after he’s dead – including global warming, racism, and spam email.

  3. Bwaahaaahaaa! Rove is like Obi-Wan after Vader saber’d him… More powerful than you could ever imagine
    Now that Rover is up to his old tricks, I’m wondering if any IMAO readers live in Denver? Things are going to get real interesting there in a few months. Does the roof of your house make a good hippie-sniping platform?

  4. This is freakin’ awesome. I think the Demotards should move their convention from Denver to Donner Pass. There are several graceful and elegant ways that they can manuever away from a collosal meltdown but they’re not smart enough to do it. Here’s to the convention, the Super Bowl of sissy slap fights.

  5. Many people are taking great delight in the ongoing battle between the Democrat candidates. I think I would, too, except every time I think about it, I’m just aghast at the millions upon millions of people who idolize them.

  6. on the eliott spitzer thing:
    He’s s SUPER DELEGATE! I wonder if that puts is super-delegate status in jeopardy. He IS pledged to the Hilldebeast, so in theory, it shouldn’t matter, right? If anything this incident should upgrade him to super-duper delegate, and by Clinton’s own definition, he’s not fully qualified to be vice-president!
    it’s interesting to see how much the Clinton/Soros machine will protect his super-delegate status.
    After all George Soros didn’t spend billions to buy the DNC and the Clintons to be sidelined by a $5000 blow job.

  7. AWESOME! The DNC never really wanted “power to the people”, which is why they created a system with 20% superdelegates… so the ‘elite’ could make a decision when the stupid people in flyover land said something different… and now everybody sees how elitist the system is!
    I say the Miami Dolphins play the Detroit Lions in a one game, winner takes all decision that makes one state pay for the winning state’s re-do.
    I’m not sure what it solves… but at least it will entertain us!

  8. I’d like to apologize for this post by these asshole conservatives here at IMAO! I’m getting very tired of this kind of politics and I pledge to the American people that I will never say anything negative about my good friends Senator Obama, Clinton or Governor Spitzer from NY! You conservatives on this blog need me to put my shoe up your asses! You are all candy asses and I am a military hero who was shot down because I was a lousy pilot who was a son of an admiral…err…nevermind that…John Kerry and I want to kick all your sorry assess and I think Elliot Spitzer probably wants to kick your asses too right now so we welcome him aboard…but he’s not taking any questions right now…thank you!!!

  9. All Hail our Dark Master Rove!
    He manages to drive the Socialists mad without even trying. With any luck, he will make this Dummiecrap Convention even more “interesting” and successful than the one in ’68.
    Seriously, now Spitzer is qualified to run for President on the Slick Willy ticket-even better, he can split up New York’s Dummiecraps with Shrillary. Given her background, I just know Shrillary will back him all of the way-just like she did her husband.

  10. I say the Miami Dolphins play the Detroit Lions in a one game, winner takes all decision that makes one state pay for the winning state’s re-do.
    I’m not sure what it solves… but at least it will entertain us!
    #17 – Posted by: Dan on March 10, 2008 04:20 PM
    Crap! Miss one lousy ERWC meeting and see what happens? Another football season? OK, count me in! And can we get that louse Warren Buffett to pay for it? I heard he’s not paying enough taxes.

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