Truthy Scienterrific Factoid!

Researchers at Duke University subjected participants to subliminal images of the iconic Apple and IBM logos (during what subjects thought was a visual acuity test), and those who were shown the Apple logo generated more creative ideas after the test than did those who were shown the IBM logo.

[Hat tip: Jim]
Which brings up the obvious question – What effect does this logo have on people?
My answers in the extended entry, yours in comments, please.

Only one answer, really – a 10,000% increase in tolerance for sincerely holding non-reality-based ideas.
For example:
* Racism is either an abomination or a legitimate grievance, depending on the skin color of the racist in question.
* Disarming law-abiding citizens protects them from armed criminals.
* If you offer government money to corporations for producing alternative energy, they will produce alternative energy. If you offer government money to “poor” people for sitting on their asses watching TV all day, they will get jobs.
* Question authority, not your college professors.
* The ability to create wealth is a sin. The ability to tax it is a virtue.
* Second-hand tobacco smoke should be a crime. First hand marijuana smoke shouldn’t be.
* Paul is dead. But he got better.
* A government-run health care system would be closer to ER than Scrubs
* We need to increase cultural diversity in our colleges by increasing the number of non-white students. Fewer Asians would be nice, though.
* Iran needs nuclear power strictly for peaceful energy production purposes. They can’t use their oil, because they have to sell it in order to afford uranium.
* The Earth receives 200 billion megawatts of the Sun’s power every second, which is less effective at planet-warming than an idling SUV.

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  1. Harvey, yours are too hard and abstract for me at this time of day. Are a few ‘visceral’ ones okay? (I’ll work on the complex ones after getting attacked by Conservatives, later.)
    * First word part: a$$. Second part hint: what do golfers putt their balls into?
    * A game of similes: “Dumb as…”
    * They got the bottom part Right. Must be their base.
    * Watch out. They bite and kick.

  2. From article:
    “Racism is either an abomination or a legitimate grievance, depending on the skin color of the racist in question.”
    Remember, when the politically correct use the term racist, they simply mean white Gentiles who discriminate.
    It is a racial slur that is directed only seriously towards white Gentiles. Racist = honky, or honky-ish.
    So, the translation of the quote would be: Honky-ish is either an abomination or a legitimate grievance, depending on the skin color of the honky in question.”

  3. those who were shown the Apple logo generated more creative ideas
    What I find interesting about this oft-repeated story is that no one cares to define “creative.”
    Maybe what the Apple-logo viewers produced is more off-the-wall bizarre ideas that sound amazing but are totally unworkeable in the real world. Maybe the news story should be that IBM-logo viewers exhibited more common sense and good judgment.
    I mean, there are times when calling someone “creative” is just a kind way to say they should lay off the LSD so they can hold down a job and pay the rent on time.

    • The US Military (Which is the only part of the government that has shown any ability to accomplish anything) is unable to properly take care of our soldiers when they return from Iraq, but we should trust the government to handle healthcare for the whole country.
    • If my daughter gets a headache at school, she can’t get an aspirin without my consent. If she wants birth control or an abortion, nobody is allowed to tell me.
    • All aborted pregnancies are the result of rape or incest.
    • The Earth receives 200 billion megawatts of the Sun’s power every second, which is less effective at planet-warming than an idling SUV.
      Although my 15 year old 4WD F-150 is probably doing more than either …. which reminds me I need to go shovel 8 inches of “global warming” off my driveway on the second day of spring.
      I love Wisconsin !
    • If you think Barack Obama would not be leading in the polls if he weren’t black, you’re a filthy racist who needs to apologize, but if you think the government invented aids to addict black people to cocaine for the jooos, you’re preaching about love.
    • Those without power (including Senators and Congresswomen) cannot be racists.
    • Michelle Obama is a hottie, but Cindy McCain is a trophy wife
    • Abortion is a choice, and infanticide should be legal
    • We should pull out of Iraq until the terrorists show up
  4. My reaction to that image: “Who sawed that poor donkey in half, lengthwise, and then painted his top part blue with stars, while his legs got all covered in blood?”
    Concrete thinker here, with large rocks in head.

  5. Yeah, earlier Mikee (is it true you’ll try anything?) I was thinkin’ that, when viewed from left to right, the white streak ended at (in?) a certain oriface with planetary significance. But then I looked closer. Nope. The blue zone (states) contains the thingy.

    • Only clueless idiots would pick and ass for a mascot. At least you can teach tricks to an Elephant.
    • Their motto: “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable.”
    • They think everything in the Constitution is up to a “democratic vote.” They value “democracy” above liberty and principle.
    • The word “republic” makes them angry.
    • If you remind them that Martin Luther King was a Republican, they turn red, hee-haw, and bite.
    • If you remind them that Republicans are the “Party of Lincoln,” they grow silent and hate you for weeks.
    • If you point out John F. Kennedy’s famous quotation (in the defense of the Iraq War):

    “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”

    they really get pissed and stomp off (I kid you not!).
    * In fact, there aren’t many “Democrats” like JFK any more. If you point that out to them, they hand you your stomach.
    I could go on for many more. But, no one is reading on Friday night anyway.

  6. All I can think of is Shoot Out The Star. You remember that impossible midway attraction, with the BB-firing Tommy guns. That’s about as close as we New Yorkers got to full-auto fun…

  7. Causes people to go immediately to the nearest sink, turn on the hot water and wash their hands repeatedly.
    Side effect makes them wary of computer images and any animal with long ears, four legs or muleheaded attitudes

  8. Maybe those four stars on the donkey represent the worst socialist Presidents in history:
    Bill Clinton
    Jimmy Carter
    Franklin Roosevelt
    Woodrow Wilson
    Of course, the Democrats would probably name them as their best. Horn and buzzer sounds. Wrong!

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