USA Today Readers Shall Be the Fools This April

Sorry to be a bit neglectful to the blog this week, but an opportunity came up that I wanted to devote my full creative energies to. Anyway, you should look for a column co-authored by me in the April 1st edition (that’s Tuesday) of USA Today… unless this was all some cruel April Fools joke on me. If so, then well played, Jonah Goldberg. Well played.

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  1. You just cant make this stuff up:,CST-NWS-SNEED28.article
    Word is former Dem presidential hopeful John Edwards is now leaning toward endorsing Hillary . . . but it’s still a wait and see.
    * Translation: Sneed hears Edwards’ wife, cancer survivor Elizabeth Edwards, does NOT favor Barack Obama’s candidacy . . . but NOT because of racism. “She feels her husband should have been the man in the center of the presidential sweepstakes, rather than Obama,” a source said.

  2. I think this is a ploy to get conservatives to buy a copy of USA Today for once. What’s next, a stint as a guest editor at the NYT!? I was born in the morning, but it wasn’t yesterday morning… it’s been at least a year or two. You can tell because I still have all my baby fat.

  3. Frank, I question your Boolean logic. USA Today readers ARE normally fools. If you write for them, they’ll temporarily be XOR’d into non-fools by your foolery. Aha! Gotcha.
    OMG, are we going to temporarily lose Frank to a glib rag?

  4. I think this is a ploy to get conservatives to buy a copy of USA Today
    Hmmm…I think I have a solution for conscientious conservatives: Buy the USA today, then make approx 50 cents of prank calls to their editors.

  5. “Frank, I question your Boolean logic. USA Today readers ARE normally fools. If you write for them, they’ll temporarily be XOR’d into non-fools by your foolery. Aha! Gotcha.”
    #6 – Posted by: Jimmy on March 28, 2008 02:32 PM
    There is nothing wrong with his logic, if I was to say that this apple will be a fruit this Saturday I’d be correct. I might be implying that the apple is not currently a fruit, but I’m not actually stating it, so my logic is fine.

  6. Since I get the USA today for free at the hotel I work at I will not have to read it. We put a free USA TODAY outside all 300 of our rooms every morning, and around lunch time, we pick up the 298 copies that our guest left their, because bending down at the back is just too much of a price for that rag.

  7. We all knew this day would come… the day FrankJ Funnyman sells out and goes over to the corporate mainstream media. I predict one year from now he will be praising Obama’s latest bungled foreign policy effort as “delightfully multi-lateral”.

  8. Ann Kormblutt of the Washington Post (Compost)
    thinks it is perectly ok to repeat annon, statements about Clinton especially ones that hold her up to ridicule
    I wonder how Ms Kornblutt will feel when people start repeating all the annon things written about her on bathroom walls make in into the mainstream
    I read that she is a moron who has all her columns written by the Obama campaign and she wipes up the thrill on Chris Matthews leg

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