We’re All Having Windfall Profits

I heard an ad on the radio that pointed out how many people through mutual funds and 401ks have stock in oil companies and don’t even know it. I guess the oil companies are hoping that next time they post record profits while gasoline prices are going up, some people will exclaim, “Awesome! Part of that is me!”
Sounds like a good strategy.


  1. BigRS, did I read that wrong? Tell me you don’t let your wife drive.
    What part of “barefoot and pregnant” confused you?
    My own wife — a fine Christian woman — loves to go to the Go Kart park. I only let her go every couple of years, since any more than that and she begins thinking she should be allowed to get her license. I can tell she’s thinking that, because of her reluctance to ride her bicycle into town for groceries afterwards, mumblings about being allowed to wear pants instead of skirts, etc.

  2. Wasn’t it the Democrat(ick)s who were all wound up a few years back about us (U.S.) not paying enough for our gas? Whining about Europeans having to pay twice or three times more than us?! This should be making them giddy with happiness! Why, this makes us more like the French!

  3. Sorry Socrates, Some one needs to do the running around with the kids. I have three jobs to help pay for the morgage, utilities, gas, and a $1,000 a month ebay addiction. I’M HELPING THE ECONOMY!! IF I DON’T BUY MEGA MAN X FOR THE SUPER NINTENDO THEN THE TERRORIST WIN! Now all I need is a Super Nintendo… and maybe a Sega Genisis… I love Sonic…

  4. Personally, I think we should all go after the biggest culprits in this windfall mess – The US Government. 4 trillion dollars for producing… what? Beaurocracies? More red tape? If making 10% (less than the national average, I might add) is a windfall, what do you call 100%?
    I say we drag congress’s butt into the sunlight and take those profits; or better yet, let everyone keep their money in the first place.

  5. We need to tax the snot out of big oil! Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax! We are tired of these fat cats who are getting rich off blood for oil…err…sorry…see I told you…IMAO is making me dumber and I’m turning into a liberal! Ahhhh! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Chris Mathews is anti Hillary! This insult must not stand! Hillary Clinton is the endorsed Candidate of Operation Chaos! She has been selected by Maha Rushdi as the candidate of Chaos and for the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy to intervene at this time is an insult to the process of democracy and shall not be tolerated at any level! We shall take to the streets to make certain that every vote counts!!!

  7. As part of our promote Hillary campaign, I have sent an email to the Hillary Clinton camp offering Jimmy as a temporary sex “slave/partner/toy/discard/dildo” As of the writing of this post there is interest in my proposal. It seems that sex is the only thing that keeps Hillary’s foot out of Hillary’s mouth and it seems that my offering of Jimmy for the next 5 or 15 months seems an acceptable alternative to James Carville, who commented “if we can keep her on her back, we can keep her off the front page…LOL”…

  8. Funny you should offer that, oh great submarine one. Now get your head out from down under and think on this! I’ve been analyzing for months now – by looking at all available Internet pictures of Hillary – just at what point in her life “does she do anything for me?” You know, exactly which picture of her causes a twinge in my leg; up my leg; down my leg; around my leg; on my leg… all of those Chris Matthews twinge locations. And I simply can’t find one!! So, you won’t mind if I decline your offer.
    I’ll just continue with my late night sex hotline program on the radio: MSNOSEX. That way, my big mouth and bass voice can continue to do some good for all the ladies out there.

  9. BTW, ussjimmycarter, Hillary called. She knows you’re supporting Obama and she’s coming to Minnesota to check up on you, look you up and down, as it were. Orifice check!! Standby for an attitude adjustment on a portable rack, sucker! And, she’s bringing Chelsea, her semi-beautiful, pre-sexed, pre-pimped, animatrix daughter just for some ‘field training.’ You’re gonna wish you were a LOT younger by the time it’s over, bubba. Instead, you’re gonna be mistaken for John McCAintIOld.

  10. You see, Troy, Hillary and ussjimmycarter live in a world of total make-believe. To ussjimmycarter, the thought of being ‘accessed’ by Mrs. Clinton is probably a thought worse than death. So, this should straighten him out on the Obama thing. I know. It’s Terrible.

  11. Jimmy, Hillary emailed me back and you are safe for now. It seems that she already has a “friend” whatever that means. As for the daughter…I always understood her father to be Janet Reno which explains the odd looks…

  12. Oh gawd, thanks, ussjc. As a post mortem, Hillary called and said she cancelled her trip to Minneapolusa so she and Chelsea won’t be buggerin’ you after all. She did leave her regards for you with a wink and a smile over the phone – I could just hear it. And I heard an odd cackle as she hung up…

  13. //seanmylittlecelticbunnydoll// be still my heart ; )
    It’s a really good thing the spouse is very secure. He did say he’d never ever thought of me in quite that way before.
    If ya’ll have to fight at least don’t leave any marks. I wouldn’t want you damaged.

  14. Oh, no marks, mahair. ussjimmycarter has got to be one of the funniest people I’ve never met. I start laughing just thinking about him and everything he posts. Don’t worry, he won’t read this.
    BTW, pretending to fight is an old ploy between pirates… era, sailors. Your secure spouse probably knows about it. And that’s a good ting, too. 🙂

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