Why Would His Church Need to Preach the Gospel When It Has the Messiah in Its Audience?

Tell me that isn’t really creepy in its own special way.
(hat tip Ace)

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  1. Thank you, Frank and Ace, for reminding us all that the challenge is more real than a lot of us would “hope” it to be. The quote at the end is the best… Hope everyone had an excellent Good Friady spent in humble reflection and admiration of the real Messiah…

  2. obama is the ultimate SKY NEGRO
    i remember when he parted the waters for the egyptian slave owners, in that they may darken themselves w/ the most beneficial rays in reaction to their prime grade melanin
    obama prophesied, “in the future we will demand reparations for all this sunlight!”

  3. So disturbing. How big are the numbers of these “true believers”…I have been wanting to think that this is just a flash in the pan and when he is either knocked out of the primaries or when he is defeated by the GOP in Nov., it’ll all be over.
    But I am getting uneasy. My kids (jr. hi and hi school) come home complaining that “everyone” in school thinks that Obama is all that. Including all their teachers, who I expected it from anyway.

  4. If find neocon cowgirl’s comment disturbing. At the rate these Obama people breed, it won’t be long before we’re a democracy of idiots. And it won’t matter what we think. Perhaps a generation of hard times is the only cure.

  5. People in his cult have been gushing for many moons about how transformative it would be, for race and society, if he wins.
    Now, the frightening question is: how transfomative would he be, for ELECTORAL POLITICS, if he wins? We would have a case where a candidate takes over the most powerful country in the world with nothing more than soaring platitudes, messianic demeanor, and posters. America will have become a cultocracy. The same kinds of candidates would be trotted out forever after.
    Even if Obama doesn’t overly abuse his privilege, one of them will.

  6. #12 Tim, Hitler only had a minority at first; but Germany had the sort of multiparty system that forced other parties to make deals with him in order to form a government. It couldn’t happen here unless some egotist split the anti-Obama vote. (As another egotist split the anti-Wilson vote in 1912.)
    Mind you, by Jonah Goldberg’s definition we’re going to get fascism whatever happens in 2009. I may as well get that uniform made…
    #11 hitnrun, maybe the analogy is 1970 Chile? Obama = Allende, Hillary = Tomic, McCain = Alessandri.

  7. After watching that video, I am now in love with Barack Obama, and want to become a woman so I can bear his children. He makes my legs tingle. I’ll sew his socks so I can smell them.
    I now want the government to tax the rich (but only their fair share).
    I want the government to bring its efficiency to health care, because it’s not fair that some people get medical treatment if not everyone can. It should be illegal to cure one person if you can’t cure everyone.
    I want to withdraw from Iraq, because it wasn’t fair of us to win anyway.
    I want to give black people the vote, finally, and to outlaw killing them for any reason, even running their yaps in movie theaters.
    I want Dick Durbin to run our foreign policy.
    I want Tyra Banks to be Press Secretary.
    I want Tony Resko to be Secretary of the Treasury
    I’d go on, but you get the picture. I’m all in.

  8. Well, I think you should go on Soccer Mates. So there you are.
    I’d like Barack Obama to tell us what to think and when to think it. Perhaps he can explain to us which parts of the Constitution are good, and which are bad and should be thrown away, like the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Similarly for our many Federal laws and State statutes. I need political enlightenment. I confess I don’t know how to participate in my community and require his guidance on how to start being involved. I hope he can bring about this change in me. I am lost without him. I won’t know what to do if he doesn’t win. I am scared.
    And I need spiritual direction because I’m a typical American. Obviously, my beliefs are wrong and my worshipping habits need correcting. Perhaps he can spend more time combining politics and religion for us like Reverend Wright, or, even better, instructing us on how to combine civil and religious life in a more hopeful, changeful manner. If he could draw more on Islamic teachings rather than Judeo-Christian traditions, that would be great I think. I’m all open to that. I have hope in the pursuit of Obama’s righteousness.
    Plus, I must confess, I feel I’m not a racist but am willing to be instructed on how to regard myself as one. Please correct and lead me to understand, Mr. Obama, how I am to come together with with my fellow man and judge him properly. In the past, I’ve judged him completely by his actions and beliefs, but now I realize this isn’t enough. Obviously I need help defining what a person’s character is and how to judge it. Help me understand just how important skin color really is. Lead me out of my narrow-minded, self-serving rationalism. Bring me instead to a grander view of shared responsibility of all our failings.

  9. Wow, there are a few people on here that took the thoughts right out of my head regarding the similarities to Obama and Hitler.
    Hitler had the same charisma and fanatical following, was able to work people up into a rabid mouth foaming frenzy…we see where that got everyone.
    I never thought I’d be rooting for a Clinton, I guess hell is freezing over as I type.
    Have a great Easter everyone!!!

  10. Jimmy, I’m so glad you have seen the Light, the Light of the Obamessiah. This season has a way of opening hearts and renewing minds, and I for one welcome our new liberal overlord.
    Now that the past will soon be behind us, we can sit back and vote ourselves wealth and peace.

  11. Personally, I do not think Obama is that bad a person. He is not evil.
    But he is the most left wing person ever to have a real chance of being president.
    The whole “Obamamania” is increasingly creepy.
    As for his pastor, I lvie in Chicago, this has been something that worried me when Obama ran for Senate. Furthermore, as as Catholic, I just don’t get the whole megachurch star minister thing. To me, the priest is there as a mechanic. He does what he is supposed to do, but I show up at church not for him, but for God.

  12. If BO aka the Messiah wins, it becomes an total no-win situation for us. If he succeeds in delivering on half his promises, we will have a socialist country, if he delivers on much more, we will exist under fascist rule. Clear success on his part will lock in his re-election. And as stated earlier by hitnrun (#11) we will continue to get his kind of candidate elected in the years following.
    On the other hand, should he be elected but unable to deliver, or be shown to be the fraud that he is, it will all be the fault of conservatives and republicans for standing in his way. After all, isn’t everyone who isn’t a follower of BO just a bigot? This applies also should he be defeated in the primary or general elections.
    The best strategy would have been for Republicans to draft a qualified black candidate of their own. I hate to say that, but Republicans are now in a position where all their statements about BO are run through the racism filter.(or even sexism in the case of her majesty the queen beast) Rational arguements regarding issues are twisted or ignored in order to work in the racial or sexist angle. Could we not have put forward someone of Thomas Sowell’s caliber. I doubt at his age he would subject himself to the indignities of presidential politics, but other, younger blacks with his level of intelligence may, as a service to their country.
    It is indeed a milestone when a female or a black candidate succeeds in being elected, but not on the level that the libs believe. It is purely symbolic. Proof of what many of us already know, that widespread white racism and sexism is not the norm in this country today.

  13. Some have mentioned two items about Obama that makes the worried about the future… as if they have not occurred before:
    1) The “personality cult”.
    2) The charismatic leader that everybody just can’t help but like.
    Sorry folks, but you have to look no farther than Bill Clinton. Even conservatives who disliked his politics and thought negatively of him would be overwhelmed with positive feelings for him when they met him in person. There is something about him… but at least he was a two-headed beast. Hillary was the power hungry, stop at nothing, do anything to win and stay in power person behind Billary’s rise to power.
    If folks’ perceptions are correct, then the Democratic ticket has a choice between the anti-Christ and Stalin with a skirt.

  14. Obama reminds me of a Steven King story. All we’re missing is the chain saw and the torture. Seriously, the man is frightening. Any TYPICAL white person who supports him should be drummed from the corps.

  15. 23 bugman: Bill Clinton brought us a load of schmaltz and charmed the ladies, but he didn’t start a cult. Lerner’s “Politics of Meaning” was about as close as it got, and it didn’t get anywhere. Perot was more cultish in the ’92 election.
    Other than that, you’ve pretty much summed up my apprehensions. Although, I’m not as scared of Hillary as I once was.

  16. The sad thing is that if you cut out the last warning from Chesterton, you could totally see the Democrats running this video at their convention as an inspirational video. There are WAY too many who wouldn’t get it.
    After Obama’s racial speech, MSNBC had various commentators come on for TWO HOURS continually gushing about how it’s the best speech since Martin Luther King, etc. I coined the phrase “Bukakabama” to describe how they creamed over the speech.
    Hugh Hewitt has been saying someone should be running clips of his audio book Dreams of my Father where he swears like a sailor and discusses his drug use.

  17. I have to agree with Fred. The entire time I watched it, wanting to click STOP quickly, but thankfully I read the comment also about the quote at the end. I did last the entire video. All I can think about is FALSE IDOL(s) as to those who practically worship O. The theme of Hitler and those raised hands also came to mind. The end quote is very apt also.
    Creepy isn’t the word I would use. Horrific comes to mind.

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