1. End War
2. ?
3. Profit!

I keep hearing liberals talk about how one of the problems with the economy is the war draining money from the economy.
And how is that? For one thing, a lot of that money goes to American companies. Still, you could argue it would be spent better in the private sector, but I don’t hear any liberals arguing to end the war and then put all the money we save back into the economy through tax cuts. Their plans are probably just to spend it on free condoms and stuff.

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  1. WWII is largely accredited with ending the great depression because it created jobs for people without jobs. The democrats should be using the war to fix their problems.
    Let’s take everyone that is on welfare and draft them into the Military. This would fix our entire nation.
    1)The Military will provide them with a job and give them much needed skills. (IED disposal looks good on a resume!)
    2)The Military will provide a home for them and all 13 of their illegitimate children.
    3)The Military will provide FREE MEDICAL CARE for them and their dependants! (That alone will please the Democrats.)
    4)The Military will make sure they get plenty of exercise to ward off future health problems.
    Everyone Wins!

  2. The money we are now wasting on “The War On Terrorism” could be much better spent toward providing illegal immigrants with much-needed plastic surgery, or placing convenient abortion booths in every mall.

  3. what they’re not saying (but liberals understand clearly) is that all that money spent on the war could be used for welfare, social programs, entitlements, and paying supporting illegal immigrants.
    However if you look at Obama’s plan, the real issue here is that he knows if he makes the tax system “fair” (in other words make “the rich” pay more) tax revenues will go down and we won’t be able to afford to fight wars.

  4. I borrow an old liberal slogan:
    wouldn’t it be a great day if the military had to hold bake sales to buy another bomber while every illegal immigrant has a home mortgage and a line of credit they never have to pay back?

  5. I figured they would spend the “war money” on medical marijuana “research”, gun buy-backs, healthcare for drug-abusers, mortgage-subsidies for illegal immigrants, and free abortions for underage girls. You sure think highly of the democratic party if you think they would limit themselves to “free” condoms.

  6. given the government’s track record, would YOU trust your health (and possibly your financial future) to a free government-provided condom? Even if you would, by the time you fill out the paperwork and wait in line, she probably won’t be in the mood anymore.

  7. Even if we pulled out of ever country we’re involved in, we need to pour billions into recapitalizing our assets. Ships and airplanes need replaceing. Training time that was skimped needs to be carried out. That takes fuel and parts and munitions and all manner of support supplies. Ending the fighting would save nothing.

  8. You know what else is a drain on the economy? Buildings falling down after airliners crash into them. Cue liberals whining about Bin Laden and Saddam being enemies in three, two, one.

  9. Free condoms? Sweeet. How about free hookers also. And while I’m on a rant, why not a sheep in every garage? But then who would need hookers? Or condoms. Um, anybody know how to de-claw a cat on a budget?

  10. Embryonic stem cell research!
    Never mind that it accomplishes less (as in little to nothing) than adult stem cell research; we need a reason to justify baby death, and who better to do that that the Democrat party?
    BTW, the idea of “harvesting” embryonic anything is worse than cannibalism; at least eating someone for sustenance has a viable point.

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