“I Love America. That’s Why I Live in L.A. From There, It’s Only About a Half-Hour Commute to America.”

Craig Ferguson, who will be voting for the first time this year since he recently became a U.S. citizen, hosted the White House Correspondents Dinner. Check it out. I thought his monologue was pretty funny, with the sharpest jab being at the NYT who refused to attend.

We’re All Going to Die

If Glenn Beck had any sense, he’d be talking about this instead of whether Putin is Gog or Magog:

I found this through Ace (that’s right; I found this monkey news myself before any of you e-mailed me — you guys are slacking). That is an orangutan spearfishing. They had never done that before.
They are learning.
Becoming smarter.
Becoming deadlier.
Now they’re killing fish with spears, but how long until they’re coming through our windows with shotguns?
At least I’m not the only one seeing where this is going.