Absolut Silliness

I no I should be outrages about the Absolut ad thingy, but the Reconquista idea is just so pathetic. We’re talking about Mexico. That’s like a three year old imagining besting a professional luchadore.
And why would Mexicans want an even larger country to flee from?

MEXICAN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT: Yay! I’ve made it to America!
MEXICAN OFFICIAL: I’m afraid not. We took over most of the west coast. You’re still like a thousand miles from the American border.
MEXICAN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT: Crap. Do you have any work I can do?
MEXICAN OFFICIAL: Of course not. This is Mexico.

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  1. That’s like a three year old imagining besting a professional luchadore.

    Luchadore? I had to look that up in a dictionary. I this this site is in danger of moving away from its target audience.

  2. Here’s what I left on Absolut’s “apology” page:
    Good show! What better way to hock your mind-numbing intoxicants than to pander to a country that can’t be bothered to take care of & keep its own citizenry there while repeatedly “borrowing” billion upon billions of US dollars.
    Perhaps you could run an ad that displays Angel Resendiz heartily enjoying a martini before he went on his murderous rampages or maybe even a Bloody Mary made with your vodka & the blood of any one of his 5 American female victims! Good times…
    Here’s an idea: Absolut Zyklon-B, y’know, for the discerning Nazi sympathizer who would like nothing more than to be the bartender at a Jewish wedding. After all, that idea may be a bit “fantastic” too, right…?

    Screw Absolut; I’m going to stick to American beer.

  3. Well #3, in theory vodka is great. It’s alcoholic and tasteless. In practice, however, it has a taste and it waters down your coke.
    That’s why I stick with bourbon. Nothing tricky there.

  4. “You may all go to hell, and I shall go to Texas.”
    Davy Crockett
    As a Texan all I have to say is “Come and take it”
    We will will even spot you Rhode Island
    Good Luck!
    Titos’s Vodka, handmade in the U.S.A from now on!

  5. Lot of cocaine in that advertising business. Really a lot. Same as car ads, nobody in the company ever seems to preview this stuff.
    The issue is whether the new (Pernod) management, or the old one (Kingdom of Sweden) is behind this, and who the coked-up ad agency was. In hundreds of squawks, I have not seen it come up. At one of the big Pajama sites is a comment that lists all the Pernod product lines we’ll have to boycott, and it’s not funny: Chivas, Glenlivet, Beefeater, Kahlua, Four Roses(!). I thought yon IntarW3bs axed the hard questions.

  6. I would like to know what AD agency and what person(s) at that AD agency created this ad. I would like to know what their politics were and if they were using their jobs to promote their personal agenda.

  7. if I may, for a moment, ignore the insulting nature of the ad, and point out…nope. can’t do it. can’t even ignore it for a moment.
    but still, if it helps sell vodka in Mexico…Drunk Mexicans don’t climb fences as well as sober ones. Maybe we should incorporate this into the border fence.

  8. I’m not sure it’s entirely silly. Bicultural nations are ALWAYS unhappy. And Kosovo and a host of other examples show us what can happen when an ethnic group gains overwhelming numerical superiority in a region controlled by another nation-state. Especially when they believe they have a historical claim on it.
    Given the radicalism endemic in much of the Chicano movement, we could realistically see a separatist movement and domestic terrorism as the preponderance of Mexicans in south-western states increases. We aren’t exempt from the socio-political forces impacting the rest of the world. . .

  9. The reconquistas are funny. “Retaking” all or part of the US in the name of a “culture” whose primary achievements were walls made from the heads of human sacrifice victims, human coprolites containing human DNA (proving cannibalism), and a technology incapable of producing either the keystone arch or the wheel.

  10. #13 George-
    That’s not fair; just look at all the Nobel Prize winners & laureates who were Mexican. Oh wait… never mind.
    Well, just look at all the Mexican inventors & scientific researchers who have really made innovative strides toward bettering modern society. Oh wait… again.
    OK, how about the staggering number of Mexicans who made Mexico the greatest nation ever through the large business empires they created? Oh wait… yet again.
    Alright, fine. But face it; no one makes crappy tin art, velvet paintings and churros better the Reconquesadilla people.
    And that’s a fact. Well, except for maybe about the churros…

  11. The Mexicans already have a state in the US. It’s even called “New Mexico”. By coincidence it happens to lie at the bottom of almost every measure you care to use. And, yes, when more Mexicans migrate therein they migrate even faster thereout.

  12. And we have Bill Richardson, who despite having a White father, is 100% “latino”. I posted a comment several months back that basically stated that between Richardson & Obama, they could make one whole stupid White guy. And that guy would still be a liberal pussy.

  13. The Absolut ad sparks strong response because it is a symbol of legitimate public concern about the invasion of the U.S. by millions of foreign aliens. When millions of illegal aliens are openly invading the U.S. the issue of illegal immigration has grown into an issue of invasion, a National security issue. The scale of the problem (millions of aliens overwhelming U.S.) means that the aliens are not only “illegal immigrants” but also invaders.
    Citizens are justifiably outraged that the federal government has refused to stop this invasion of millions of aliens. The primary duty of the President and the federal government is to protect the homeland from invasion. Someone needs to bring a lawsuit compelling the President and the federal government to perform its duty and defend our borders from invasion (not just “illegal immigration”).
    Because of the scale of the problem (millions of invaders) and the nature of the problem (invasion), the U.S. armed forces need to replace the border patrol (ICE) as the primary defender of the border.
    The invasion of the U.S. by millions of Mexicans is an act of war by the government of Mexico. The U.S. needs to issue an ultimatum to the government of Mexico to stop the invasion within 90 days, or face the consequences of its continuing act of war against the U.S.

  14. Actually, between the libs, the illegals, the politicos, and the in general nasty dishonest sort, the US has already gone to heck in a handbasket.
    I say we invade Mexico with guns ablazing and kick the rest of them northward into the US, then lock the border from the other side and clean up our neighbor to the south into a conservative utopia called Reaganopolis: no taxes, no crime, no regulation, no penalty for success, health care and faith-based education for all from cradle to grave. And no immigration until and unless you can prove conservative cred.
    Liberals and illegals who sneak into Reaganopolis because they ran their own country into the ground have three choices: leave, convert, or become plant food.

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