Barack Tells It Like It Is

Barack Obama speaks his mind:

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them…And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.
And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

To give you an idea of just how elitist this statement is, he told it to the billionaires that made him come him through the servants entrance.
So people only like religion and guns and criticize illegal immigrations because they’re stupid and jobless? I liked religion and guns and criticized illegal immigration before I was jobless, so there.
As these slip ups show, Barack Obama, much like his wife and preacher, hates America and Americans. The question to ask is whether America is better run by someone who doesn’t despise it? This is something reasonable people can disagree on.
I was thinking: If clinging to religion and guns and criticizing illegal immigration is what typical white people do when they lose their jobs, what happens when they’re punished with a baby?
Being attacked by both Hillary and McCain, Obama has responded:

“Senator Obama has said many times in this campaign that Americans are understandably upset with their leaders in Washington for saying anything to win elections while failing to stand up to the special interests and fight for an economic agenda that will bring jobs and opportunity back to struggling communities. And if John McCain wants a debate about who’s out of touch with the American people, we can start by talking about the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans that he once said offended his conscience but now wants to make permanent.”

He then added, “See, all I have to do is get those jobless crackers jealous of people with more money, and they’ll forget everything I said. Stupid honkeys.”

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  1. Yo, Barack! You know those guns I cling to? Try and take them you elitist blowhard jacka$$! Try and take my Bible too. I’ll knock you into next week with it, you danged fool!

  2. Here’s the thing, we are in lose / lose scenario no matter what the outcome. If Obama doesnt get the nod from the DNC then there will be riots and “race” relations will be strained for the next 4 yrs. If Obama gets the DNC nod, and loses the election, same scenario. If Obama should by some quirk get elected, he will probably get shot leading to …. see above scenario. Then to add insult to injury, we could have to contend with the above while dealing with the Beast, or McPain. Anyway you cut it, we (the US) are screwed, all that remains to be seen is how F’d up things are really going to get. The absolute nonsense of this situation astounds me to no end. I mean these “candidates” are fairly transparent in thier agendas and ideology. You know I just dont get it. I WANT A DO OVER!

  3. I like my guns, my religion, and my brand new Wii. It is tough being white sometimes but I will just have to content myself with my side hobbies of oppressing the black man and inventing AIDS. Can’t wait to see what asinine Barry says next.

  4. If you don’t believe in God, you won’t believe in nothing. You’ll believe in anything!
    G.K. Chesterton
    Tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans? Does he have that phrase tattooed on the inside of his eyelids so he won’t forget it? I believe I need a drink!

  5. Why are you honkeys so retarded? I only say these things to wake up you ignorant crackers! If you don’t better yourselves and learn to read, or at least learn what a drawing of a donkey looks like, you won’t be able to vote for me, your superior in all ways. Stop that bible-thumping, gun-toting, sister-marrying, free-trading, law-abiding stuff that whitey does so I won’t be too ashamed to have you vote for me!

  6. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
    And here’s the translation for anyone who isn’t aware of the socialist overtones of what he basically said:
    Guns, Christian religion, local pride & patriotism… these are all signs of ignorant people who just need to see that centralized government will solve all their problems, especially in predominantly White communities who allege that their livelihood has been undermined by NAFTA & illegal immigration. It’s these antiquated ideas that gun ownership is a right, God (in the Judeo/Christian context) exists, and that illegal immigration is counterproductive to a strong economy that are the problem. Taxation & total disarmament is the key…
    If you asked him about all these “poor” minority people in urban areas who are doing the same things he alleges happen in rural areas, it would still be whitey’s fault for oppressing minorities. Disarming them would be “taking away their voice”.

  7. Let’s see…
    I’m employed, live in a big town, and I make a pretty good income…and I am a Christian, love guns and want illegals sent home and the border protected. Nope, his theory seems to break down in my case…
    If we elect this dill weed, however he will do his best to see that our guns are taken away, our religion is silenced in the public square and the doors to illegal immigration shall swing wide open…while the boot of federal oppression falls on anyone with a job. Then Michelle will have something to truly be proud of!

  8. I woke up this morning thinking about politics and words that describe Obama:
    OK, the sun is out, 70 deg. forecast. Forget Obama, Jimmy, just forget the bastard.

  9. I’ve tried to follow your advice, Jimmy, I really have…but I just can’t forget him. Especially not when many of the people my age (early 20’s college crowd) are falling all over themselves to praise Obama and his hopey and change-ish message. I’ve looked into several college groups that promote this cat, and none of them actually promote his platform or stances. They all just love love love the fact that he’s new and wonderful, and that he’s all for CHANGE. What kind of change, they don’t say, but it’s CHANGE, by God. I know, I know, I’m preaching to the choir here, but I just don’t understand.
    By the way, one of those groups (oh, the joys of the “social networking” site, Facebook) recently had a discussion under the heading “What’s So Bad About Socialism?” My God…how asinine.

  10. Easy, quick, permanent smackdown for “Tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans…”:
    “I would like to ask those Americans listening to me now: did you receive a tax cut? Are you among the wealthiest of Americans? ”
    I got a tax cut under Bush. We live OK, but then, I didn’t take out a bigger mortgage than I could afford.

  11. I see his comments as way beyond elitist. Basically, he’s saying that there can be no rational debate on free trade, immigration, the second amendment, or morality issues like abortion or gay “marriage.” In his mind, his is the only logical, rational position. If you hold a contrary position, it’s because you’re angry about something else. I honestly think calling this “elitist” is letting him off the hook; this is something far beyond elitism. And Hillary calling him on the carpet for what he said is a joke, since she basically believes the same thing.

  12. ‘Screwtape Proposes a Toast’ by C.S. Lewis. Originally published in the Saturday Evening Post, early 1960’s. Sometimes included as a postscript to his book, ‘The Screwtape Letters’. It’s worth a look.
    Lewis must have been a prophet. In short, the article proposes that Freedom and Liberty can be pulled down by use of the word ‘Democracy!’ as an incantation. “I’m just as good as you are!” becomes the battle cry of those envious of success but lacking the skills or ambition to succeed. This serves the devils’ purposes in 3 ways. 1st, it gives the envious and jealous an excuse to hate excellence. 2nd, it discourages excellence and pressures the successful to feel ashamed of their talents and strengths. Finally it enthrones an obvious lie at the core of the life of anyone who says it. The rich never says it to the poor. The strong never says it to the weak. The winner never says it to the loser. It’s precisely the nagging itch of perceived inferiority that forces out the cry of, “I’m just as good as you are!”
    Anyway… Has Obama read ‘Screwtape Proposes a Toast”, Or does he get his politics of envy retoric direct from the source?

  13. #23 – Stephen:
    I agree. However, at first glance, he comes off as elitist. But his “philosophy” (if you can call it that) is a set-up – a con game – for a way of life that is truly un-American.
    Personally, I would like to hear you expound on your thesis.

  14. When words are all you have, they become a lot harder to eat.
    Obama won’t have a leg left to stand on as Hillary goes for the guts on the only issue he ever had- populist socialism. Unless she drops the ball on this too…

  15. oh where to start…
    #16 – AlanABQ does your re-stating of this constitute a WORM (What Obama Really Meant)…
    #17 – ussjimmycarter: dillweed…that’s being very mean to a very delicious herb…Dopeweed maybe; or some fun hard to get rid of weed…Eliteweed sounds like elitewad…or ball of snobs…which sounds like a ball of snot…ok yes it fits.
    #20 – Joseph: I know the feeling. I have friends who fall into the 20 something bracket of voters who were old enough to vote last time but didn’t who are now telling me “I don’t vote, but others my age are telling me I should vote for Obama, so I think I will vote for him this year…” and they leave off knowing absolutely jack crap about the candidate they’re going to voice their right to vote for..shudders I hate to say it but its almost better if the undecided populace who wouldn’t otherwise vote just not vote instead of voting for someone they know nothing about…
    #22 – Socrates : I too get the tax rebate from Bush…I also didn’t invest in a home mortgage I couldn’t afford.
    Hell my rural, bitter, Christian, middle class, gun loving white A$$ owns lives in a trailer that I spent $200 on and I give my grandfather who owns the land on which it sits $60 to pay his property taxes each month.
    We have jobs around here, I am thankful for unemployment as I am on it right now…worked all my life up until 2004 due to knee injury, have limited jobs I can do because of it, but i’m looking for work..even if the 50k+ jobs don’t exist in this area.
    No I’m not bitter, my body lotion tastes like chocolate…

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