Because They’re Mindlessly Evil

Obama has accused mortgage companies of “tricking families into buying homes they couldn’t afford.” Also, I hear mortgage companies are then giving the families HIV which the mortgage companies made in their labs. It kinda seems that making people default on loans and spending money on diseases to use on your customers is a poor business model, but I guess that’s why we need Obama to fix things.


  1. You know, I thought it was a little strange when the mortgage broker asked for my last 2 pay stubs, proof of employment, a pint of my infant daughters blood in a Babylonian challis, and a recent credit report. You may be on to something here.

  2. Wow, Obama’s going to save us all. Is there any problem he can’t fix? Any dilemma he can’t resolve? Any ailment he can’t cure? Of course, he can’t seem to get his wife, reverend, or aides to shut up, the voting machine on the senate floor was a little too complex for him, and he can’t figure out how to make the television Tivo What’s Happenin’? on TV Land. But I have hope that he can change, and soon, through the power of hope, he will stick a sock in his wife’s mouth, and he will only be voting PRESENT one third of the time, and he will bail everyone out from the debt they have accrued through ignorance, stupidity, or just the audacity to hope that they could pay a mortgage that was 9/10 their income.
    P.S. Am I the only one to notice that Obama’s wife is like a black Hillary, but slightly more likeable?

  3. Obama’s pastor is about to purchase a $1.6 million 10,000 sq foot home; I hope Obama has the moral courage to tell Reverend Wright that black pastors don’t have the money to purchase homes that expensive.

  4. Maybe the mortgage companies should include an IQ test as part of the loan application.
    We should also require an IQ test to vote, although Obama would end up with maybe 15-20 total votes in the general election if that were the case.

  5. I was a little concerned at the closing of sale for my recent home purchase, when I noticed the candy bowl in the center of the table was full of crack cocaine. But after a few rocks, I stopped worrying.

  6. I noticed that Obama’s pastor is moving into a neighborhood full of whitey! What’s up with that? I guess in typical liberal fashion the prescription is never part of the solution for the elite! They rise above the rest of the Rubes out there…

  7. Although I dont think any of the libs are truly electable, I do go to bed at night saying my little “I hope Obamah gets the nomination prayer”. If he gets the nom. we have this thing sealed up! While McCain would not have been my first choice, he’s a quantum leap ahead of those other retards. and just about the time McCain is sworn in…. Dr. Sam Beckett will finnaly make the leap home.

  8. P.S. Am I the only one to notice that Obama’s wife is like a black Hillary, but slightly more likeable?
    #5 – Posted by: juggernaut on April 10, 2008 10:46 AM
    Likeable? Not sure about that. Although, the thought of seeing her naked doesn’t cause a stabbing pain in my mind’s eye like Hilldebeast does.

  9. Barak is anti-responsibility but we know that, no surprise there.
    That said I know that we, as a family, are worse off now then we were in the 80’s. I know it’s not a popular thing to say here but I wish someone would explain to me why large companies (oil, banking ect) are making record profits and I can’t fill up my Ford F 150.

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