Excellent Observation

This could cause troubling rumors for McCain.
SPOILER WARNING for people (like my brother and sister-in-law) who are still waiting to watch the third season of Battlestar Gallatica


  1. Look, Frank, I’m trying to do something serious here, like watch the radar image over Kentucky and Tennessee right now, Okay?
    And in my laughter, you made me inadvertantly crash my mouse into my drink causing me to inadvertantly click on “Close Tab” in a menu that popped-up in Firefox. I hate you.

  2. If you are having problems sleeping…just pop in any one of John McCain’s presidential candidate speeches. You will be asleep in a matter of minutes! It’s better than any sleep meds that I’ve ever tried…

  3. And Hillary in a picture on Malkin looks like Sigourney Weaver in Alien and Obama looks like a darker C3PO or Mr. Data. So we have a lying, dirt bag psychotic killer or a cerebral, emotionless drone or a traitorous, sociopath, megalomanic.
    The lesser of three evils, what a choice. I’m beginning to wonder if maybe the Star Wars emperor is available.

  4. Doesn’t bother me. Heck, we all know that Dick Cheney is Bionic. Remember here sometime back he had to go to Bethesda to get a battery replaced? Of course the “official” story was that it was to power his internal defibrilator. However, I believe that it was the battery to control the reticle vision in his right eye. It did happen after his unfortunate “accident” when he shot the lawyer.

  5. I thought he looked like McCain when I saw the mini-series back whenever. In fact, having turned a coworker on to the new BG a couple of weeks ago, I loaned him season one and warned him not let the fact that Tigh was the spitting image of McCain turn him off.

  6. I say frak that.
    It should be good news, thus:
    Top 10 Reasons to Embrace McCain BECAUSE He’s a Cylon
    10) Should his wife become a traiterous embarassment (like Michelle Obama), will probably poison her.
    9) It would at least explain his tendancy to snap the necks of babies.
    8) You-Tube videos of drunken brawls during intern card games would definitely go viral.
    7) With re-incarnation ship, no need to worry about whether or not the Vice President could handle the job of President.
    6) Similarly, Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t have a chance to become President.
    5) Testy meetings with White House press corps could become much more interesting & satisfying.
    4) Would apparently have no qualms about reducing the middle east to a nuclear wasteland. (Or any other country that pisses him off)
    3) Staff will no longer feel quite so bad about having to say “by your command” after everything he says.
    2) Would have the coolest looking Air Force 1 in history.
    1) His promise of your choice of a Number 6 or a Number 8 of your very own.

  7. The Final Cylon has finally been revealed.
    Think about this: McCain could be some sort of sleeper agent a la “The Manchurian Candidate” from his 5 years in a Communist POW camp.
    Col. Tigh is a Cylon sleeper agent.

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