Executive Experience

It bodes pretty well for John McCain that a group of Democrats were able to give better explanations for reasons to vote for McCain than either of the two Democratic candidates. It’s kinda odd, really. Neither Hillary nor Obama have ever accomplished anything, and their arguments to be president are that they will know exactly how to do everything right though having no examples in their past to back that up. Shouldn’t they have to do something other than vote on some bills before asking to be president? I mean, if one of them was successful store manager of a McDonald’s, then they’d at least have something to point to show he or she can run a country.
So, any McDonald’s out there willing to give either Hillary or Obama a chance?


  1. “because he’s a liberal Republican”
    …came from the Hillary supporters. The Democrat crossover vote in this election may equal 1972’s.
    They could have said:
    “because he’s basically a Democrat”
    But then, so was George. (sigh)

  2. I would like to see where Obama has ever “led” the way on anything. What those socialists were talking about was just that, LEADERSHIP. What has Barak led? The Kill whitey sing along at the end of sermons? He certainly hasnt done any leading in his government carreer. How many present votes has he proffered? How many bills has he thought up, designed, proposed, gathered support for and successfully passed through either the Il legislation or the Senate? Where is the proven expierence to make good decisions under stress?

  3. FormerHostage, your link appears to be based on a Class-C subnet address reserved for a local area network. It doesn’t work.
    Are you refering to the latest Canadian court decision granting restaurant workers the right to refuse to wash their hands?

  4. This is going to be an historic election of good vs. evil…right vs. wrong…liberal vs. umm…liberal…oh never mind!!! I know all the media types are falling in line to tell us rubes that we should vote for John McCain so that he can solve Global Warming for us but for some reason…I still don’t feel like I have a dog in the hunt!

  5. I’m John McCain and I would like to apologize for last night’s debate! I think it is intolerable that the mainstream press would ask my good friends from across the isle that I have crossed on many an opportunity to work on behalf of the American people (once I was freed from a Vietnamese torture camp) to pass bipartisan legislation to open our borders and educaatee our chilred in pollitacl cooreectness… Shame on you ABC news for subjecting my good friends to these hurtful and hard questions and I disassociate myself from them!

  6. Democrat Republicans – or – Republican Democrats, ussjc. That’s what we have to learn how to be. While we’ve got it bad, old-fashioned Democrats actually have it worse. Their party has been taken over by Marxists. The analogy on the Right would be our party being taken over by Constitutionalists. More pending…

  7. I’m Barack Obama and I resent John McCain sticking his nose into Democratic business!! I swear he is in league with Hillary Clinton! He might, in fact, be a Jacksonian Democrat!!!! He has constantly shown that his judgment on the war was wrong – as was Clinton’s. My administration will turn back the clock and remove our troups from Irag before they were ever put there. John McCain will just turn back the clock 50 years to the Eisenhower administration before I was born. At least I was a Kennedy baby. I don’t think the American people want to return to the racist 50’s when black people were called Negroes and were forced to attend segregated schools and sit in the back of buses while typical white people drove ’57 Chevys and drank Hires Root Beer all the time with their bobby socks and sock hops and Elvis the pelvis music. I hate white fol… I mean John MacCain.

  8. I am a McCain supporter (DUCK!)
    I know it is supposed to be a tough year for the GOP and all, but if McCain cannot beat either of these two clowns, he does not deserve to be president.

  9. My financials are presently in the toilet. Instead of snivelling for some “gubbmint assistance,” I’ve taken a second job. Yes, at McDonalds. I put in a few hours in the mornings before my “real job.” Check this vid to see what a bitter redneck would do to Obama with a vat of hot McGrease.
    This also explains FrankJ’s difficulty finding a job… I’m hogging them all.

  10. Terrible Troy is correct: mccain has shown lots more leadership in the Senate than either hillary or o’bummer. Look at all the bills McCain has carried:
    McCain – Feingold
    McCain – Kennedy
    McCain – Leiberman…

  11. Now George (gulp). We all have to learn how to become political hybrids (slurp). Demopublicans (swizzle). Republicrats (swallow). And all get along (guzzle) with the new political order in this country (chug). The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (cough) IS DEAD (choke).

  12. Yeah but for BHO or HRC to be able to work at MickeyD’s, they have to be able to make change. Not Make Change, but make change. You know, quarters, nickels, dimes, etc. And they have to be able to give the change back to the customer rather than pocket it to the gubmint coffers.

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