Frank Idea on Convincing People About Global Warming

If people arguing that there is global warming want to convince more people, they should use this argument: Say global warming makes people dumber and use themselves as examples.

BELIEVER OF GLOBAL WARMING: Haven’t you noticed how people arguing that there is global warming have become dumber and shriller in recent years? That’s because global warming is real and makes people stupid!
BELIEVER: So you’re going to deny that my side has gotten mysteriously dumber?
DISBELIEVER: No… I guess I have to cede you the point.

And the argument is won!


  1. That would be a powerfully persuasive tactic to convince skeptics! Damn rights.
    Except, you knuckle-dragger you, Global Warming is a very real positive feedback in the hydrological cycle.
    Methane is about 23 times more effective than CO2 at trapping heat. Obviously,Global Warming is caused by Democrats pissing and moaning about Dubya beating their insignificant candidate….again! Things are just starting to cool down.

  2. yes, but while it is truthier that the dumb side IS getting dumber, to admit to the dummies that what they say is right would just be, uh, DUMB. they would feel like they are winning, which is dumb, but then they’d get shriller-er and dumber-er just thinking they’re right. you’d be adding fuel to a dumb fire.

  3. In a way, some already have. Remember a few days ago the SMH (Australia) published excerpts from an interview (also on Australian media) with a big shot at the IPCC who basically said “Of course the models are wrong. We never said they were right, just interesting. And the new evidence that they are even further off than we thought is just more data of interest.”
    Not that anyone but bloggers carried it outside Australia…

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