Fred Thompson on Obama

How long until someone explains that the epithet “typical” is racist? Of course, Obama has already used in a racist context.
Missing is the part where Fred Thompson says, “God might not have smote Wright for ranting in a church like that, but I sure would have.”
From Hot Air.


  1. Clearly we were not worthy of Fred’s total awesomeness.
    By the way, I still have my Fred08 bumper sticker on my car. We now call it the Fredmobile. Whenever we have to drive somewhere, I call out in Batman-like tones, “Quick! To the Fredmobile!” and then sing that little ditty they used to use in the old 1960s Batman show.
    Yes, I am a nut. Why do you ask?

  2. He doesn’t want the VP slot. Maybe he’ll be selected for Sec.Def. and be affectionately known thereafter as “Whupass.”
    McCain: “Hold on… I gotta call Whupass! Hello, Fred? What do you think we should do about Iran?”
    Fred: “Whup their ass, Mr. President. Give ’em their 72 virgins. Now would be a good time.”
    McCain: “Your people ready for that?”
    Fred: “John, my people can whup anybodies ass, anytime, anywhere. Just give me the word.”
    McCain: “Thanks. Whupass. Fred.”
    (notice Fred didn’t use “aaaaa” in that conversation – that’s because he’s telling the Pres. what he REALLY thinks.)

  3. That was great Jimmy, “Whupass” was right on the money. There is a comic out there ( I forget his name) who has made a living selling tapes where he is in essence placing crank calls. The comic comes across as a crotchety old redneck type and the he calls these business’s with a complaint, inevitably the conversation always degenerates to the comic asking the person on the other how woud they like him to come down there and whip thier ass.
    I would love to see a POTUS respond to a question with .. we’re going to whip thier ass.

  4. TerribleTroy –
    There was a “commercial” on the radio in Seattle – actually more like an anonymous announcement – right before midnight about a week after 9/11 that, after listing the great American institutions that Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda had attacked, ended with “…and we’re going to KICK YOUR ASS.” in a loud, low voice. It gave me goosebumps. I wish I had a recording of it. It’s the most awesome thing I’ve ever heard on the radio. And I have no clue who made it; there was no sponsor or credit or anything. For all I know, it was produced by the radio station itself.
    It’s the kind of thing Fred would have said if he had been President.

  5. I’m busy making Root Beer tonight so I had time to download the whole clip. Now I get what those 2 wierdos in the Waynes’ World movies meant when they cried, “We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!”
    On a completely unrelated subject, what’s with those 3 NYC cops spraying 51 bullets to kill one unarmed guy? Use your sights and squeeeeeze the trigger! How do we even know they killed the guy they were gunning for? He could have been an innocent bystander and they just claimed he was a suspect to cover their abysmal marksmanship. Standby for riots. Sorry to get off subject but I’ve been thinking about this story all day.

  6. I don’t care if Fred says he’s no longer running or not; I’m still writing him in for POTUS next week when Indiana votes.
    But that is disappointing that he won’t take McCain’s VP slot. I was really hoping he would and McCain would then inexplicably spontaneously explode, giving the Presidency to the rightful heir all along.

  7. Re: TerribleTroy on April 25, 2008 09:22 P
    That dude’s (stage) name is “Roy D. Mercer.” I have a CD of his. He’s as funny as watching the democrats trying to settle on a candidate this year.
    One of his best episodes was when he called up the pet store and demanded a refund for a breeder dog that was gay. A real hoot.

  8. I,too,still have my Fred Thompson for President bumper sticker on my car. I also still wear my FTD 08 baseball cap.
    Fred would still make a great President. Keep your mug in front of the camera Freddo! Your type of common sense is needed in the GOP.

  9. Terrible Troy,
    That was Roy D. Mercer from Tulsa Ok. He’d ask, “How big a boy are ya cus someone is going to get an ass whoopin.” He stuff is still online for free downloads. ( I think it was the Ray and Brant show.)

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