Fun Trivia

Why did God send His only son to die for our sins?

Because He was jobless and bitter.


  1. Everybody knows Jesus was Mexican. If it had happened today he still wouldn’t have gotten a fair trial but the ACLU would have tied it up in appeal or a civil suit and where would that have left us? Besides if Israel had a border fence 2000 years ago he wouldn’t have even gotten back from Egypt.

  2. In truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left;
    2nd Corinthians 6:7
    Ride hard, shoot straight, and tell the truth!
    Texas Rangers

  3. You ever wonder if the whole Christian faith is an attempt to cover humanity’s ass for the greatest blunder in history? Like maybe Jesus wasn’t supposed to die? And like maybe God got permanently pissed at us and said “You know what? You’re on your own.” There haven’t been a whole lotta sightings since then, you know.
    On a related note, does anyone else out there get the feeling that maybe, just maybe, Tom Cruise is The Antichrist?

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