Get Whitey

Carnegie Mellon’s The Tartan (I used to write for that) reported that at an Obama event, people were calling out, “Get me more white people, we need more white people.”
It’s pretty true these days that a national candidacy can’t succeed without the support of white people, and it’s good to see them getting their recognition. Obama’s campaign should read the site Stuff White People Like to figure out more ways to attract white people such as having an Arrested Development marathon where they serve expensive sandwiches.

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  1. He’s a poor confused guy, so give him a break. For example, he’s conflicted even when it comes to imbibing alcoholic beverages… can you imagine fighting the urge to proclaim that Cabernet Sauvingnon & Merlot ought to come in 40 oz bottles? Or the having the notion that Chicken Cordon Bleu would taste better with a little barbecue sauce?
    And don’t blame him for being wishy washy when it comes to patriotism, either; he’s probably just confused about where exactly “this country” appears on a map.

  2. Quit kickin’ the child around. As a fledgling megalomaniac, he is making this up as he goes along.
    The sophomore is years away from being a Bill Clinton, so knock it off. Barry is doing the best he can.
    I have more pressing concerns.
    SOMEBODY tell me what it means to be engaging in an illegal war. This came up at my work today. What does that mean? Really….
    I’m serious, none of liberal buddies can articulate with a concise definition of what that is. Seems to have something to do with Bush.
    How come we let this bastard break the law all by himself.

  3. “Illegal war” means that by the very existence of the war a law has been broken. But whose law has been broken? Is it a law of the United States, or some other law, say perhaps of France or Sweden, or more likely, of the United Nations.
    If a law of the United States, then which United States law is it that has been broken? It can only be that the very Constitution has been “shredded” by the use of the armed forces without a formal declaration of war, And yet the Constitution gives the President the authority as Commander in Chief, and to the Congress to declare war and to establish funding and regulations for the armed forces.
    Of course in the United States our laws come to be laws when the Congress passes bills and the President signs them, or when a Court decides something (which is then subject to review by higher courts). Congress can change a law made either by itself or by judicial decision at any time, with or without the President’s approval.
    Now, Congress has issued several bills authorizing the use of force against Iraq (not against the government of Sadaam Hussein, but of Iraq) which the President duly signed into law, both before and after the President followed through on that authorization. Congress can, at any time, rescind its authorization. Congress can defund the war at any time also, without the President’s approval.
    It therefore must be that the war is illegal because Congress authorized it, and has voted several times to continue its authorization; and because the President has certainly given his authority for the work in Iraq; and the Supreme Court has allowed these actions to continue in the numerous attempts which have been made to bring suit to stop it.
    There must then be some other branch of the government which is violating the law.
    My money’s on Haliburton.

  4. I believe the illegal war they are erroneously referring to would be the covert war liberals are waging against the values, attitudes and mores that made this country, the only super power still in existence.
    Or perhaps it could be the war waged by illegal aliens and their ilk to re-conquer land legally ceded by the US due to other less covert wars.
    Or mayhaps they are talking about the war between the forces of good and evil that has been going on since time immemorial. The lord of lies and his minions against the real true servants of God. You can’t miss them, they don’t have big houses or fancy cars. They don’t usually appear on TV or make political statements nor do they make money or influence by leaching off politicians or celebrity.
    I don’t know, if one thinks about it, there are a plethora of choices.

  5. This was a case of bad reporting, they left off the last half of the quote. What the coordinators actually said was:
    “We need more white people to blame!
    See. It means something completely different than what was originally reported.

  6. One more thing.
    If BHO wants more white people maybe he should see if Sen. Robert Byrd will speak at one of his rallys. I understand that Byrd belongs to some sort of club or organization that has a lot of white people in it. Maybe he could have a bunch of them show up for Obama?

    The Change we want America to embrace is the Hope that we will finally be able to just live that beautiful dream we’ve always had

  8. Given that this occurred at Carnegie Mellon, it really is not that big of a deal. When I went there in the late 80s, we had a properly hyphenated group for everything except white, male, christians. We had special vegan dining areas. We had a resident protester who’s eyesore of a van (US OUT OF EL SALVADOR!) was exempt from parking enforcement. Every spring we had a “tent city.” We had a “Wymyns Center” (yes, that’s what it was called). We had designated “set aside” housing for blacks, gays, JOOOOOs (though theirs was taken away), and “undocumented students” where only Spanish could be spoken between the hours of 1600 and 1800. We had racial preferences in admission, with stated minority quotas. The CIA was routinely banned from campus recruiting events. This was almost 20 years ago…where do you think Bezerkeley got their ideas???
    What most people don’t know about CMU, is that in addition to being one of the best engineering schools around, it also has an art school whose alumni are quite literally a who’s who of Hollyweird. That place makes UCBerkeley appear almost normal.
    The staffer’s comment merely reflected the fact that after so many years of decidedly anti-white, anti-male crap at CMU, there just weren’t enough of them on campus to make it look suitably “progressive.” With such a huge minority population, the scene would have appeared “staged.” So rather than appearing staged, they actually staged the scene to make it appear not staged. See how progressive and colorblind the liberals are?

  9. As I was climbing up the stair
    I met a man who wasn’t there.
    He wasn’t there again today.
    Oh, how I wish he’d go away!
    The empty suit needs the boot! (everbody chant)

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