Give Me an “Old” Politician Any Day of the Week

Here’s Obama misrepresenting a McCain quote about as dishonestly as possible. With this and the repeated misrepresentation of McCain one hundred years comment, Obama is either very dishonest or very stupid. I lean towards the former, but you can make an argument for the latter.
So what’s all this crap about him being a “new” politician? He has all the stuff we hate about politicians plus no useful experience or accomplishments and social ties that show extremely poor moral judgment — at best. But he’s black so it’s all brand new and exciting! It’s like you hate M&Ms, but you find out they now have added green ones so now you’re all excited to buy a bag. Oh, but when you bite in, you find they’ve replaced the chocolate with rat droppings.
Democrats are stupid.


  1. This is the guy running ads in Pennsylvania saying he’s the only one not taking money from oil companies. That’s only half true.
    True: No he’s not taking money from oil
    Reality: No one else is either since it’s been illegal since the 1930’s.
    Saddly, The only reason I get really mad at Obama for this is I already expect this from Hillary.

  2. Another Ad Obama is running in Indiana claims credit for “passing the toughest ethics bill in history.” Not withstanding that the bill was so watered down in the House to be nothing but fluff, he did not write the bill, he did not even co-sponser the bill, all he did was vote for the bill.
    His only real political accomplishment IMHO is to make the idea of President Hillary Clinton preferable to his own election to said office.

  3. It’s funny how much the two Dem candidates remind me of caricatures from television and movies.
    Hillary’s campaign absolutely reminds me of Monty Burns running for gov.
    Monty, looking at a pic of himself from his campaign advisors, “What’s my mouth doing there?”
    Campaign advisor, “Smiling Mr. Burns.”
    Monty, “Yes, this is exactly the sort of trickery I’m paying you for.”
    And I know that we can all see Hillary saying, “This slack-jawed band of troglodytes cost me the election and yet, if I had them killed, I would go to jail. That’s democracy for you.” about the Move-on crew of poo-flinging monkeys.
    Obama! reminds me of Homer Stokes, they both have the same platform (Obama! has more Hope, but they’re pretty even on Change) and they both rail on about their opponent being a “slave of the interests”.
    All he needs is a midget with a broom for it to be perfect.
    I used to think that was too rude to bring up because Stokes was in the KKK, but after I saw Rev Wright in action, I’m not so reticent.

  4. Frank, why can’t you see that he’s very much a “new” type of politician. Most politicians lie about raising your taxes and claim to be tough on America’s defense while ultimately proving to be gutless when it comes to backing our military.
    Obama is running on a platform of raising taxes and destroying our military – both of which he’d be very good at.
    And, while other politicians hate our Constitution, as they find it to be an obstruction to their dream for America, Obama hates EVERYTHING about America…not just the Constitution.
    Very different. Very “new”.

  5. What’s scary to me about things these days is that the country seems to have moved so far to the left! We seem to be a country that accepts traitors, liars and cowards (democrats and a large chunk of today’s republicans) as standard fare! When I compare today’s candidates with Ronald Magnus Reagan…I have to chuckle a bit! They don’t deserve to wipe the dust off his shoes but yet they are treated by the press and the public as equals to Reagan… Sad…very sad!!!

  6. Oh, and didn’t some dill weed Republican Governor say today that we need to “leave Reagan in the past”… Yea…ok…Governor…like you are a big deal leader to take us into the future! Dick Weed!

  7. Like most Dems, Obama suffers from TDD (Truth Deficit Disorder), but then again, I’m just a typical white, bitter voter. What do we do? Obama’s half white, Hillary’s half succubus, and McCain is half dead.

  8. Like most Dems, Obama suffers from TDD (Truth Deficit Disorder), but then again, I’m just a typical white, bitter voter. What do we do? Obama’s half white, Hillary’s half succubus, and McCain is half dead.
    #10 – Posted by: Tommy the Towelhead
    Only half, doesn’t Bill, constitute at least 1/4-1/3 of one that would put her well over half and since every thing is rounded up if its over 50%, that means she is all succubus, not just half of one…and if you still insist on half…I must ask then what’s the other half?

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