How Dare You Question the Chosen One!

I must have missed a fun debate last night, because the Daily Kos is in total freak out mode. They are now ready to direct all their impotent rage at ABC, and have declare Hillary a Republican.
Then there’s TalkLeft. Apparently its all Hillary supporters, and they are just happy Obama finally got asked some tough questions. It even declares Keith Olbermann “the most shameless ridiculous hack on TV” while people in the comments make fun of the Kos meltdown… just like normal people! Who would ever imagine that support of Hillary would be a sign of sanity? We are through the looking glass, people.
You know, the left has always been a much smaller group than conservatives, so they can’t really weather a fracture as well. It’s going to be some interesting times come the Democrat convention.


  1. When I imagine what the Kos posters actually look like, I picture the South Park caricature of the sobbing Britney Spears fan guy from the “Crazy Internet Money” episode. “JUST LEAVE BARACK ALONE! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!”

  2. I loved the thread where they are begging Kos to please, please define the program. These poor souls are leaderless, it would seem, without the strong and steady hand of dear Markos. Keeps ’em from having to think for themselves, you see.

  3. Anybody look at these post Frank put up and found any real political substance to these posts on either side. I’d like once for a liberal to explain to me why Shillary is better than Snobama. I don’t think any of these libs can.
    I guess I’m being naive, Liberals aren’t logical, they’re emotional. Maybe that’s why they name their publications such gay names. Village voice, Huff-Po, Consumer Reports. You know.

  4. Obama’s facial expressions in last night’s debate were telling. There were a couple of times I thought he was going to erupt in violent ghetto rage. like a squid flashing it’s chromatophores during an attack.
    It left me suspecting that Obama is the secret black rage boy.

  5. Yeah, Ernie, I second that. The left equates free speech with the freedom to riot. The bloody clubbing might be replaced by mace, pepper spray and tasers this time, though. Eh, it’ll still have entertainment value. But lay-in the popcorn, brew and ammo well in advance!

  6. It’s going to be some interesting times come the Democrat convention.
    Earnie, Jimmy, I agree. Whenever conservatives lose, they go off and sulk for a while, then start a popular talk radio show or a think tank or something.
    When leftists lose, they break things.
    And when one group of leftists lose to anbother group of leftists, well, it gets ugly.
    If I were in Denver, I would stock up on plywood right now and stay far away from Starbucks in August.
    I plan to make a big pitcher of martinis and popcorn and enjoy the festivities.

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