I Forget; Is It the Sunnis or the Shiites that Hates America and the Jews?

So McCain messed up at Patraeus’s testimony and implied that Al Qaeda is Shiite before quickly correcting himself. Whatever.
But the DNC, really desperate about the inexperienced attack against Obama, seized on this right away. I got an e-mail from Howard Dean who said:

“This is not some minor mistake, but a significant gaffe. He clearly does not understand the sensitive political dynamics in that region of the world.”

Are they really going to argue that Obama, who doesn’t know Pakistan from a hole in the ground, is going to win the Sunni/Shiite lighting round and is more qualified for foreign affairs? Based on what?
Oh, I know: “Obama is secretly a Shiite Muslim and hates the Sunnis, so, unlike McCain, he’s not going to get those two confused.”

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  1. During the 2004 elections, and the presidential and vice presidential debates, George W. Bush, John Kerry, and John Edwards all at one point said “Saddam Hussein” when they meant to say “Osama bin Laden”. Does anybody believe that they don’t know the difference? Our tongues sometimes slip and say things our brain doesn’t want them to say.

  2. Didn’t Ted Kennedy mix up Osama with Obama? That would seem to me to be a real sign of a problem with world affairs! As for Howard Dean, I demand that Howard Dean be on TV and Radio daily to explain the position of his party!

  3. Wait, it’s supposed to be a secret that Obama’s Shiite? Is it also supposed to be a secret that Hillary doesn’t cast a reflection, or that McCain reaks of Ben Gay and stale urine?

  4. Wait a second. Frank, why are you on the DNC mailing list? I knew you were secretly a closet democrat all these years! And all the merciless ridicule you’ve heaped on them was just to hide your liberal tendencies!

  5. Let me see if I got this straight!!
    Shiite, I mean Sunni, my bad………….The Democrats jump all over it and say McCain “does not understand the sensitive political dynamics in that region of the world.”
    and then theres……
    We got off the helicopter and..Oh My F***ing God!!!!I’M DODGING SNIPER FIRE…….I’m up, they see me, I’m down!!! Gotta get to cover!!!
    Oh I mean, hello there little girl, thank you for the flowers, and the marching band, and cameras…….
    Really??…Really, Howard Dean?? Not a peep about Hillary’s bullshit! But you jump on this McCain slipup!!! That’s the mentality were up against this campaign! Unbelievable!!!

  6. THIS WAS NOT EVEN A GAFFE! Go back and listen again. Mac asks Petraeus if Al Qaeda is still a threat. He says not as much as they were. To which Mac replies “…NOT an obscure Shiite sect, or Sunni, or whatever…”, meaning Al Qaeda should still be taken seriously, and not dismissed as one might some obscure Shiite, or Sunni or whatever sect. NO GAFFE!

  7. I Forget; Is It the Sunnis or the Shiites that Hates America and the Jews?
    Wait, when did the Democratic party start using Islamic titles for their factions?
    Which group supports Hillary?

  8. Sunni, Shiite, Sufi, Druze… whatever
    I’m pretty sure it’s the perpetual losers who follow a plagiarized moon god who hate us. Apparently, their “god” has as many phases as the modern liberal has faces.
    No wonder why the Democrat “wimin” dig plastic surgery. That’s almost like tending sheep… there’s sooooo many to keep track of…

  9. A Sunni and a Shiite walk into a bar. One says, “what are we doing here? We don’t drink alcohol! The other one says, “Die, heretic!”
    It really doesn’t matter which said what. Both groups are world-class grudge holders. Relays, freestyle or compulsory, they’re golden.

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