I Literally Laughed Out Loud

I missed the debate (Bible Study — that thing is complicated), and just sat down to check the reactions. I decided to check the Daily Kos to see how they were sizing it up and then I saw the title of the currently most recommended diary:
Tomorrow We Take On ABC, and Disney
I’m guessing they asked some tough questions.


  1. I was looking at debate reax to see who had won the debate tonight. I came across this at the Daily Kos:
    “Given the historically poor quality of the questions tonight, I’m not going to put up the standard post-debate poll about who won.”
    That’s when I realized Hillary must have beaten him like a drum. If Obama had done well, the moonbats would have placed their poll center front. 😛

  2. Let’s see. It says type entry. MMMkay. Then review your entry. MMMkay, looks good. Then, hit upload. MMMkay. Wait, nothing’s happening. Sarah, nothing’s happening. What should I do? MMMkay, I tried hitting upload again. MMMkay that time it worked. Oh crap, there’s two.

  3. The nutter said:

    When a corporate behemoth like Disney decides it can control its News Division to filter, select and distort what the American population will or will not see in order to make decisions about its leaders, blah blah blah.

    Now correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t this debate live and unedited?

  4. The thing is, Disney’s about as liberal as companies get. OK, they’re not Google or CNN, but neither are they Exxon.
    This is prime Lunactivism: activism for the sake of ideological purity, which is counterproductive to its ostensible goals.

  5. Somebody, who can be bothered, should check if anyone mentioned in the gazillion comments yet but… as I understand it America is, in fact, a Constitutional Republic which is not a `Democracy’ whatever that’s supposed to be.
    But I suppose if they admitted that they might have to admit they need to take the 2A seriously or something.

  6. It was a bad debate for Liberals, because George and Charlie asked about guns! How dare they! But I almost puked when Hillary said (paraphrasing) that she didn’t give 2 sh!ts what the military commanders said about Iraq, she’d pull the troops out anyway.

  7. Man, I’ve read almost 200 comments on that article and I never saw one reason why they should boycott ABC. All I got were some vague “ABC is evil!” or “That was an unfair debate!”. Nothing about WHY the debate was unfair, just that it was.
    Maybe Kos Kids are like the swarming insects that insticntivly know when something’s happened and that they don’t need anything explained to them. Sorta like termites.

  8. I’m sorry, I’m confused. There was a debate? Who was debating? I thought Democrats are all on the same page, what exactly are they debating; the relative implausibility that one of them might have a coherent thought before the convention, or maybe that they are not really the “whiny, over stuffed, big girls blouse” (sorry too much Flushed Away, yesterday) we thought they were.

  9. Sean, you must have missed that post. I can’t be bothered to find it, so I’ll paraphrase: Frank suggested that they can duke it out over who can spend Frank’s money on things he hates faster. “I’ll expand entitlement programs.” “Oh yeah? I’ll expand entitlement programs more!” etc.

  10. Ok, did a little research and found out that our esteemed colleagues on the left are in a frenzy over the questions asked at the debate. I never thought I say it by we may have to defend ABC.
    Now I have go wash my mouth out with soap. If I could even wrap my mind around the idea of defending Dizzynee, I might have to wash out my mind…. with bleach. It really stings, I hate doing it.

  11. From the article listed in #18 by DoubleU
    The networks’ trick is covering an election with as little emphasis on issues as possible, then blaming everyone else for failing to focus on “the issues.”
    The problem is, the Dim candidates really have nothing of substance to say about real issues other than the same old talking points we have heard ad infinitum. Of course WaPo is at least as guilty of the same behavior they are accusing the “network” of.

  12. Frank, you have the most incredible assemblage of independent readers on the internet. And seanmahair: no bleach! Write some blog, chop some wood, plant some flowers, bake some cookies – anything instead of brain bleach!
    It is amazing, though, that ABC/Disney crapped on Obama’s and Clinton’s little parade.

  13. i sent a comment to the kos–in essence saying their overreaction to this debate was comparable to the radical islamists reaction to the mohammed cartoons–and they blew their stack and deleted my comment, musta hit them on a nerve!

  14. I’m just amazed that you guys have the stomachs to read/watch things like liberal blogs, political debates, and Dem conventions. I don’t have the constitution (no pun intended) for it, so I’ll just stay here in the safety of the Right Wing of the building.
    Besides ABC/Disney, is there a place to find out who else the Left is boycotting? I need to know where to spend my $600 from Uncle Dubya.

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