“I Love America. That’s Why I Live in L.A. From There, It’s Only About a Half-Hour Commute to America.”

Craig Ferguson, who will be voting for the first time this year since he recently became a U.S. citizen, hosted the White House Correspondents Dinner. Check it out. I thought his monologue was pretty funny, with the sharpest jab being at the NYT who refused to attend.


  1. I thought it was pretty funny. It does seem to me like he leans towards conservative though–for one, he doesn’t hate America. I might have to check out his show more often. I know last time I saw it he kinda scared me away.
    At least his name isn’t Turd.

  2. I’d never heard of Craig Ferguson until this, which probably has something to do with the fact that I don’t have a television. But that was excellent!
    And a big hats off to him for becoming an American citizen! I’m happy that you’ve joined us, Mr. Ferguson.

  3. he was pretty funny, but I thought the whole middle of his material was sort of off-topic and I’m not really sure why he went there and started bagging on Scotland though it was funny…there were a few moments when it looked like HE wasn’t sure either, but he was nervous – I’m sure I would be too.
    The cool thing was, however that he made it very clear that he knew exactly how proud he was of becoming an American…and if he did have political leanings one way or the other, I thought he did a great job of not voicing them. He understood that that was neither the place nor the time.
    my favorite line was “This reminds me of a dream I had once….except now I’m wearing pants”.

  4. Great post, Still laughing so pardon my spelling. Although not the funniest line the most thought provoking was about the Nationalization Test. I’ve talked to a number of people who have taken it and their view was the same, most of us wouldn’t pass it! At the very least that test should be a prerequisite to running for office, even better a requirement for graduating high school.
    Congatulations on your citizenship Mr. Ferguson!

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