Idle Hands

I think I know what’s up with Jeremiah Wright: He’s not a very good preacher.
Yeah, I know; shocking conclusion. But if you listen to his sermons, basically he’s just randomly throwing stuff out there without even thinking about it probably because he has time to fill. He’ll write a sermon about sharing, find three supporting quotes in the Bible, then get through all of that and realize he’s only been talking for three minutes. So he’ll suddenly shout, “AMERICA is just… like Al AQAEDA, but under a different… color… FLAAAG! Because of… STUFF… and THINGS!”
Then later he’ll try to justify what he said, but he probably can’t even remember what it was. All the controversial stuff is just mindless padding. Like he had one sermon where he said, “The military… does not make WAR for… PEACE! That’s like RAPING… for VIRGINITY!” It’s something that could sound profound if you don’t spend a moment’s thought about it. I’d like to ask him, “Well, most people know how you make war for peace — we fought WWII and subsequently got peace — but could you please explain to me how you rape for virginity?”
He’d probably just respond, “Shut up, cracker!” which, admittedly, is a pretty good response.
Now Wright just spoke at the NAACP saying that black and whites have genetically different brains. He based this scientific conclusion on the fact that he lost the note cards for his speech and this was the first thing that popped into his head when he started talking. So now Wright is sounding like a white racist from a hundred years ago, and you really have to wonder why Obama sought this guy out to be his surrogate father. Maybe Obama just had nothing to do one day and said to himself, “Know what would be neat? A wacky racist preacher to be my spiritual mentor!”
That’s trouble. See, when I get bored, I play videogames. I pay sixty bucks a year to subscribe to Gametap where there’s like hundreds of games to choose from. Because of that, I never once felt the urge to seek out a racist preacher. Gametap should use that as a slogan: “With over a thousand games to choose from, there’s no need for a racist surrogate father!”

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  1. Frank J. is on GameTap’s payroll! It starts with the classic video games, then the conservative bloggers, and soon GameTap will own the entire nation, and we will be enslaved to their evil agenda!

  2. The Rev. Wright doesn’t look black to me. If he didn’t tell you he was black, would you think he is? His church bought him an expensive home in a white neighborhood. In what way is he black?
    Maybe he’s not really black. Maybe he is some white leftie guy who has been pretending all these years. He looks about as black as Billy Jeff Clinton does. Its like the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes, but with skin.

  3. “With over a thousand fames to choose from”
    Idle hands, indeed. You might want to find your idle hands an editor or two, Frank! 😉
    Still, my spidey senses are telling me that this post is worth FIVE STARS, so you’re stuck with it!

  4. It’s kind of neat that you dubbed this post “Idle Hands” because I just watched that movie again this weekend and my conclusion is that both obama and “reverend” wright should take up knitting and smoking weed on a continual basis. Then maybe they’ll quit trying to tell people their leftarded opinions.

  5. Jerry Wright is just another “black” Nazi. What’s next, eugenics & phrenology to explain how people are different? I agree with reality intrudes… he’s even whiter than Obambi!
    Seriously, he’s only as black as the sh*t he spouts.

  6. All you people attacking the honorable rev better stop. Didnt you see his recent interview where he explained that all that stuff was taken out of context and unfairly portrayed by a media that is just intent on keepin the man down? You keep messin wit him and he’s gona have to call up some pipe hittin bruthas from the Sou’ Side to pay your cracker asses a visit.

  7. The problem with you crackas is you’ve beeen takin’ me out of context and tryin’ to make me out to be some kind of racist. Just ’cause I hate whitey doesn’t make me a racist. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. White men created fire, back in the caves, to burn crosses.

  8. There’s apparently something odd about having a moonbat white mom that makes Obama, that douche from Rage against the Machine, and MAYBE Wright just brutally racist towards white people. I think Malcolm X had some issues as well. Maybe we should call them mulatto-fascists.

  9. Wright is a 93% white man who got his congregation to buy him a house in a 93% white neighbourhood. Awesome. Hey, I’m probably about 7% Mongolian. Don’t bother going back home from your late shift; I just burnt it all down, killed the neighbours and carried your wife off on my pony.

  10. #16: well, I was going along the lines of the age-of-consent law, Sly Sid the Seducer, Brainless Bubba whose talents include smash-and-grab, turning big rocks into little ones, and soap-dropping, and Sid’s actions being reigned in by desire to not squeal like a pig as a potential answer to the question. ‘Nuff said.

  11. It’s all about the money with wright. You gotta keep the brothers and sisters angry at them white crackers forever. The madder they get, the more bread they throw in the collection basket.
    No democrats or media bothered us for twenty years because we bring them black votes – the dirty little secret (black racism = Democrat votes)
    Obama and the rev are playing the black version of good cop bad cop with the voters. They’re both on the same team – same as always!

  12. no, he’s a GREAT preacher, in exactly the same way Obama is a “great” speaker. he sounds the part, but if you actually listen to what he says, you won’t like it very much. what little of it there is.

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