Isn’t This How the Spider-Man Villian the Lizard Came About?

This does not seem real. Shouldn’t we be seeing more of it in the news? I mean, wouldn’t magic dust with regenerative properties fit somewhere in between all the Wright coverage?


  1. What does this have to do with Wright and Obama?
    Please try to stay with the VRWC blogging points.
    As for the tech itself, some company is already selling sheets to hospitals as surgical bandages. I’d Google it, but I’m more interested in Jerry and Barry’s little spat.

  2. Combine that powder with some nanobots tasked with cellular regeneration… and Im sure there’s a science fiction end of the world story somewhere. Maybe Frank can blend the technology into the “Hellbender” chronicles.

  3. I was going to suggest drilling a hole in Obama and Hillary’s skull and sprinkling in a generous amount…but then I realized there exists no foundation to work with…

  4. I think it’s more interesting that Hillary can’t operate a coffee machine or pump gas into her own car. And, there’s no telling what Obama can’t do. Neither one of them actually knows how anything works. Now, McCain at least has training in aeronautics, jet engines, avionics, weapons and warfare. I’ll wager he can pump gas, make the coffee and change the oil on his own car, too. I’d rather have a president be able to do those things, since, if things keep going the way they are, he’ll have to.

  5. It comes from the University of Pittsburgh and the U.S. military has expressed interest in it, so I’m thinking it’s real. We’re probably only hearing about this now because clinical trials are only now officially beginning.

  6. How long ’til they start spamming me with offers along with the viagra? Will this stuff take the place of breast enhancement surgery? I guess I’m still a little jealous of the plastic surgeon that hung himself.

  7. To add to coff’s explanation, the Lizard came about when Dr. Connors used reptile DNA and intensely focused radiation for genetic recombination therapy.
    That’s enough nerd for one day.

  8. The process is new, but the re-growing of a finger[tip] has been done many times.
    This is a whole lot better than the old method. That involved putting a gauze bandage over the wound, witin a day or so for healing to begin, and ripping off the bandage. Repeat over and over, building up maybe six or seven cells at a time. Ouch!

  9. You Mr. FRANK!!!!!!!!! Seem to have nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo life whatsoever. I can truthfully tell you that while some of your facts are funny, most of them are STUPID and completely becoming of a 40 year old virgin who still enjoys momma’s homecooked meatloaf. Take that asswipe!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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