It’s Only Fair

After they finished smoking their Happy Meal, liberals got bored and claimed that they saw a reflection of a naked woman in Dick Cheney’s sunglasses:
cheney sunglasses.jpg
A naked woman with no face, a big chunk missing from her arm, and a huge wang, but who are we to criticize the transgender disabled?
Seriously, people, it’s Dick’s hand holding a fishing pole.
Not so seriously, here’s a picture of Hillary Clinton wearing sunglasses:
Squint really hard, let your imaginations soar, and tell me what you see in them. I’ll put my observations in the extended entry.

* a screaming baby begging not to be kissed.
* a lamp bouncing off of Bill’s noggin.
* Chelsea dodging Monica questions like Neo flailing out of the path of oncoming bullets.
* An Iraq without American troops or purple fingers.
* Incoming Bosnian sniper fire.
* The 24 karat comedy gold of a brokered convention.
* Crocodile tears
* I don’t SEE anything, but I hear a distant cackle.
* Skull-faced aliens who secretly control society.
* Rush Limbaugh watching Hillary’s inauguration on FoxNews and bitterly ruing Operation Chaos.
* Either the fiery inferno surrounding her dark master’s throne or a thumb-smudge.


  1. Rorschach is fun. If I say, “Hillary’s got a nice pair”, most of you would not think I was talking about her sunglasses, nor even her ample* cleavage, but the ex-Presidential pair she now keeps locked tightly in her purse.

    • yeah, I know, but I’m feeling charitable.
  2. Those are non-reflective lenses. What you see is the occular hardware and circuitry normally concealed by a fresh pair of human eyeballs “donated” every few hours to keep up with decomposition.

  3. People who drank the Kool-Aid at one of her campaign cookouts. The men are lying prostrate with prostate problems and the women are having intestinal problems while consulting intestate attorneys.

  4. Harvey said: “…let your imaginations soar.”
    Harvey, you shouldn’t say things like that. Most of the things I’m thinking shouldn’t be printed.
    That woman just brings out the evil in me.

  5. Ya know, if you dyed her hair black and wiped off the lipstick, she could pass for Kim Jong-Il. Of course, she would gouge out your eyeballs and savage your face long before you could reach her lips.

  6. I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you’re not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You’re a plague and I am the cure

  7. Hillary:
    “Rise from the bowls of hell, my faithful demons! Your Queen commands you! Let the streets flow with the blood of the non believers!!!!” (Insidious Hillary cackle).
    On the other hand, the reflection in Cheney’s glasses looks kind of like the aliens McCain used to talk about.

  8. Some possibilities:
    1. A Bosnian Sniper.
    2. Nothing. She’s looking through Rose Law Firm coloured glasses.
    3. The rest of the cast of ‘Police Academy.’
    4. The meaning of what is is.
    5. A naked Janet Reno.
    6. Where the ashtray is about to land.

  9. I see lots of statues… Statues of people, twisting in agony, who met her gaze before becoming petrified.
    She wears the sunglasses so that she doesn’t destroy her followers… yet.

  10. A prophecy, Hillary as president wearing a white suit standing in a field of dying sunflowers….the earth blackens as if scorched by hell fire. The sky gets dark and blood rains down on us all.
    Or was that Lex Luther?

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