Keith Olbermann on the Democratic Debate

Keith Olbermann is quite outraged by the debate last night and the hard questions asked Obama. Here’s him explaining exactly what was wrong with it:


  1. I have to confess…
    Sometimes, I switch to MSNBC to see if Olbermann is on and then I stand real close to the TV and watch for his little mouth twitches and grimaces. Oh, what fun. When you get up close, you can see just how small and ugly his mouth really is. Try it sometime. If you don’t burst out laughing (or alternately, crap a turd on the floor), something’s wrong with you.

  2. That clip actualy made more sence than half the stuff on MSNBC.
    $20 that Michael Eisner is the worst person in the world. Even though he severed ties with Disney in 2005, MSNBC and Obermann has never been too good with facts.

  3. it was just lovely to watch keith’s mouth when that hillary campaign spokesman told keith that bill ayers had held a fund-raiser for obama! olby couldn’t get rid of him fast enough–with his jaw drooping through the whole thing!!–best feelgood moment of the night!

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