Let’s Spotlight New Talent

Do you like conservative ranting? Do you like heavy metal? Do you like black people? Then check out this guy where you get all three at once. Ranting by itself can be pretty cool, but Zo does his research, man.
Watch. Discuss.
Hat tip to TBinSTL

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  1. Thanks for putting this up! I’m too lazy to run my own blog so I have to hope that somebody like you likes my “discoveries” enough to pass them on. Besides, who would read a blog that just has links to things I think are cool?…..
    Gonna go check Instapundit…..hey…

  2. Lengthy, yes. Rational, even more so. The time spent, hey the other thing to do is the NFL draft so it’s priceless. The last minute or two is what makes all conservatives brothers and sisters when it comes to race and respect for our bravest and best in the military.

  3. long, but its a nice change from the typical 3 mintue rants found in many video blogs (which are great, loved red state update). he just gets to cover a lot more ground and really explain himself.

  4. I’m trying to arrange a meeting between Zo and Rich Ward of Stuck Mojo. I think they’d get along well. Rich seems to like to help new guys navigate the music biz since he’s been burned so bad so many time.

  5. I wish I could watch those clips, but my archaic internets connection is too slow… I took over an hour just to load the first five minutes. I’ll have to watch them somewhere else later.
    I bet if Sen. Joe Biden watched these video rants by Zo, he might proclaim them as clean & articulate, possibly even bright, but not clean due to the cussing.
    Then again, Biden’s a Dem-O-Crat, so he’d probably just dismiss Zo as an uppity Negro.

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