Mortal Kombat vs DC

So, is this a good idea?

Now, I guess Batman can fit into a fighting game, but what other DC characters would work? In Mortal Kombat, you kill each other, and the only reason many of the DC superheroes have any challenge at all is they try to avoid killing people. Otherwise for the game you’ll just have Superman standing there while Liu Kang whales away on him until he gets bored and then flicks him into the sun. Then Superman will use his super hearing to track down the “Finish him!” guy and kill him to see how he likes it.
Then again, there will even be an imbalance with just Batman if he’s portrayed accurately. Sub-Zero will freeze Batman, but by the time he reaches Batman, he’ll catch a boomerang in the head because Batman will have thawed himself out using an anti-magical ice formula he has on his utility belt that he put there just in case one day he got sucked into the Mortal Kombat universe and had to fight Sub-Zero. Batman is crazy prepared like that. If Johnny Cage does the splits and tries to punch Batman in the crotch, that will not turn out well… for Johnny Cage. You do not pull that @#$% on Batman. He’ll see it coming and you’ll catch a boomerang to the head. There’s pretty much nothing you can do to Batman he isn’t prepared for and ready to counteract so he can throw a boomerang at your head. Once the Justice League tried to pull a surprise party for him, but he swung in through the window and threw boomerangs at all their heads.
Of course, the main question I have is will Aquaman be in it. If that’s true, I will go out and buy and Xbox 360 right now. That will be so awesome. I hope he has a fatality where he hits you with a whale.

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  1. Batman makes it work but most of the none-superpowered costumed vigilanties/adventurers wouldn’t last a week in the real world. If they can’t at least fly or deflect bullets? They’d be better off joining a SWAT team or a CIA dark ops squad.
    Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and a few alien villians like Mogol, Lobo and that wierd goober with the red eyes from the planet Apocraplips (sounds like dark side) have all fought Superman to a draw, and of course the monster Doomsday kilt him to death several years back. (he got better). Mortal combat with characters like that would have possibilities.

  2. “whales away” “whales away” <– Rofl!
    Anyways, that would be interesting to see how that would turn out.
    I was talking to Matt Booty, as well as a couple other programmer-level employees over this last week, and they said nothing that would confirm that rumor, so it is probably a fake. But it’s also possible it’s still in the “probable” stage in which neither the CEO nor the programmers have seen it yet.
    Time shall tell.

  3. Instead of turning the villains over to the police, I’d love to see Superman “finish” them by ripping their spine out of their still-living bodies. Then again, I could envision a slower scene involving Wonder Woman, her magic lasso, and some serious truth-telling.

  4. Where is Aquaman? Is he too busy campaigning for the dems? Since he can talk to fish, and since John McCain used to be in the navy, and both can be found in the ocean, I figured he would have some strong opinions about this election.

  5. Batman should have no problem with Sub-Zero if he’s wearing the bat-thermal-underwear he wore to counteract Mr. Freeze’s freeze gun in the old series with Adam West.
    By the way, Batman doesn’t use boomerangs, they’re Batarangs; like boomerangs, but cooler.

  6. Captain Marvel is a Superman wanna-be. DC comics successfully sued the creators of Captain Marvel for copyright infringement years ago. Then, in a clever business move, they bought the rights to the character and reintroduced him to the DC stable. Of course he gets his power from magic and Superman is vulnerable to magic so it could be a good fight unless … Superman hears him coming with his super hearing and fries him like a puppy in a microwave oven with his heat vision; two powers Capt. Marvel doesn’t have.

  7. From the header I thought MK was going to take on Washington D.C.
    For an all too brief moment I envisioned Pelosi getting hammer-locked and then drop kicked across the screen.
    Small pleasures keep me going these days.

  8. I wanna point out that this looks like it’s going to be a “brawler” (like Final Fight) not a “fighter” (like MK 1/2/3/4). I think they already did one or two MK brawler games (I stopped keeping track of them after MK4), and they got middling critical receptions IIRC. This could be fun, though — think Marvel Ultimate Alliance, but with Scorpion and Liu Kang.

  9. DC sucked when I was kid hmm, 40 years ago. DC sucked when I was 20. DC sucked when I was 30. DC sucks today. Other than Batman, they are pretty much all gay. And trust me superman is twice as gay as aquaman.

  10. This would be cool if DC brought in some of their offshoot comic characters in Vertigo. Particularly the Preacher series. That would go along more with the Mortal Combat storyline.
    We could have Jesse Custer make liu Kang $#!T himself, while the Saint of Killers beats Sub Zero with his own spine. Arseface character would mainly be used for smack talk like “Dude, I could beat you with Arseface”.

  11. #14. If we could design a character, like in the Sym games, we could make them look like Nancy Pelosi or any other politician or celebrity and have a cathartic release by having the other MK characters beat them into grease spots. I’d buy it.
    #18. Superman isn’t gay. He’s just really really frustrated. There’s only 4 women on earth he could possibly have sex with without killing them and one’s his cousin, one’s an underage virgin and the other two are probably lesbians. Consult Larry Niven’s classic article, ‘Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex’.

  12. Not so sure about putting Batman in a Mortal Combat game, but putting Aquaman in the next one would be a stroke of genius! Just think, we’d be high fiving each other and saying weird things like “Aquaman totally just laid the smack down on Scorpion!” Of course, saying something as ludicrous as that might rip a hole in the fabric of space time and have some rather unpleasant bizzaro-world-like side effects, but hey – no guts, no glory! Am I right? Who’s with me?

  13. So it’s now official.
    It started as a joke, but the marketing guys loved it apparently. So they are making this game.
    Unfortunately, they have severe restrictions with the license agreement, and may not be able to put Superman in the game.
    I wanted to burn someone in half with laser vision… 🙁

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