Not All of Obama’s Friends Are Lawyers

Hamas, the terrorist organization and sometimes contributor to Obama’s church’s bulletin (not making that up, dude), has endorsed Barack Obama. I’m guessing hearing that Obama associates with unrepentant terrorists made that an easy decision.
Obama really needs to merge his radical side with his elitist liberal side. He should form a New New Black Panthers that fights for black superiority by holding wine-tasting events and independent film fesitvals.
No decently priced arugula, no peace!

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  1. If the government can afford billions to kill innocent freedom fighters in Iraq and Palestine, it can afford Birkenstocks for protesters strugging to get by on foodstamps and incense sales. Free speech is a right too, you know.
    Close Gitmo and use the savings to fund fine arts summer projects, so children don’t grow up to be bitter freedom fighters, but Hopey lawyers.

  2. To #4 Jimmy
    You would think so. However since the almighty Barak, may his glorious name stand for Golden Hope for the Chance of Change always bring light and illumination to the dark places, Obama is a God, it would be blasphemy for the MSM to even mention this little tidbit of fact. Anyone who even thinks it is guilty of a thought crime, and labeled as a racist.

  3. What’s arugula?
    AlexK — it is a “veg – it – able”
    As a person of Italian ancestry, allI can add is
    As a kid I ate this stuff because it was cheap and good. Now, because mommy and daddy sent you all to Florence for junior year you come back here and buy all our food up, and you can’t even pronounce the names correctly.

  4. Posted by #3 “P.S. What’s arugula?”
    Its a green, (lettuce like) they use it in salads alot, it has a spicy/peppery flavor.
    ……….and No. 7, nice My Blue Heaven reference!!!

  5. If being endorsed by the New York Times wasn’t the kiss of death for mccain, why should being endorsed by Hamas be the kiss of death for o’bummer?
    #7: On my list of best comments ever. I expect lots of other people have wanted to say the same thing about black eyed peas, green chiles, and grits.

  6. Jimmy, two questions.
    1. Are you really surprised at this endorsement?
    2. Are you really surprised this in NOT the kiss of death?
    Let’s see;
    Obama’s a member of a church that preaches hate against not just the country but anyone who is not a member of their special group.
    His wife is ashamed of her country, and all their friend are lawyers.
    Angry, bitter, middle class Americans cling to God and their weapons to handle their frustrations. As if the only reason to cling to God is you don’t like Liberal whack jobs?
    He has had and still has a personal relationship with a homegrown, hometown TERRORIST. Not just a terrorist but an unrepentant terrorist, someone who think he didn’t do enough bombing of federal buildings et al.
    He is the darling of the media and the Hollyweird left.
    Oprah (the smartest, most generous, most talented, most (add your personal sycophantic label here) woman in the known universe) has anointed him Emperor forever so what’s the problem?
    Gee, I really don’t even know how the endorsement got into the MSM in the first place. Must have been a misspeak.

  7. #13 –
    I note that you got your computabulator fixed! And there’s a number three in your life, All good.
    Regarding the Hamas “kiss of death” on Obama :
    1. To be embraced by an organization that specializes in death is surely the proverbial “kiss of death.”
    2. In a healthy society, news of such endorsement WOULD cause political rejection, if not serious alarm.
    Thus my use of the phrase “GOT to be.” But surprised? Nah… I learned long ago that the country does not operate with my value system.

  8. It’s really hard to have a value system while it is being dismantled brick by brick and by the very people charged with upholding it never the less. Between the media and entertainment whores its amazing we have any values left at all.
    #16 I already knew the answer (for you anyway) but the questions needed to asked, and the facts set out. I already know you’re one smart cookie.

  9. And actually, seanmahair, I knew you knew my reasoning but appreciated the opportunity to lay it out like a logician would. Me smart? Nay, just a stubborn guy who’s easily amused. Guys like Socrates and Harvey are smart. Oh, and Frank. His sense of humor is actually over most of our heads. 🙂

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