Out of the Shadows

Have you seen Karl Rove now that he’s a pundit on on FOX News? He’s kind of goofy but amiable. A couple times I’ve seen him bring a visual aide like a piece of paper with a graph on it that he printed out himself or a little white board on which he scribbled some numbers. He just needs to wear a bow tie to complete his look as a total policy geek. It’s hard to believe that liberals think this is the guy who has been secretly rounding up dissenters at Gitmo and harvesting their souls to fuel his warbot death machine.
Then again, liberals do keep mysteriously disappearing, and soldiers in Cuba keep reporting that they hear strange mechanical howling out in the woods.


  1. I really enjoy Karl Rove on Fox. What did he do before joining Fox? Was he on MSNBC or some other conservative right-wing mouthpiece for corporate greed? (Hello, GE anyone?)
    And what does MSNBC have to do with Gitmo? Those right-wing chickenhawk mouthpieces don’t care about the U.S. citizens being tortured there and with hardly anything good on TV. You really should try to stay on track Frank, and stop wandering from topic to topic.

  2. What better disguise for the Master of Evil? Who would believe that a “policy geek” could be the mastermind of all of the evil that exists in the 21st century.
    After all the Master of Evil should look like, oh I don’t know, Jack Nicholson or Christopher Walkin or Christopher Lee even. Now those are some scary characters.

  3. All part of the clever ruse by the master! When the hooded figure slides back into the shadows it transforms into the “policy geek” as a foot soldier in Rush’s Operation Chaos before transforming back into the Lord of Darkness and Evil Upon Everything Liberal!
    When the election is over and the Democratic Party lies in a tattered ruins upon the landscape and leftwing whack jobs are seen feasting on the dead corpses of liberal politicians, consultants and focus groups — The Hood shall savor it’s Victory…Muwah cough – cough…oh yea, we will be left with John McCain in charge! Drats, foiled again!

  4. as if… that person shown on Fox is really Karl Rove.
    he is sharing a bunker with Cheney, both kept alive by infusions of puppy and kitten shakes.
    oh the naivete of fox viewers
    don’t fear the conspiracies around you – EMBRACE them

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