Petraeus Testimony

I was watching General Petraeus on TV laying out quite plainly how things are in Iraq and what improvements have been made and what still needs to be done, and I was thinking that any American should be like, “Yay! Let’s keep up our troops’ hard work! Let’s win!” But Democrats are never like that. Even when victory looks really possible, they want to find some option that involves at least a marginal amount of failure. Why is that? I wonder if Democrats were scared by victory as children and still have an irrational fear of it to this day.
And why do they hate America and its troops? Did they feel America just got more attention growing up and they’ve always held a deep-seated resentment? Whatever it is, Democrats need to get over themselves and let America win. I’m not saying Democrats need to love America, but I don’t think Republicans should have any dealing with them unless they at least recognize America’s right to exist.

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  1. Harry Reid was always picked last to play kick ball.
    Nancy Pelosi couldn’t get a date on Sadie Hawkins Day.
    Obama thought ‘The Hood” was a part of his sweatshirt.
    Hillary was asked to quit the chess club because she was too “goofy” looking.
    Yup, Frank….I think you’re on to something.

  2. It’s a childhood regressive response. They feel like Uncle Sam didn’t hug them enough. The truth is Democrats are basically just teenage girls with self-esteem issues; That’s why they engage in self destructive behavior, try to get others to do the same & will let any other country sleep with them on the first date.
    And that, my friend, is the real inconvenient truth. Al Gore, Mikey Moore, John Murtha, Rosie O’Donnell: they’re all just mopey little fat girls trapped in men’s bodies.

  3. Howsatmoon is onto something.
    Dick Durbin really wanted to be named Vagina.
    Ted Kennedy was captain of the swim team.
    Barney Frank heard “Uncle Sam wants YOU!” and was upset that there wasn’t a real uncle involved.
    William Jefferson (D-LA) kept his “lunch money” in the freezer.
    Hmmm, I think I’m not very good at this.

  4. Al Gore was the dork without a car.
    Rosie O’Donnell sat the linebacker who scored on the wrong goal.
    Hillary Rodham was the girl who knew her daddy was always trying to screw her friends.
    Harry Reid got turned down by all the cute girls, and had the fatty girlfriend he tried to claim was just a friend.

  5. Or you decide that you want to be some dick-head political type and you look around and there seems to be a great many really really really stupid people who buy this left wing tripe so you decide to start selling!

  6. I’m John McCain and I would just like to apologize for all these mean-spirited commenters who denigrate my good Democrat friends on the other side of the aisle. Like me, you should all promise to lead respectful campaigns on all your socalled blogs. But I wouldn’t dignify most blogs with a comment! Anyone who doesn’t understand my position on immigration, freedom of speech, campaign finances, support for non-conservative Republican candidates across our great nation, my friends, can just go stick their head in Uranus.

  7. More than anything, it’s sad that the Dems look at things that way. They seem to be invested in military failure in Iraq, as they believe it will translate into political victory for them at home. But don’t Americans hate losers? Sigh…I guess I’ll never understand.

  8. This is a common conflict with liberals called, Ideology versus reality.
    On 9-11 there was stark reality. 3000 people dead in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania. Everyone in the US was united because the simple fact was we did nothing to deserve this.
    But the liberal mind never stops there. They had to understand why someone would do this. This was an evil only capable by the Bush Administration and other white people. So they bought the Koran and read a couple pages. Make up some geo-political crap to explain the terrorists hatred for us. Anything to understand the actions of the mentally deranged.
    Then it gets worse for them. Some people don’t need a reason why people are evil. Those people (Neo Cons) are going to make sure anyone who would try to do us harm was going to get taken down hard. “Oh no! Not war!!! War is bad!!” Thinks the feeble liberal mind. So they come up with crap to justify stopping the war.
    Their mind tells them we needed a declaration of war to invade Iraq. Their mind ignores that we never ended the first gulf war, and we still had a right to go in and clean house If Saddam didn’t follow the cease fire agreement. Which he didn’t.
    Liberals whine since we never found a canister of Anthrax with Saddam’s name on it there never were Weapons of mass destruction, Ignoring extensive documentation to Iraq’s weapons program. Plus numerous other weapons violations. (Jets that fly by remote controlled, Missiles that fire 200km instead of the mandated 20km, Troop strength. Shooting at American plains in the no fly zone.)
    Then the surge was working. Liberal’s perception was that the whole invasion was a complete and utter failure. So the MSM couldn’t do big stories on Iraq, because currently their perception is wrong.
    Now we have General Petreaus in front of the Senate. The only criticism to prove their perception isn’t wrong is the flare up in Basra. Ignoring the fact that this was a British controlled city, not American. The city fell into chaos because the British gave in to public opinion back home and pulled out prematurely. But the liberal mind still believes it’s possible for us to pull out of Iraq prematurely and the country will be fine, because that is what their perception tells them.
    Michael Savage is right. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  9. Or you decide that you want to be some dick-head political type and you look around and there seems to be a great many really really really stupid people who buy this left wing tripe so you decide to start selling!
    #6 – Posted by: ussjimmycarter on April 8, 2008 02:04 PM
    Like Brother Al’s Travellin’ Salvation Show, running around selling carbon credits to all the dims overwhelmed by their guilt over globull warming.

  10. Understanding democrats is the second great mystery of the world. Only second to understanding women. I much prefer women, though, because republican women act adultish whereas all democrats have no backbone and act childish. How do I know? I dated a woman who was a democrat but told me she was a republican. Just to not “cause conflict.” I still today cannot believe I dated a democrat…ewww, big shudder lol.

  11. I understand that Petraeus was told by Pelosi and Reid before he testified that he should not be too positive in his assessment. Why the heck should he testify if they already have their minds made up no to hear any truth from him? Damn progressive socialists.

  12. I saw a bit of the Haughty John F’n Kerry asking the General questions. If I was Petraeus, it would be impossible for me to first call Kerry a coward, a liar and a traitor and then I would need to get up from my chair and go Bitch Slap the former “War Hero” several times,

  13. Being a former wimp, I can speak from experience. Liberals are scared. Of everything. Bullies. Skill sports. Girls. Showering after PE. Prom night. Bored jocks.
    So these retards carry that baggage with them throughout their cushy, pampered lives and never have to man up like us low class mo-fos; who worked blue collar jobs, enlisted in the military, raised families on a friggin’ shoestring, fighting tooth and nail for everything we earn. Yeah, I was a wimp. Bt I grew the hell up. I worked my arse off to get where I am now. These Perfumed Princesses have no damn clue aqbout anything.

  14. Who keeps letting these creepy damn protestors into the hearing rooms? I bet they’d be able to keep them out if they were caught carrying an American flag or a copy of the 10 Commandments. Looks like a Soviet show trial, except they haven’t started torturing the accused into confessions before the trial starts. Yet.

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