Pumped Up and Ready to Punch White People

Zo has a new video on Jeremiah Wright:
Black & White on the Grey Matters (Jermiah Wright)
I’m seeing him and Mary Katharine Ham as a new generation of pundits. Unfortunately, that’s an area where in the traditional media change moves very slowly.


  1. Holy crap. That was incredible.
    Please, PLEASE, if any RNC member is reading this – if Obama is the candidate, book this man as a keynote at the Republican National Convention in prime time. He managed to do the speech on race that Obama is credited with giving by MSNBC, who spend the following TWO HOURS saturating the airwaves with praise for his “best since ‘I Have a Dream’ speech”. NO, kiddies – THIS is the best since MLK.

  2. This guy is great. He should have a regular spot on some show – like MKH appears on O’Reilly weekly.
    Too bad Dennis Miller doesn’t still have his HBO show – they’d be dynamite together.

  3. An obvious example of what Michelle, Barack and Jeremiah are talking about. Had this poor soul been properly educated in Princeton, Yale or Harvard he would realize that the MAN has been keeping him down and had brainwashed him.
    Great stuff, this guy should be all over the internet. Pass it on!

  4. OH MY!! this guy is wonderful! he totally speaks the truth! I couldn’t have said it better myself! he is my Hero!! we need someone like this running for president of our country! I would vote for him haha if I was old enough! you rock!

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